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Understanding Human Body Organization: A Comprehensive Guide

Explore the intricate levels of organization in the human body, from cells to organs to organ systems. Learn about tissues, organs, and how they collaborate to form an organism. Dive into the fascinating world of biochemistry to understand cellular functions.

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Understanding Human Body Organization: A Comprehensive Guide

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  1. Organization In The Body How do we sort it all out?

  2. But how do we organize it? The body is wonderful thing…

  3. Because we are multicellular organisms it’s very complex.

  4. What is the body fundamentally made of? ?

  5. Cells

  6. We can study the body at the cellular level. Cells are the first level of organization.

  7. Cells carry out their own “tasks” to ensure that the body as a whole continues to function

  8. In multicellular organisms, cells rarely work alone.

  9. Cells that are similar in structure and function are usually joined together to form tissues. Tissue is the second level of organization.

  10. Tissues There are four basic/major types of tissue in the human body: • Epithelial tissue • Muscle tissue • Connective tissue • Nerve tissue

  11. Epithelial Tissue This tissue covers and lines body surfaces, cavities and ducts. It can be recognized by the collections of regular, geometric shaped cells with prominent nuclei.

  12. Muscle Tissue Tightens and loosens itself to move other body parts

  13. Connective Tissue Connects and supports other parts of the body. Blood, bone, fat and cartilage are all examples of connective tissue.

  14. Nerve Tissue Carries messages back and forth between the brain and the rest of the body

  15. When a group of different types of tissue work together, they form an organ. Organs are the third level of organization.

  16. Here, several different types of tissue have separate jobs, but they all form one larger structure – an organ.

  17. Organs

  18. Just as cells act together in tissues, and tissues act together in organs, organs act together in organ systems. Organ systems are the fourth level of organization.

  19. Organ Systems Each organ in your body is part of an organ system, a group of organs that work together to perform a major function.

  20. Organ Systems

  21. All of the organ systems come together to form an organism. Organism is the fifth level of organization.

  22. Let’s review: 1st Level: Cells working together form 2nd Level: Tissues, which can form 3rd Level: Organs, which work together to form 4th Level: Organ Systems, which work together to form 5th Level: Organisms!

  23. There’s also one more level: Scientists are learning about how cells work by studying the chemical reactions that go on inside cells. This is the job of biochemists. They study the body at the biochemical level.

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