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PARIS User Training

PARIS. PARIS User Training. Basic System functions Creating a Purchase Requisition, Creating a Change Requisition (OTNP). System Functions. Desktop Navigator System folders Toolbars Dropdown Menus. File Cabinet & System Folders. System Folders.

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PARIS User Training

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  1. PARIS PARIS User Training Basic System functions Creating a Purchase Requisition, Creating a Change Requisition (OTNP)

  2. System Functions • Desktop • Navigator • System folders • Toolbars • Dropdown Menus

  3. File Cabinet & System Folders System Folders This is the “Workspace” side of PARIS. All work is done here. These are “Miscellaneous” Folders, which can be used to organize your files, for example all requisitions for a specific project or cost center This is the “Navigator” side of PARIS

  4. Toolbar Drop-Down Menus - Utilities Drop Down Menu Select the Function, PARIS will automatically open the Utility

  5. Private Address Book (Utilities Menu) Highlight the name, and activate the button

  6. Search for Reqs/Awards – Utilities Menu “Get Read Only Access” brings a copy into the “Views” Folder Drop Down Menu – Select Requisition or Award Number - Type in the PO # Use to find an award that is filed in your system folders. Saves hunting through folders. A List of each person that has a copy on their desk top is displayed. “Select” or highlight the line item. To activate the search “Double click” on the line item or select the “Search” Button

  7. Create a Folder • Miscellaneous • Shipping • Purchase Requisition (new) • Enter Parameter Data • Enter Line Item Data • Document • Printed Copy • ACL • Standard Forms

  8. How to Create a Folder This is a “ PR Folder” These are “Miscellaneous Folders” Select the Folder Type. System will automatically open to PR Parameters Right Click on the Workspace to get access to menu selections

  9. The System automatically numbers the PR. If you wish to personalize the title, add info behind the PR #. Do NOT delete the PR # or type information before the number Create a new Purchase Requisition Pull Down Menu – “ Extent of Competition (Defaults to (Competed”) “PR Description” selections (Default “Commercial) Pull Down Menu – “Type of Procurement” Selection (Default “Create New PR”) Parameter choices for pull down Menu selections

  10. If the requirement is NOT “Competitive, you can change it to “Sole Source”. This is a required field. You cannot close this window without designating the Final Approver. Specific Requirement Approval Checkboxes PR Parameters

  11. PR Parameters (continued) Special Instructions to Procurement Use to tell Procurement who your sales contact is. Especially useful if the PARIS supplier file does not contain the name of the person you have been dealing with. Use to provide Special Handling Info or delivery instructions Use the reference boxes to track your projects by adding a personal identifier. Reports can be pulled for any of these reference indicators.

  12. PR Parameters (continued) “On Site/Off Site” Risk Level Checkbox is used when work involving labor will necessitate the need for obtaining an evaluation of the risk level for safety requirements. QA Defaults to Level C Nuclear Facility, Nuclear or Radiological Material Checkboxes Shipments that require Export review High Risk Property is a mandatory Selection Purchase Requisition Checkboxes may be applicable, and may activate Business Routing Rules.

  13. Append Insert Delete Adding the Supplier Information Click on the “Append”button to activate the Supplier line entry. Hold your cursor over the supplier entry box when you see the hour-glass double click to activate the supplier look up menu. This Button will activate, if your supplier search is not successful. Select this Button to activate line item details.

  14. Line Item Parameters Selection of a category code may trigger mandatory additions to the approval thread for certain commodity groups. Reference the Procurement Website for list of Requisition External Routing Rules triggered by category codes http://www.anl.gov/PRO/front-nine/paris/index.htm Dollars do not calculate until you tab out. START HERE! Complete line item information by tabbing to each field Complete all cost code information (Task, Cost Center, & Account). The Percent will automatically calculate. If two cost codes are used, the system will automatically calculate 50/50. The percentage can be manually changed

  15. PR Document (ANL 451) PR Document is automatically created by completion of the PR Parameters. To print a hard copy document, highlight PR Parameters, right mouse click to activate menu, and select “Printable Image of PR Highlight PR Folder on Navigator Side, to open folder contents on the Workspace Side

  16. Select “Tab” to enter ACL information Return to Header Button Complete the information requested Completing the ACL Parameters

  17. Create Standard Forms STEP 6 – Double Click to open the form STEP 2 - Select “Create Document/Forms” STEP 3 – Select “Standard Forms” STEP 4 - Select the desired form from the pop-up menu STEP 1 = Right Mouse Click in Workspace to activate Menu STEP 5 – The Form object menu will be activated. Select “OK” and the form will be automatically created.

