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Leading in Year 3. A discussion paper for Facilitation Schools and Lead schools. Schools leading the system. The Schools White P aper 2010 sets out a commitment to “school-led school improvement replacing top-down initiatives”
Leading in Year 3 A discussion paper for Facilitation Schools and Lead schools
Schools leading the system The Schools White Paper 2010 sets out a commitment to “school-led school improvement replacing top-down initiatives” Challenge the Gap demonstrates that schools can be “more effectively self-improving” The programme: • is school led • centres on schools learning from one another • provides access to evidence on best practice and high-quality materials Challenge the Gap demonstrates the power and potential of schools leading the system
The delivery of Challenge the Gap is now led by schools • At the end of last term, school-led delivery of Challenge the Gap was launched in 14 locations nationally • Workshop 1 attendance was high (97% overall) • Participant feedback was high (8.8 out of 10.0 overall) • Evaluators praised the workshops for the quality and credibility of delivery Year 2 launches exceeded expectations
The programme is even better than last year • Schools have hit the ground running and are starting the programme energised, motivated and ready to go • “delegate engagement was very strong” • “there was excitement and energy in the room” • “a very high quality of debate and understanding” • Year 1 experience has increased the quality of the programme and raised expectations • (two Trio Leads from Y1) “gave delegates immediate rich and effective examples of how they may develop their own programmes.” • (Y1 paras) “… showed everyone what was possible and got the programme off to a fantastic start.” Olevi evaluator Lead schools were an essential part of this
The priority for our cluster is to lead the development of expertise in this area To do this, we are looking to create a consistent delivery team Facilitation School Lead School Lead School Lead School • A centre of excellence in closing the gap • Deliver an impact for even more children You are invited to be one of our Trio Lead schools
Benefits of being a Challenge the Gap Trio Lead school • Establish a core competence in closing the gap • Embed and cascade your current programme • Increase your organisational knowledge of what works • Continually improve classroom practice and effective interventions • Professional development for further members of staff • Build a critical mass of staff and stable internal team • Embed a research based approach and common ways of thinking • Deepen relationships with schools in the cluster • Greater professional learning and increased benefits of collaboration • Deliver an impact for even more children A centre of excellence for practice in closing the attainment gap
To become a Trio Lead, schools need to demonstrate • Effective delivery: One year experience of the programme as an Accelerator or Lead school during which they met the “Programme expectations of schools” • Credibility: Track record of raising the attainment of children in the target cohort and from low income families • Leadership: Commitment to the integrity and advancement of the programme, its structures, tools and principles • Capacity and sustainability: Capacity to commit staff from the current Challenge the Gap team (in-school or workshop) to the programme* • Viability: Ability to secure two Accelerator schools for their Trio * Lead schools will be expected to retain the same leader, but to change the teachers and para-professionals attending workshops. Any staff that are or have been involved in the programme, should be available to support the Trio
Our cluster next year – implications for Accelerator schools in your Trio • As a new programme, we will focus on honing and embedding Challenge the Gap before expanding • We plan to keep our cluster around the same scale as this year • Most schools will stay in the same roles as this year • The funding from EEF comes to an end in June 2014; all Accelerator schools will be asked to pay a fee from next year • This will be payable as a deposit by December and in full by March 2014 • Challenge the Gap is a two year programme; your current Accelerator schools will be asked to pay for their second year • Lead schools do not pay the fee; they receive cover costs for their leader (secondary) or funding for school visits (primary) How will your Trio schools respond to this?