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When Lightning Struck: Surviving an Air Crash

Explore a compelling story of courage and humanity during a harrowing airplane experience. Learn valuable safety tips and witness acts of kindness that occurred in the face of danger.

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When Lightning Struck: Surviving an Air Crash

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  1. UNIT 7 text I When Lightning Struck

  2. Contents Pre-reading questions Background information Structure analysis Comprehension questions Language points of Text I Exercises Comprehension of Text II vocabulary

  3. Text I When Lightning Struck Pre-reading questions Have you read anything about an air crash before? How did it strike you?

  4. TW China Airlines( 07.8.20)

  5. aircrash

  6. Background information (1) Urgent rescue of airplane crash 1.Aviation contingency is most possible to happen 6 minutes after takeoff and 7 minutes before landing, which is called " 13 terrible minutes ". Statistics shows that 65% of the accidents happen within these 13 minutes. So passengers should take the plane on request and fasten the safety belt before taking off

  7. Background information (2) Confirm the distance and route between one's own seat and nearby emergency exit after boarding. Passengers must know how to open the urgent door. Heavy and hard luggage overhead must be moved near the foot.If accidents happen, bend over or creep to emergency exit .   

  8. While-reading activities 1. Comprehension of Text I 2.Text Structure (divide the text into 4 parts)

  9. Chronological order: The actions are presented mainly in the order of their occurrence, following the natural time sequence of the happenings.

  10. Text structure Part I (Para.1-4) Part II (Para.5-9) Part III (Para. 10-12) Part IV (Para.13-14)

  11. Text Analysis: Part II Part III Part IV Main idea ? These four paragraphs are introductory paragraphs, telling us about the setting and the unexpected happening, and introducing some main characters, of whom the writer is one. Part I (Para.1-4) Comprehension questions 1).What do you know about the girl who was seating beside the author? 2).Why did the young businessman look worried? 3). What did the pilot decide to do? 下一页

  12. 1).What do you know about the girl who was seating beside the author? A 1. she is from a small town in east Texas, and this was only her second time on an airplane. She had won a trip to England by competing in a high school geography bee and was supposed to make a connecting flight when the plane landed in Newark. 2).Why did the young businessman look worried? A2: Because he knew that there was something wrong with the plane, which was showing signs of a terrible tragedy. 3). What did the pilot decide to do? A3: The pilot decided to make an emergency landing in New Orleans.

  13. 3). What did the pilot decide to do? A3: The pilot decided to make an emergency landing in New Orleans.

  14. Text Analysis: Part I Part III Part IV Main idea ? These paragraphs narrate and delineate the feelings, thoughts, an actions of the writer, the acts of kindness of the glamorous young woman and the behavior of other fellow passengers on the plane when they were faced with the dangerous situation. Part II (Para.5-9) Comprehension questions 1).How did the writer reassure the high school girl? 2).How did the glamorous young woman comfort the writer? 3) Why did the writer feel proud of her fellow passengers? 上一页

  15. 1).How did the writer reassure the high school girl? A 1. The writer reassured her that they were going to make it. “ What a story you’re going to tell when you get home!” she said. “ After this, London’s going to seem like small potatoes.” 2).How did the glamorous young woman comfort the writer? A 2. The glamorous young woman across the aisle reached over when she saw how scared the writer was. Holding tightly the writer’s hand with her ringed hand, the young woman confided in her southern drawl, “ I tell you, the problems I brought up on this plane with me don’t seem real big right now.” . “Are you okay?” she kept asking the writer. 3) Why did the writer feel proud of her fellow passengers? A 3. During those excruciating 20 minutes everybody on board was behaving admirably well. No one panicked. No one screamed. As they jolted and screeched their way downward, the writer could hear small pockets of soothing conversation everywhere. That was why she felt so proud of her fellow passengers.