  18. Maximize Button Right mouse click on form to activate the “Print Page” menu Printing Standard Forms

  19. Complete & Route the Folder • Type of Action • General Routing • Route for Approval • How to select an Approval Thread • Dynamic Thread Builder

  20. Complete the Requisition “Complete” the Requisition The folder MUST be selected (highlighted) Select “Complete”, Right Mouse click on the highlighted requisition to activate Dialog Box This message will appear, Click “Yes” to Confirm

  21. Route for General Review To get the “Routing” menu, highlight the PR and Select Route from the drop down menu. Default is set for “Route for Approval Change to “General Routing”, and click “OK” Upon Completion of the “Complete Function, the folder changes to a Smiley Face”

  22. General Route with Read Only or Read Write options A copy of the Folder will automatically be sent to the person selected. The original will remain on your workspace. Select the appropriate person To route in “Read Write”, omit the step to “Complete” the Folder. Go right to the Route Function. Selection of “General Routing” without completing the requisition activates the “Read Write” button These addressee’s come from your personal “Address Book”. Add a new addressee from the Utilities menu.

  23. Route for Approval The folder MUST be selected (highlighted) Select “Route”. The Routing Dialog Box will be activated. Select “Route for Approval” as the action type, and click on the OK button. Right Mouse click on the highlighted requisition to activate Dialog Box Reminder! You must complete the Requisition first….. “Smiley Face”

  24. Select Approval Thread Activate the “Show all Threads” Button to get a list of all Lab Threads. Select one of your Division Approval Threads and click “OK”

  25. Dynamic Thread Builder To add an additional internal approver activate the “Get User List” and drag & drop approver in the thread The System automatically builds the routing thread, based on the parameters entered when you completed your requisition

  26. Creating a Change RequisitionOTNP – Amend Quantities & Price • Create the folder • Retrieving the Award Number • Item Selection • Complete the Parameters

  27. OTNP – Amend Quantities/Prices Activate the Pop-up menu to use the the Req # / Award # look-up Select “Retrieve” to activate a list of the awards that have been issued by your Division. Creating a Change Requisition (OTNP – Amend Quantities & Price)

  28. Double Click to retrieve the Award information for this OTNP OTNP – Award Number Retrieval

  29. OTNP – Amend Qty & Price Item Selection Change the Quantity or Price, and click “OK”. Only the Award Line items that have been changed will be pulled into the parameters of your “Change Requisition.

  30. All of the parameters from the original Requisition will be pulled into the OTNP Add any new instruction or comments that may be required OTNP – Amend Qty & Price Parameters

  31. Only the line item that has had a quantity change has been pulled into the OTNP The system has automatically made the quantity or price change that you entered. No other changes can be made. OTNP – “Amend Quantities & Price” Line Item

  32. Creating a Change RequisitionOTNP –Add Requirement to Existing Award • Create the folder • Retrieving the Award Number • Complete the Parameters • Add the Line Item

  33. OTNP – Add Requirements to Existing Awards Activate the Pop-up menu to use the the Req # / Award # look-up Select “Retrieve” to activate a list of the awards that have been issued by your Division. Creating a Change Requisition (OTNP – Add Requirements to Existing Awards

  34. Double Click to retrieve the Award information for this OTNP OTNP – Award Number Retrieval

  35. The Award Number is automatically added. Select “OK” and the system will insert the requisition document parameters Double Click to open OTNP – Add Requirements to Existing Awards

  36. All of the parameters from the original requisition will be pulled into the OTNP Add any new instruction or comments that may be required. Select the Line Item Button to continue OTNP Add Requirements to Existing Award Parameters

  37. A new line item will be inserted. Complete the item parameters just as you would for a new requisition OTNP – “Add Requirements to Existing Awards” Line Item Revisions

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