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The Protestant Reformation

This text explores the origins of the Protestant Reformation, focusing on Martin Luther and his beliefs in justification by faith. It also delves into the controversial practice of the Sale of Indulgences and the backlash faced by Luther. Additionally, it highlights the spread of Protestantism through influential figures such as John Calvin, John Knox, and Henry VIII.

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The Protestant Reformation

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  1. The Protestant Reformation

  2. Origins of the Reformation • Began in Germany due to the lack of a strong central government • Included 365 independent states • Weak emperor COULD NOT control independent ideas about religion within the GR states

  3. Martin Luther • German monk • Started Reformation • Believed in Justification by Faith: • A person could be made just, or good, simply by having faith in God’s mercy and love

  4. The Sale of Indulgences • Pope Leo X and indulgences • Indulgences: • Certificates issued by the Church

  5. The Sale of Indulgences • Were said to reduce or even cancel punishment for a person’s sins • Applied to already dead relatives as well

  6. The Sale of Indulgences • “Once you hear the money’s ring, the soul from purgatory is free to spring…” • Purgatory: • Location in the afterlife where people are made fit for heaven

  7. The Sale of Indulgences • John Tetzel: • German church agent that sold indulgences • Promised peasants that indulgences would relieve them of guilt for future sins

  8. 95 Theses: Criticized the sale of indulgences Nailed the 95 Theses to the Wittenberg Church Spread throughout Germany Luther’s Protest

  9. The Backlash • In 1521 the Pope EXCOMMUNICATED Luther • Diet of Worms: • Tried to get Luther to retract his criticisms of the Church

  10. The Backlash • “I am bound by the Scriptures I have quoted and my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and I will not retract anything, since it is neither safe nor right to go against conscious. I cannot do otherwise, here I stand, may God help me. Amen” - - - Martin Luther

  11. The Backlash • Luther refused to retract his statements • Condemned as a heretic • Went into hiding; translated the Bible into German; created a new religion - Lutheranism

  12. The Spread of Protestantism

  13. John Calvin • CALVINISM: • Argued that God determines the fate of every person before birth; PREDESTINATION • Those predestined were called “the elect”

  14. John Knox • PRESBYTERIANISM: • Leader of Reformation in SCOT • Based on Calvin’s teachings • Presbytery: a group of decision makers within the church • “Priesthood of all believers”

  15. Henry VIII • Henry wanted to divorce his wife for not producing a male heir to the throne

  16. Henry VIII • Catholic Church forbade divorce • Refused to dissolve Henry’s marriage

  17. Henry VIII • Henry – MAD! • Withdrew GB from the Catholic Church & created a new church with the Act of Supremacy • Parliament created the Anglican Church with the king as its head

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