  16. Text Analysis: Part I Part II Part IV Main idea ? These Paragraphs tell the readers what the passengers saw and did after they landed safely. Comprehension questions Part III (Para.10-12) 1). How did the passengers react to their safe landing? 2). What acts of kindness were done after the safe landing? 3). What had the writer’s husband been complaining about? 上一页 下一页

  17. 1). How did the passengers react to their safe landing? A 1. After they landed safely, the passengers felt greatly relieved, thinking that they were fortunate enough. They clung together. The chatted about the lives they now felt blessed to be living, as difficult or rocky as they might be. 2). What acts of kindness were done after the safe landing? A 2 . After the safe landing, the young businessman lamented that he did not have a chance to buy his tow little girls a present. An older woman offered him a box of chocolates. The writer’s glamorous aisle mate passed her cell phone to anyone who wanted to make a call to hear the reassuring voice of a loved one. 3). What had the writer’s husband been complaining about? A3. The writer’s husband had been complaining that he wasn’t getting to see very much of his wife because of her book tour.

  18. Text Analysis: Part I Part II Part III Main function? These paragraphs constitute the last part of this story. Comprehension questions 1).Why does the writer sometimes look up at an airplane? 2). For what is the writer indebted to her fellow passengers? 3). What is the most important thing the writer thinks she ought to do? Part IV (Para.13-14)

  19. 1).Why does the writer sometimes look up at an airplane? A 1. Because an airplane flying in the sky reminds the writer of her unusual and unforgettable experience which she experienced on that fateful, lucky flight. 2). For what is the writer indebted to her fellow passengers? A 2. The writer is indebted to her fellow passengers for the many acts of kindness that she witnessed and received. 3). What is the most important thing the writer thinks she ought to do? A 3. The writer thinks what is most important is to make known such nice fellow passengers and their fine deeds and to pass on their kindness from generation to generation, this is also the writer’s purpose of writing this story.

  20. Language points Oh Lord, this is it!: This short sentence is italicized in the text, showing what the writer was thinking about at the moment. Lordis an expression of surprise, fear, worry, etc. in such collocations as “ Oh lord!” and “ Good Lord!” Good Lord, how amazing! (show surprise) Oh lord, I forgot it! ( showing annoyance and worry) … this is it !:This is the critical juncture!/ This is the most important moment at which I have to make up my mind!

  21. Language points Swerve: to turn aside or be turned aside from a straight course. 小汽车为了避开这只狗急忙转向。 The car swerved to avoid the dog.

  22. As I lunged toward my seat… Lunge: sudden forward movement of the body to make a sudden thrust or pass突然刺或戳。 一个疯子挥舞着刀子向她刺来。 A mad man lunged at her with a knife.

  23. Language points 1.Slamming jolt: a sudden jarring or jerking with great force and sometimes noise, as from a heavy blow or an abrupt movement. Jolt: to move or dislodge with a s sudden, hard blow, strike heavily or jarringly 他用一记重拳猛击对手 He jolted his opponent with a heavy punch.

  24. Words and expressions Slam:if a door, gate etc slams, or if someone slams it, it shuts with a loud noise [= bang] slam something down/against/onto Henry slammed the phone down angrily. slam on the brakes to make a car stop very suddenly by pressing the brakes very hard slam the door in somebody's face

  25. Stricken expression : An expression as if affected by sth. overwhelmingly, such as disease, trouble, or painful emotions Stricken: struck or wounded, as by a projectile 被打中的,遭殃的,患病的 一只受伤的鹿 a stricken deer 受贫困的折磨 Be stricken by poverty Make a connecting flight: Change or transfer to another flight that carries one to one’s destination.

  26. The laptop was put away Put away: put sth in its normal place 小男孩吃完晚饭后把食品在橱柜里放好 The boy put the food away in the cupboard after he finished his dinner. Pull oneself together: to control oneself

  27. “I tell you”, she confided Confide: to tell (sth) in confidence 倾诉,委托,信赖 一天晚上他到我家来向我吐露他曾经坐过5年牢 One evening he came and confided to me that he had spent five years in prison. During those excruciating 20 minutes Excruciating: intensely painful; agonizing 使苦恼的, 使人极为痛苦的;烦恼的。

  28. 飞机没到,这使他很烦恼 The plane didn’t arrive, which made him excruciating. He had died peacefully, as if not to alarm any of them about an experience they would all have to go through someday. As if 1. 视乎,仿佛 她看起来似乎是冰做的。 Shelooked as if she were made of ice.

