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  1. Reducing fresh water consumption in high water volume consuming industries by recycling AOP-treated effluents “AOP4Water”Zmanjševanje porabe sveže vode v industriji s ponovno uporabo (recikliranjem) očiščenih odpadnih voda13. oktober 2011, LjubljanaPregled in koncept projekta ter prvi rezultatiTrajanje: 01 januar 2011 – 31 december 2012 dr. Aleksandra Krivograd Klemenčič

  2. outline • Initial situation • AOPs for advanced effluent treatment • Project objectives • Execution, time frame

  3. Initial situation • O3 for advanced effluent treatment : many advantages, good results and experience • BUT: not always economical worthwhile • Make O3-treatment more attractive: • Combination with H2O2, UV, Ultrasound • Regions with a lack of freshwater • new water sources needed

  4. paper production ozone stage biofilter biological treatment receiving water AOP in effluent treatment • Ozone: • turns residual COD into biodegradable compounds • COD ↓, BOD5 ↑, BOD5/COD ↑

  5. Goal • (re-)use of AOP-treated effluents instead of freshwater • Source: effluents from • Pulp and paper mills • Food processing industry • Textile industry • Municipal waste water • (re-)use in • Pulp and paper mills • Textile industry • Key to (re-)use: • improve the efficiency of AOP-treatment • to ensure optimum water quality • to show the possible use of the treated water

  6. WP 1Coordination PTS Execution WP 2Factory investigations AQP WP 3AOP trials with effluents (paper mills, textile, municipal, food) WP 4 Biodegradability-trials PTS UL Celabor WP 6Impact of water(re-)use on process water and product quality WP 5 Mathematical Modelling (Data analyses and system identification) UL WP 7Water-treatment concepts AQP WP 8 sustainability studies Celabor WP 9 Dissemination and use PTS

  7. Time frame

  8. Selected textile industries • TSP Maribor d.d. • POLZELA socks and stockings factory d.d.

  9. Optionsofreuseof AOP-treatedwastewater in textileindustry • in dyeing process • in washing process • ?

  10. IzVRS and ECHO Ltd. designed and constructed lab-scale pilot plant for performing AOP-trials UV > 40 mJ/cm2 λ = 253nm Max. discharge: 15 L/min Redox, pH, O2 samplers Reservoir Hydrogen Peroxide pump, 2.7 mL/min Hydrogen Peroxide Ozonation Generator: 200-400 mg/h Internal air pump: 4-5 L/min Ventouri ozone injector System pump 2.4 L/min

  11. Task 3.2: AOP trials – technologies used individually • UV TRIALS • O3 TRIALS • H2O2 TRIALS • Sampling point (at POLZELA socks and stockings factory): • wastewater from the production of textiles – outflow from the equalization pond (where partial self-neutralization is present as acidic and alkaline wastewater is mixed) • Two parameters were chosen to be followed in the preliminary trials: COD and colouration.

  12. Results: UV TRIALS

  13. Results: UV TRIALS • λ = 253 nm • Q = 2.4 L/min • V = 2.4 L

  14. Results: O3 TRIALS

  15. Results: O3 TRIALS Q = 2.4 L/min V = 4.8 L QO3 = 500 mg/h

  16. Results: H2O2 TRIALS

  17. Results: H2O2 TRIALS Q = 2.7 L/min V = 4.8 L 2.7 mL of 30% H2O2 per minadded

  18. CONCLUSIONS • COD decrease: ozonation at the applied ozone concentration proved to be more efficient compared to UV irradiation (25% remaining COD at ozonation compared to 55% at UV irradiation) • COLOURATION: ozonation proved to be much more efficient compared to peroxide application in colour removal (19% remaining colouration at ozonation compared to 72% at peroxide application) • The amount of H2O2 added needs to be adjusted and surplus avoided

  19. FURTHER TRIALS Task 3.2: AOP trials – technologies used individually • POLZELA (Textile factory A): • Repetitions of experiments with separately applied methods (UV, O3 and H2O2)(Autumn 2011) • Performing experiments with Cavitation(Autumn 2011) • Parameters to be analyzed: COD, BOD5, Colour, Nitrate, Nitrite, TSS, pH, Total hardness, Sulphate, Chloride, Iron, Manganese, Copper, Alkalinity, Turbidity TSP (Textile factory B)?, municipal wastewater, removal of pharmaceuticals Trials planned to be performed in 2012

  20. FURTHER TRIALS Task 3.3: AOP trials – technologies used combined • POLZELA (Textile factory A): • UV +O3 (Autumn 2011) • H2O2 + O3 (Autumn 2011) • US + O3 (Autumn 2011) • US +UV (Autumn 2011) • US+ H2O2 + O3 (Autumn 2011) TSP (Textile factory B), municipal wastewater, removal of pharmaceuticals Trials planned to be performed in 2012

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