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CEO and Commissioners Roundtable Event

Engage in dialogue on health engagement, explore social care workforce opportunities, technology usage, integrated care partnership, recruitment vision. Date of next meeting, networking lunch, local showcase.

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CEO and Commissioners Roundtable Event

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  1. CEO and Commissioners Roundtable Event 22 November 2018 Village Hotel, Warrington @sfc_northwest @skillsforcare

  2. Welcome Sue McMillan, Skills for Care Board Member Chair To engage organisations and commissioners in dialogue on engaging with the new world in health. To discuss areas of opportunity for the social care workforce Introduction

  3. Housekeeping

  4. Programme Provider perspective – use of technology Working together in an integrated care partnership A vision for recruitment across a sub region Table discussions Date of next meeting Networking lunch

  5. Local Showcase Mark Ward CEO Borough Care Use of technology and its links to quality improvement

  6. Skills for CareRound Table Dr Mark Ward Chief Executive Borough Care

  7. Mobile Care Monitoring Person Centred Software: • Care App. (Handheld input) • Activities App. (ALFs) • Care Monitoring & Planning (Management) • Relatives Gateway • Group Reporting

  8. Care App. Handheld Input: • Easy-to-use • Saves each carer an hour a day on paperwork • Increases volume of care records • Gives carers and nurses information at the point of care • Designed with non-native speakers of English, dyslexic, and non-IT literate people in mind • Removes the need to chase care and nursing staff • Secure log in and care notes can not be voided by the person who entered them or be entered retrospectively

  9. Activities App. ALFs: • Activities given the same importance as careActivities information is visible for care workers, feeds in to the manager’s monitoring system and informs care plans. Helps to focus on appropriate, person-centred care. • More time spent on activities with residentsActivities can be scheduled and evidenced on the App for multiple service users as a group. • Provides valuable insightsElectronic recording provides more transferable information, e.g. residents’ location during activities can evidence time spent outdoors every day.

  10. Care Monitoring & Planning Back Office • Managers and senior staff have the information they need (live) at all times • Charts and reports updated automatically • Information is automatically fed between risk assessments, initial assessment and care plans • Evidence of care feeds into care plans • Care quality in groups easily auditable by senior managers • Gives valuable insights into how care quality can be improved • Retrieving and sharing information with multidisciplinary teams is quick and easy

  11. Activities (Monthly)

  12. Care Story

  13. Nutrition

  14. Relatives Gateway • Easy to keep in touch with family and friends of service users, around the world • Promotes transparent care practices • Photos and messages shared though a social network to keep family involved in care • Less scrutiny and complaints from family members • Care plan reviews can be signed electronically by relatives with power of attorney • Family members can see records, charts and analysis giving them peace of mind • Ability to see information and give access controlled by care home manager • Flexible system with the ability to only share information that the care home feels is appropriate

  15. thank you

  16. Table Discussions What are the top 3 things you need to consider when getting started on your journey to becoming a digital organisation? What skills do you and you workforce need to have?/ Are your staff digitally mature? Technology is it for you?

  17. Digital Resources https://www.skillsforcare.org.uk/Leadership-management/managing-a-service/digital-skills/working-digitally.aspx

  18. Local Showcase Simon Kenton Programme Director Warrington Together & Michael Sheppard CEO Warrington Community Living Warrington Together – working together in an integrated care partnership

  19. “What are the criteria for success in supporting commissioners and providers working together on systems leadership and integration?” North West CEO and Commissioners Roundtable 22nd November 2018

  20. Presentation • Assumptions • What is Warrington Together? • Complex Adaptive Systems • Learning from other sectors • Voice of the People • Sharing our learning • Peoples’ voice

  21. Governance structure

  22. Complex Adaptative Systems A good many jokes and cautionary tales were being told about families who were being visited by half a dozen or more social workers. A family might have dealings with representative of the children’s department, the health department and with social workers attached to the housing and education departments of the same local authority. The family which found itself so unable to cope with the complexities and stresses of modern life that it required all these services was the very family upon which the additional burden of co-ordinating them and of sorting out the possibly conflicting advice should not have been thrust. Seebohn Report. Committee of Personal and Allied Social Services Cmd 3703 (1968) NHS post Lansleyfootball team organised in such a way that the defender, midfielder and forwards have to contract with one another for a certain number of tackles, saves, passes and goals according to the general plan set out by the manager, even though the money comes from the same source: the club and ultimately the fans. To make things more complicated, on match days, fans are encouraged to swap their tickets for another game at another stadium. James Meek, NHS SOS London Review of Books (2018)

  23. Examples from another sector - retail • “It’s not just about taking the specifications of all the products and getting the cheapest price,” says Bestford. “It’s about working with the supplier resource pool and stakeholders in the business to really think about the business’ needs, and delivering even greater customer experience and greater value.” Following a change of procurement approach from ‘we’re in charge and know best’ to partnering John Lewis Partnership achieved 20% saving in procurement costs, are bucking the trend on high street losses and have just been given 6th place (biggest retailer) in Which top ten on-line retailers report with a 90% satisfaction score Paul Bestford, CPO for GNFR procurement at John Lewis and Waitrose

  24. Examples from another sector - retail • The Waitrose Small Producers' Charter sets out our policy towards developing working relationships with potential suppliers. • We take the long term view and will work with producers to help them reach their objectives, not just ours. We do not want to dilute the integrity or quality of their products. • We guarantee that our producers can enter partnerships with us in full confidence, founded firmly upon integrity and trust. • Only by working together with the right producers and best quality produce, can we build consumer confidence and celebrate the rich variety and splendour of our country's food

  25. Voice of the People • “When I get on a plane, there is a lounge, passport control, security, air traffic controllers- lots of separate organisations. But what I experience in health is a trip from A to B. In health and social care what most people experience is a A to Z, B-Z etc having to repeat their stories each time”. • “My family wants to feel that their care is co-ordinated, that the professionals and services they meet join up around them, that they are known where they go, that they do not have to explain themselves every single time, and, therefore, that their records are available and visible”.

