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School Advisory Councils Roles and Responsibilities. School Advisory Councils The Guiding Principles. Guiding Principles. The movement to establish school advisory councils is guided by the following principles:. Education is a shared responsibility.
School Advisory Councils Roles and Responsibilities
School Advisory Councils The Guiding Principles
Guiding Principles The movement to establish school advisory councils is guided by the following principles: • Education is a shared responsibility. • Student needs must be the first consideration for all decision making. • People at the local school level are in the best position to make decisions that truly meet the needs of students.
Guiding Principles The movement to establish school advisory councils is guided by the following principles: • Change must take into account the unique characteristics of each community. • Involving the community in improving the school will enhance the educational experience for students.
What is a School Advisory Council (SAC) A school advisory council is a legally recognized body composed of the principal and representatives of teachers and support staff, students, parents, and community members who work together in an advisory capacity to increase the quality of education being provided by the school. The fundamental purpose of the school advisory council is to ensure that all students receive the best possible learning opportunities by engaging all partners in an ongoing process of problem solving and shared decision making.
Education Act 1996
School Advisory Councils as Defined in The Education Act (1996) 20 (1) A school board shall establish a school advisory council for a public school where (a) eight or more parents of students attending the public school; (b) a home and school association, parent-teacher association or similar organization for the public school; or (c) the principal of the public school, requests, by a petition in writing to the school board, that a school advisory council be established for the school.
School Advisory Councils as Defined in The Education Act (1996) 20 (2) A school board may establish one school advisory council for more than one school where requested by the persons referred to in clause (1)(a) for each school. 20 (3) Upon the establishment of a school advisory council for a school pursuant to subsection (1), (a) subject to Section 21, the initial composition of the school advisory council shall be determined in the manner prescribed by the Minister; and (b) the school advisory council, the school board and the Minister shall enter into an agreement setting out, subject to this Act, the composition and responsibilities of the school advisory council pursuant to Section 22 and additional advisory duties, if any.
School Advisory Councils as Defined in The Education Act (1996) 20 (4) The school advisory council, the school board and the Minister may, from time to time, amend the agreement made pursuant to subsection (3). 20 (5) A school advisory council established pursuant to the former Act is continued in accordance with this Act and, for the purpose of this Act, is deemed to be established pursuant to this Act.
School Advisory Councils as Defined in The Education Act (1996) 21 (1) A school advisory council for a public school shall have at least five and not more than eighteen members consisting of (a) at least one parent of a child attending the school, elected by the parents of the children attending the school; (b) where the school is a school with students in grade seven or a higher grade, at least two students attending the school, elected by the students attending the school; (c) where the school is an elementary school, at least two students attending the school if the agreement made pursuant to subsection 20(3) so provides, elected by the students;
School Advisory Councils as Defined in The Education Act (1996) 21 (1) A school advisory council for a public school shall have at least five and not more than eighteen members consisting of (d) at least one person from the teachers employed at the school, elected by the teachers, and at least one person from the support staff employed at the school, elected by the support staff; (e) the principal of the school; and (f) at least one representative of the community in which the school is situated, appointed by the school advisory council or, where the school advisory council so determines, elected by the community.
School Advisory Councils as Defined in The Education Act (1996) 22 A school advisory council for a public school shall (a) after consultation with the staff of the school, develop and recommend to the school board a school improvement plan; (b) prepare an annual report in such form and containing such information as the Minister determines; (c) advise on the development of school policies that promote academic excellence and a positive learning environment; (d) advise the principal and staff of the school on curriculum and programs, school practices, student discipline, fund-raising and parent-school communication and similar matters;
School Advisory Councils as Defined in The Education Act (1996) 22 A school advisory council for a public school shall (e) advise the school board on curriculum and programs, student-support services, policy development, funding, communication strategies and similar matters; (f) participate in the selection of the principal of the school by representation on the school board’s selection committee; (g) subject to the approval of the school board, make by-laws respecting the election of its members, the conduct of its meetings and the operation of the school advisory council; and (h) perform such other duties and have such powers of the school board as the agreement made pursuant to subsection 20(3) provides and the Governor in Council transfers to the school advisory council pursuant to section 23.
Halifax Regional School Board Policy A.004
Halifax Regional School Board Policy A.004 1.0 GENERAL PRINCIPLES 1.1 The Board believes that education is a shared responsibility among parents/guardians (parents), staff, students, community members and government. 1.2 The participation of parents in the life of the school contributes to student learning and success. 1.3 Parents and community members have a right to information regarding the general operation of the school system. 1.4 Parents and community members deserve the opportunity to contribute to the review and development of the Board’s programs, services and policies. 1.5 Parents and leaders within our diverse community have an important role to play with regard to policy development and implementation at both the school level and the Board.
Halifax Regional School Board Policy A.004 2.0 GENERAL OBJECTIVES School Advisory Councils should function with the following general objectives in mind: 2.1 To place the overall interests of students first. 2.2 To advise the principal. 2.3 To help all parents and partners share responsibility for student success. 2.4 To enhance parent and community involvement. 2.5 To promote effective relationships among home, school and community. 2.6 To provide a forum for discussion on school success. 2.7 To help parents and community members share their views. 2.8 To promote positive attitudes towards public education.
