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UNIT 7. The Age of Discovery. Why were the discoveries made ?. They needed new trade routes to the East (1453 the Turks conquered Constantinople ) Technical advances improved navigation New maps : portulan charts
UNIT 7 TheAge of Discovery
Whywerethediscoveriesmade? • Theyneedednew traderoutestothe East (1453 theTurksconqueredConstantinople) • Technicaladvancesimprovednavigation • New maps: portulan charts • Navigationalinstruments: compass, astrolabe and quadrantweredeveloped • Shipswereimproved: caravels and so theycouldtravellongerdistances.
The caravel • Ithadexistedforhundreds of yearsbutwasmodified. • Ithadsquaresailsforspeed and triangular sailsformanoueuvre. • Ithadthreemasts • Lessthan 30 menformedthecrew • Therewere no oarsmen, so therewas more spacefor cargo -> longvoyageswerepossible • Theshipscarriedcannonstodefendthemselvesfrompirates and enemyships. http://nautarch.tamu.edu/shiplab/01George/index.htm
oars·man • ˈɔrz mən, ˈoʊrz-/ • –noun, plural -men. • a person who rows a boat, especially a racing boat; rower.
Whatwerethe new sea routes? • Portugueseexpeditions • 15th century, Portugal hadbeenlookingfor a new sea routetothe India aroundthecoast of Africa. Henry theNavigatororganisedvariousexpeditions. • The Madeira Islandswerediscovered in 1418, The Azores in 1431 • 1488 BartolomeuDiasroundedthe Cape of Good Hope at thesoutherntip of Africa • 1498 Vasco de Gama reached India Portugal created a greatempire and became a worldpower.
Spanish and Portuguese rivalry Thecrown of CastilewasPortugal’sbiggest rival in thesearch of new routesto India. CastiliansdecidedtosailwestacrosstheAltanticcircumnavigatingtheEarth.
Christopher Columbushttp://www.vernonkids.com/cedarmountain/4thgradelinks/columbus/columbus.htm • Genoesesailor (1451-1505) • He thoughttheworldwas round • TheCatholicMonarchsdecidedtofinancetheexpedition • On 3 August 1492 the Pinta, the Niña and the Santa María, leftthe Port of Palos de la Frontera (Huelva)
Thevoyage • Hiscalculationswerewrong, he thoughttheearthwassmaller • Thecrewcomplained • Theysawlandon 12 October 1492, theythoughttheyhadreached Capango (Japan) buttheyhadreached a new country latercalled “America” (1502 byAmericoVespucci, Italiansailor) • Juan de la Cosa 1500 drawthefirstmaponwhichAmericaappears ----- >
Columbus’ expeditions • He didfourexpeditions • Onthesecondvoyage, a fasterroutewasfound. • Onthesecond and thirdvoyage, Columbus exploredthecoast of Central and South America. • In 1504 he returnedtoSpain. • He died in 1506 convincedthat he hadreached India.
Magellan’sexpedition • In 1519, 5 boats and 250 sailorsleftSeville, captainedbyFerdinandMagellan. • Juan Sebastián Elcano washissecond-in-command. • Theirgoalwastofind a passagebetweentheAtlantic and PacificOceanstotheMoluccasorSpiceIslands in Asia. • 1520, theyfound a straitconnectingbothoceans, latercalledthe “Strait of Magellan” • TheysailedtothePhilippineswhereMagellanwaskilled in a fightwiththenatives and Elcano tookcommand.
Juan Sebastián Elcano • TheexpeditionsheadedfortheMoluccas, wheretheyloaded up valuablespices and then set sailforSpain. • In 1522, 18 men and oneship “Victoria” returned. • TheywerethefirsttocircumnavigatetheWorld and provethattheEarthwas round.
Maluku Islands (also known as the Moluccas, Moluccan Islands, the Spice Islands) are an archipelago that is part of Indonesia
Consequences of the discoveries • Portugal and Spaincreatedgreatoverseasempires. • UnexploredregionsweredividedbetweenSpain and Portugal topreventproblems: Treaty of Tordesillas, 1494. • Portugal recievedterritorieseast of the line: Africa, Asia and Brazil. • Castilerecivedterritorieswest of the line: most of theterritories in theAmericas.
European supremacy • Countries wanted to expand their territory and benefit from trade to exploit the resources of these continents. • This rivalry between European continents lasted for five centuries.
Progress in science • Developements in geography and Cartography: knowledge of theland and oceansbecame more accurate. • Developements in Sciences: many new plant and animal specieswerediscovered (potato, tomato, tobacco,…)
Potato The potato originated in the region of southern Peru. Potatoes were first domesticated in Peru between 3000 BC and 2000 BC. In the Altiplano, potatoes provided the principal energy source for the Inca Empire.
Tomato The word tomato comes from the Nahuatl word tomatl, literally "the swelling fruit“ (aztecs)
Cacao • The cacao tree is native to the Americas. It may have originated in the foothills of the Andes in the Amazon and Orinoco basins of South America. It was first cultivated by the Olmecs at least 1500 BC in Central America. • The cocoa bean was a common currency throughout Mesoamerica before the Spanish conquest. • Cocoa was an important commodity in preColumbianMesoamerica. Moctezuma II, emperor of the Aztecs, had no other beverage than chocolate, served in a golden goblet. Flavored with vanilla or other spices, his chocolate was whipped into a froth that dissolved in the mouth. • Chocolate was introduced to Europe by the Spaniards, and became a popular beverage by the mid 17th century.
Consequences of the discoveries • Contactbetweendifferentpeoples • DiseasesintroducedbytheEuropeanscaused a dramatic decline in theindigenouspopulation of America(Epidemics of smallpox (1518,1521,1525,1558,1589), typhus (1546), influenza (1558), diphtheria (1614) and measles (1618) killed between 10 million and 20 million people, up to 95% of the indigenous population of the Americas
QUIZZ • Whoreachedthe Cape of Good Hope in 1488? • Whoarrived in a new country thinkingthat he hadreached Capango? • Whoreached India goingeast in 1498? • What is the name of the cartographer that first included America in 1500? • Who gave name to the new country in 1502? • Whocircumnavigatedtheearthbetween 1519-1522?
Quiz • WhowastheAztecemperorwhentheSpanisharrived? • WhoconqueredtheAztecempire? • Whowasthe Inca emperorwhentheSpanisharrived? • Whoconqueredthe Inca empire?
ANSWER KEY • Whoreachedthe Cape of Good Hope in 1488? BartolomeuDias • Whoarrived in a new country thinkingthat he hadreached Capango? Christopher Columbus • Whoreached India goingeast in 1498? Vasco de Gama
Answerkey • What is the name of the cartographer that first included America in 1500? Juan de la Cosa • Who gave name to the new country in 1502? Americo Vespucci (1502) • Whocircumnavigatedtheearthbetween 1519-1522? Magellan - Juan Sebastián Elcano
ANSWER KEY • WhowastheAztecemperorwhentheSpanisharrived? Moctezuma II • WhoconqueredtheAztecempire? Hernán Cortés • Whowasthe Inca emperorwhentheSpanisharrived? Atahualpa • Whoconqueredthe Inca empire? Francisco Pizarro
VIDEOS • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6J-yl9Ba7zw&feature=relmfu AZTECS • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9J4E964Ce3E&playnext=1&list=PLE1F9CFB5C488DD56 MAYAS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgJrALbMoKI INCAS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2YBVlgqqco&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9ADrIrG8as&feature=fvst