  26. Reflections • Leadership • Sense of Place…Civic engagement • Develop a compelling narrative • Culture eats strategy for breakfast • Emphasise neutrality, Be badge-less • Commissioners, Providers and People co-producing innovation • Its complicated. Only connect • Hold the ring – don’t rush to organisational solutions or exclude partners • Collective of the willing regularly going beyond the call of duty • Involve people with lived experience to galvanise, drive , design and deliver • Be courageous, curious and consistent • Create a social movement 27

  27. “No society has the money to buy, at market prices, what it takes to raise children, make a neighbourhood safe, care for the elderly, make democracy work or address systemic injustices. The only way the world is going to address social problems is by enlisting the very people who are now classified as ‘clients’ and ‘customers’ and converting them into co-workers, partners and rebuilders of the care economy”. Professor Edgar Cahn, US-based Civil Rights lawyer and founder of Timebanks (2007)

  28. Table Discussions What are the criteria for success in supporting commissioners, people and providers working together on systems leadership and integration? What are your thoughts…

  29. Integration Resources https://www.skillsforcare.org.uk/Leadership-management/managing-a-service/integration/integration.aspx Care Co-ordination

  30. BREAK

  31. Local Showcase Jo Finnerty Workforce Lead Social Care & Michelle Featherstone Workforce & Education Transformation lead Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership A vision for recruitment across a North West sub region

  32. Greater Manchester Integrated Health and Care Careers Hub Jo Finnerty and Michelle Featherstone

  33. The Greater Manchester Context – Health and Social Care Transformation The Adult Social Care Transformation Programme sits within a broader health and social care transformation programme:

  34. GM NHS Careers Hub – current position The Greater Manchester NHS Careers & Engagement Hub was launched 3 years ago as a initiative aimed at improving the information and support available to people who are looking for careers opportunities in the NHS throughout the region. Funded at the time by Health Education England as part of their widening participation strategy hosted by Manchester NHS Foundation Trust.

  35. Engagement with Stakeholders

  36. But limitations to existing service and function Too much focus on NHS with limited careers pathways opportunities . Lack of expertise and knowledge of social care to fully integrate with limited opportunities No current offer to hard to reach groups for people with mental illness or learning disabilities No programmes reach education and career pipeline across health and social care sectors Current website platform has limited capacity and space to fully integrate a ambitious digital model Internal competition between Providers to recruit to hard to fill roles

  37. The Concept of a Single Careers Gateway Service 1 Skills for Care were commissioned to specify a blueprint for a future design, and commenced consultation with stakeholders across health and social care in February 2018. Focussing on the current state of GM Careers Hub, development opportunities, options appraisal analysis and longer terms sustainability. • The Single Careers Gateway Service: • Was welcomed by those interviewed, but only if it complemented what was happening at a locality level • Should have an online presence • Should also have a physical presence • Should continue the work of the Careers Hub in getting into schools and colleges • Must have a strong brand that will both give it a clear identity, and be attractive to those it is seeking to engage • Must be clearly branded for both health and social care • The service is currently out to tender to identify a host organisation beyond April 2019

  38. Design Principles of the Single Careers Gateway Service 2 • Needs to demonstrate that it offers value for money to all stakeholders.

  39. Development of the Careers Hub to form a Single Careers Gateway Service 3

  40. Careers Service Support Links with Employers Careers Service Resources Integrated Health and Care Careers Hub is Coming • Recruitment and Job Fairs • Work Experience – I want to be days. • System mapping – Roles and Competencies • Employer presentations – Team Together Approaches • Community engagements events are the heart of the communities • Social inclusion Integrated Health and Care Ambassador Scheme • Virtual Classroom and VR Experiences • Face to face advice and support • CV and interview practice workshops • Lunchtime mini clinics • Career development guides and factsheets • Health and Care experts on hand – Job Applications • Role and Career Myth busting • Digital Innovation – Simulation and VR Experiences • Comprehensive website accessible to all. • Access to health and care vacancies • Reference Library – High quality digital pathways • Video and Skype Advice • Facebook/Blog social networks • Latest digital innovation environments • On-line national and local recruitment campaigns

  41. National Recruitment Campaign

  42. National Recruitment Campaign Aims of the campaign Advertising – methods and messages Pilots Roll Out – Campaign Toolkit and how you can help?

  43. Table Discussions If we had a national recruitment campaign how would you like to see this delivered in the North West? How might this work across each STP footprint? What do we have already that we can build on/link to? https://www.skillsforcare.org.uk/Careers-in-care/Think-Care-Careers.aspx https://www.skillsforcare.org.uk/Recruitment-retention/Recruitment-and-retention.aspx Are we ready for a national recruitment campaign?

  44. Reflections What one thing will you take away from today to action? Who wishes to help us plan future events? What topics would you like to see? Please leave on a post it note and add to flipchart on way to lunch Activity – Christine Burkett, Head of Area – North West

  45. Reflections Chair Date of next meeting: TBC – 23 May 2019 Closing Comments

  46. LUNCH

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