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The Demonstrative Pronouns

The Demonstrative Pronouns. ille. illud. hic. haec. hoc. this/these – hic, haec, hoc that/those – ille, illa, illud; iste, ista, istud 1 st /2 nd Declension Adjectives, but… Nominative sing. forms Genitive and Dative sing. Neuter Nominative pl. - haec. iste. istud.

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The Demonstrative Pronouns

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  1. The Demonstrative Pronouns ille illud hic haec hoc this/these – hic, haec, hoc that/those – ille, illa, illud; iste, ista, istud 1st/2nd Declension Adjectives, but… Nominative sing. forms Genitive and Dative sing. Neuter Nominative pl. - haec iste istud Gen. -īus or -ius – illīus, istīus,huius Dat. -ī – illī, istī,huic

  2. hic huius huic hunc hōc hic  hī hōrum hīs hōs hīs hī haec huius huic hanc hāc haec  hae hārum hīs hās hīs hae The Demonstrative Pronouns hoc huius huic hoc hōc hoc  haec hōrum hīs haec hīs haec

  3. ille illīus illī illum illō ille  illī illōrum illīs illōs illīs illī illa illīus illī illam illā illa  illae illārum illīs illās illīs illae The Demonstrative Pronouns illud illīus illī illud illō illud illa illōrum illīs illa illīs illa

  4. hic hortus huius hortī huic hortō hunc hortum hōc hortō hic horte hī hortī hōrum hortōrum hīs hortīs hōs hortōs hīs hortīs hī hortī haec porta huius portae huic portae hanc portam hāc portā haec porta hae portae hārum portārum hīs portīs hās portās hīs portīs hae portae The Demonstrative Pronouns hoc bellum huius bellī huic bellō hoc bellum hōc bellō hoc bellum haec bella hōrum bellōrum hīs bellīs haec bella hīs bellīs haec bella

  5. ille rēx illīus rēgis illī rēgī illum rēgem illō rēge ille rēx illī rēgēs illōrum rēgum illīs rēgibus illōs rēgēs illīs rēgibus illī rēgēs illa virtūs illīus virtūtis illī virtūtī illam virtūtem illā virtūte illa virtūs illae virtūtēs illārum virtūtum illīs virtūtibus illās virtūtēs illīs virtūtibus illae virtūtēs The Demonstrative Pronouns illud genus illīus generis illī generī illud generem illō genere illud genus illa genera illōrum generum illīs generibus illa genera illīs generibus illa genera

  6. Ū N Ū S N A U T A nus, ūna, ūnum, one ūllus, nūlla, nūllum, no, none llus, ūlla, ūllum, any ōlus, sōla, sōlum, alone, only euter, neutra, neutrum, neither lius, alia, aliud, another, other ter, utra, utrum, either, which (of two) ōtus, tōta, tōtum, whole, entire lter, altera, alterum, the other (of two) UNUS NAUTA Adjectives Genitive and Dative sing. Gen. -īus– ūnīus, utrīus,sōlīus Dat. -ī – nūllī, alterī,tōtī

  7. uter utrīus utrī utrum utrō uter  utrī utrōrum utrīs utrōs utrīs utrī utra utrīus utrī utram utrā utra  utrae utrārum utrīs utrās utrīs utrae UNUS NAUTA Adjectives utrum utrīus utrī utrum utrō utrum  utra utrōrum utrīs utra utrīs utra

  8. totus ager totīus agrī totī agrō totum agrum totō agrō totus ager totī agrī totōrum agrōrum totīs agrīs totōs agrōs totīs agrīs totī agrī tota patria totīus patriae totī patriae totam patriam totā patriā tota patria totae patriae totārum patriārum totīs patriīs totās patriās totīs patriīs totae patriae UNUS NAUTA Adjectives totum corpus totīus corporis totī corporī totum corporem totō corpore totum corpus   tota corpora totōrum corporum totīs corporibus tota corpora totīs corporibus tota corpora

  9. alius alterīus alterī alium aliō alius  aliī aliōrum aliīs aliōs aliīs aliī alia alterīus alterī aliam aliā alia  aliae aliārum aliīs aliās aliīs aliae UNUS NAUTA Adjectives aliud alterīus alterī aliud aliō aliud  alia aliōrum aliīs alia aliīs alia

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