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Pyramids on the Nile. Chapter 2 Section 2. I The Geography of Egypt. The Nile is the longest river in the world Brings water to many nations. A. The Gift of the Nile. Nile river overflowed every yr. in July & left behind fertile black mud Peasants would ploy flields before it dried out
Pyramids on the Nile Chapter 2 Section 2
I The Geography of Egypt • The Nile is the longest river in the world • Brings water to many nations
A. The Gift of the Nile • Nile river overflowed every yr. in July & left behind fertile black mud • Peasants would ploy flields before it dried out • Used irrigation ditches • Floodplantharvest; floodplantharvest • Egyptians worshipped the river as a god who gave life • Herodotus the father of history calls Egypt the “gift of the Nile”
B. Upper & Lower Egypt • Lower Egyptians only knew the lower part of the Nile • Territory ended near cataract where their boats could not pass • Cataract= waterfall or long stretch of rapids • Nile provided reliable trans. • River current flows N • Going S they used a sail because the wind always blew N to S • Nile helped unify Egypt's villages & promote trade
C. Environmental Challenges • Nile flooding occurred at the same time unlike the unpredictable Tigris & Euphrates • Dangers of Egypt’s society: • Flood water too low ppl would starve • Flood water to high water would flood village • Deserts o both sides of Nile acted as natural barriers for Egypt • Egyptians forced to stay next to their life line, the Nile, which limited interaction with others but shut out invaders
II Egypt Unites into a Kingdom • Each villiage had its own rituals, gods, and chieftains • King Menes united all of Egypt • Creates this crown to show unity • Menes creates 1st Egyptian dynasty • 3rd Dynasty begins the Old Kingdom
A. Pharaohs Rule as Gods • Role of King in Egypt diff. from that in Mesopotamia • Mesopotamia= kings represented gods • Egypt= kings were gods • Egyptian kings became known as Pharaoh's • Pharaoh center of rel., gov’t, & army • Egypt was theocracy= gov’t in which the ruler is a divine figure • Pharaoh causes sun to rise, Bile to flood, promote truth & justice
B. Builders of the Pyramids • Pharoah had eternal spirit called Ka who continued to govern after his death • Ks had needs & pleasures like the living Pharaoh did • Pyramid= the Pharoahs resting place after death • Old Kingdom was great age of pyramid building • Before use of wheel • Pyramids evidence of the strength of Egyptian gov’t, economy, and leadership needed to build them
III Egyptian CultureA. Religion & Life • Egyptians were polytheistic • Ra=sun god; Horus=god of light (over 2000) • Egyptians, unlike Mesopotamians, believed in an after life • Osiris weighs heart against a scale…heavy with sin person eaten, lighter than feather went to afterlife
Egyptians preserved dead person’s body by mummification • Mummification=embalming and drying the corpse to prevent it from decaying • Placed in tomb filled with items the person could use in afterlife
Eventually Egyptians begin to use slavery • Slaves captured from foreign wars • Lower & middle classes could attain higher status by marriage or job success • Highest position requires ability to read and write • Women had many rights that men had • Wealthy/middle class women could own & trade property • Propose marriage & seek divorce
C. Egyptian Writing • Pictographs earliest versions but eventually developed hieroglyphics • Hieroglyphics comes from Greek word meaning “sacred carving” • Earliest form used picture to represent idea • First written on clay tablets like Mesopotamia but developed papyrus • Papyrus= paper like sheet made by pressing papyrus reeds
D. Egyptian Science & Technology • Practical needs led to incentions • System of written numbers for countring adding and subtracting to collect taxes • Early geometry to survey property boundaries • 1st to use columns
Egyptians developed calandar to keep track of floods & farming • Bright star Sirius appeared just before the flood • 365 says before rising of Sirius & flood • Calandar so close it was only 6 hrs off from true solar year • Knew how to check heart rate by feeling for pulse • Splints for broken arms
IV Chariot Riders Invade • Power of Pharaohs decline making end of the Old Kingdom • Eventually regain control during the Middle Kingdom • Middle Kingdom end with invasion of Asian nomadic chariot rider known as Hyskos • Egypt fell to Hyskos same time Mesopotamia falling but unlike Mesopotamia ,Egypt rises again during the New Kingdom