  29. 看起来会议没完没了 It seemed as if the meeting would never end. Go through 1. To suffer; experience 2. To pass, grant 通过,批准 你应该通过官方渠道而不是通过私人关系寻求帮助。

  30. You should go through the official channels to get help instead of through private relationship I am indebted to my fellow passengers and wish I could pay them back. Indebted: morally, socially, or legally obligated to another; beholden有义务的,道德、社会或法律上有义务偿还某人的,感激的 我十分感激一直如此努力工作的全体员工。 I’m indebted to all the staff who have been working so hard.

  31. Pay back: to pay off, pay out, serve out报复,报答。 你的这番好意我该怎么报答呢? How can I pay you back for all your kindness? 我十分感激一直如此努力工作的全体员工。 I’m indebted to all the staff who have been working so hard.

  32. Scramble:to climb up, down, or over something quickly and with difficulty, especially using your hands to help you They tried to scramble up the cliff. to struggle or compete with other people to get or reach something 他们都争先恐后抢购廉价货 They were all scrambling to get the bargins. scramble an egg (用牛奶和黄油炒鸡蛋)

  33. Scrambled egg

  34. 我很快爬上峭壁,以便饱览大海的景色。 I scrambled up the cliff for a better look at the sea. if a military plane scrambles, it goes up into the air very quickly in order to escape or to attack an enemy climb上 crawl 慢 scramble 急

  35. Laptop: a small computer that you can carry with you Palmtop: a very small computer that you can hold in your hand

  36. vaguely 1) indistinctly in shape or form which is not clearly 模糊地 意大利国的形状像只靴子。 1.Italy vaguely resembles a boot. 他粗略地朝我的方向指了指. 2.He pointed vaguely in my direction. 2) described or expressed in a way or manner which is not clear. 含糊地,暧昧地 These clauses in the contract are rather vaguely worded.

  37. figure to form a particular opinion after thinking about a situation From the way he behaved, I figured that he was drunk. to calculate an amount: 我正在计算我的开销。 I'm just figuring my expenses. to understand why someone behaves in the way they do: Women. I just can't figure them out.

  38. an older man who you trust and respect Ken was a father figure to all of us. figure skating 花样滑冰 in single figures: a number below 10 Interest rates have stayed in single figures for over a year now. figure of speech

  39. After this, London’s going to seem like small potatoes. After this remarkable or extraordinary ride, your trip to London is going to seem like something insignificant. When you have experienced this unusual journey, you will find your visit to London less interesting and less exciting.

  40. big potato指大人物。small potato指小人物。同样的,something也可以表示类似的意思,如He is something.指他是个人物。He is nothing.指他是个小人物。(微不足道)

  41. 小人物, 不重要的事 small potatoes 终日懒散在家的人 couch potato 甘薯, 白薯 sweet [Spanish] potato 马铃薯, 土豆 white [Irish] potato 棘手的问题; 难对付的人 a hot potato 急忙抛弃; 尽快地断绝关系 drop like a hot potato 马 铃薯捣烂器 potato masher (爱尔兰旧时用来)垫碗的银圈 potato ring

  42. potato masher

  43. Potato ring

  44. glamorous attractive, pretty, beautiful, etc

  45. woman beautiful • good-looking • pretty • attractive • nice-looking • cute • gorgeous • glamorous • stunning • elegant • striking • lovely • ravishing • a woman of great beauty

  46. confide to tell someone you trust about personal things that you do not want other people to know confide to somebody that to give something you value to someone you trust so they look after it for you confide something to somebody confide in somebody

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