Halifax Regional School Board Policy A.004 3.0 CODE OF ETHICS School Advisory Council members will: 3.1 Be non-judgmental, respect confidentiality, hold constructive discussions and reach decisions through consensus. 3.2 Respect the rights of students and Board employees. 3.3 Avoid discussions about individual persons. 3.4 Identify conflicts of interest. 3.5 Focus on school-wide issues in the best interest of the school and students.
School advisory councils will not: • Take on the role of the teacher, principal, support staff, or school board each of whom has professional and legal responsibilities • Be involved in the day-to-day professional management of the school • Allow special interest or single interest groups to dominate the agenda of the council • Hire, suspend, dismiss or discipline any employee of a school board
Halifax Regional School Board Policy A.004 5.0 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCILS 5.1 The School Advisory Council (SAC) shall play an advisory role to the principal and staff of the school. 5.2 Specific roles and responsibilities of an SAC shall conform to all of Sections 22 and 23 of the Education Act.. 5.3 The SAC will advise the principal and staff of school level issues related to curriculum and programs, school policies, ways and strategies to improve and support the extra-curricular program, fund-raising, and parent-school communication. 5.4 Each SAC after consultation with the staff and community of the school shall be responsible for developing a School Improvement Plan (SIP) at least once every four years with an annual update (review) each and every year.
Halifax Regional School Board Policy A.004 5.0 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCILS 5.5 SAC’s, through the Assembly of School Advisory Councils, will be requested to participate in the selection of the principal of the school by representation of the Selection Committee of the Board as per the Education Act and Board policy. 5.6 It is understood and agreed that senior staff of the School Administration Department or staff assigned by the Superintendent will consult with members of the School Advisory Council and the Board Member for the area prior to the assignment, through transfer or promotion, of the principal or vice-principal to the school, with reference to the School Profile Report and the requirements of the community as determined by the SAC.
Halifax Regional School Board Policy A.004 5.0 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCILS 5.7 The SAC or a committee of the SAC comprised of parents and/or community members shall form the “School Discipline Committee” in compliance with HRSB Policy-Code: B.013 as well as section 125(1)(b) of the Education Act. 5.8 The SAC, in consultation with the principal, will complete an Annual School Profile Report for the purpose of satisfying the requirements of the Board and to meet the requirements of Section 22(b) of the Education Act. 5.9 The Annual School Profile Report shall be considered the Annual Report for the purposes of complying with the requirements of the Education Act & Regulations respecting the SAC’s.
Halifax Regional School Board Policy A.004 5.0 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCILS 5.10 The SAC shall not be mandated nor expected to perform managerial or administrative duties that belong to the principal, teachers and support staff or to other school administrators and supervisory staff . 5.11 The SAC shall not have the power to hire, suspend, dismiss or discipline an employee of the Board. 5.12 From time to time, individual SAC’s will be encouraged to provide advice to the Board on matters of policy and similar matters.
Halifax Regional School Board Policy A.004 6.0 GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCILS 6.1 A General Assembly of SAC’s (the Assembly) will be established for the purpose of providing communication between each independent SAC and subsequently to provide advice to the Board on matters of: policy development, curriculum and programs, student-support services, funding, communication strategies and similar matters. 6.2 Training and in-service will be available to members of the General Assembly of School Advisory Councils and provided by the Board.
Halifax Regional School Board Policy A.004 7.0 PARENT CONCERN PROTOCOL 7.1 Consistent with the responsibility of the SAC to act in an advisory capacity to the principal, parents expressing concerns to the SAC will be referred to the Parent Concern Protocol for review and action.
Halifax Regional School Board Policy A.004 8.0 REVIEW OF SCHOOLS FOR POSSIBLE PERMANENT CLOSURE 8.1 If and when the Board identifies a school for review for possible permanent closure, the SAC will be requested by the Superintendent to serve as the Review Committee, consistent with the policy and procedures of the Board respecting the review of schools for permanent closure (A.002). 8.2 If and when the Board identifies schools or a designated areas of schools for review for possible permanent closure, the SAC will be invited by the Superintendent to appoint a representative of the SAC to the Review Committee.
Letter of Agreement
Letter of Agreement Definition: The purpose of the Letter of Agreement is to establish the terms and conditions of the Agreement among the Department of Education, the School Board and the School Advisory Council.
Halifax Regional School Board Policy A.004 4.3 Each SAC shall prepare a Letter of Agreement for submission to the Board and Department of Education for approval. 4.4 The Letter of Agreement will conform in all respects to the Board’s policies as well as the Department of Education’s policies and guidelines on racial, cultural and gender equity and will attempt to reflect in its SAC membership the diversity of the community that it serves. 4.5 Subsequent to the Board’s approval of the Letter of Agreement, the SAC shall ensure appropriate implementation of the agreement. 4.6 The SAC, the Board, and the Minister may, from time to time, amend the Letter of Agreement through mutual agreement.
Letter of Agreement Framework: • Duration • Structure • School Advisory Council Commitments • School Board Commitments • Department of Education Commitments • Signatures of 3 parties
Questions / Answers Role of the School Discipline Committee (link)