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CLEVELAND ROVERS RUGBY CLUB. FALL 2010 SEASON. COACHING STRATEGIES DRILLS, LINE-UPS, PLAYS, & INFORMATION. ROVERS Offensive Strategies. All players Must have Hands Up and pointing at the man passing to them
ROVERS Offensive Strategies All players Must have Hands Up and pointing at the man passing to them Player Footwork is paramount! All players must instinctively place their Outside Foot Forward in any line in order to maintain spacing and direction. 3. All players must learn to effectively Power Step via a Bent Arm tor Arm Shield (nipple, nipple, bellybutton) technique to create space. Players must Set The Ball to create a Narrow Gate for defenders to come through by implementing a Pass Through the Legs and/or Jack Knife Technique. All Designed Plays to be run off of Penalties, Scrum Downs, and Line-Outs ONLY! On second phase ball the players can decide on the fly what play to run and IMPROVISE. Utilize a Standard CRASH play to test tackling of opposing defense. Inside Crash or Outside Crash where we protect the ball and set up 2nd phase. No scissor play to set up crash.
NEW Offensive Strategies 7. Re-establish Fly-half Position in relation to Scrumhalf with new rule change that keeps opposing defenders 5 meters back on all set plays. Fly-half should be 15 meters wide and 5 meters back 8. Introduce the Fly-half to Inside Center loop technique – 1 loop 2 9. Fullback to be involved in most offensive plays which requires a strict policy of the weak wing covering on defense! 10. Wingers must learn the concept of taking their 1st step outside when they have space to freeze defenders.
FULLBACK IN THE LINE PLAY 15 14 11 10 12 13 9 7 6 6 7 Read 1. Opponents are playing Man Defense off of our scrum. Who is the defensive Winger marking…last man (Winger) or the Fullback? If he is marking the Fullback then the strong Wing is open…so we skip fullback. 9 10 12 14 11 13 15
FULLBACK IN THE LINE PLAY 15 14 11 10 12 13 9 7 6 6 7 Read 2. Opponents are playing Man Defense off of our scrum. Who is the defensive Winger marking…last man (Winger) or the Fullback? If he is marking the Winger then the Fullback is open…so we give the ball to the Fullback 9 10 12 14 11 13 15
WEAK SIDE WING PLAY 15 14 11 10 12 13 9 7 6 6 7 9 10 12 13 14 Weak Side Wing Play Flyhalf takes ball and passes to Inside Center. Flyhalf immediately loops the Inside Center who fakes a pass back to him. Inside Center the passes back inside to the Weakside Wing. 11 15
SCRUM DOWN WEAKSIDE PLAY 15 14 13 12 10 11 6 7 9 6 7 Scrum Down Weakside Play:. Scrum Half goes hard and fast to right, he either scissors or dummy scissors with wing. If he dummy scissors he can cut up field to make space for the Fullback. The Scrum Half always has the option to kick to space if needed. 9 14 10 12 11 13 15
NEW Defensive Strategies All players must be re-introduced to the basics of Front, Side, and from Behind tackling. Players will utilize a Match Up Defensive Scheme with positioning on the Inside Shoulder for the Flyhalf and Center Positions. If opposing Fullback comes into a line the Defensive Winger must come in to defend extra man. Fullback has last man in an opposing line whenever an overload is present. (Unless opponent is inside our 22 meter Line) When overload is not present the Winger takes the last man.
Tackling Concepts • Focus on Offensive Player’s CORE (Hips and Midsection) • Keep Elbows IN and Hands UP to ensure a stronger position to deliver a hit. • Use space between your arms to keep opponent’s CORE in your field of vision. • Stay on the Balls of your Feet and LEAD with your lead foot NOT your arms to make a tackle. • Keep your head up and face your target when making ANY tackle. Eyes open and face up. • Use PUNCH and WRAP technique when making contact in a tackle. • Power Drive Through Tackles once contact is made • GET TO YOUR FEET AND RECOVER THE BALL FROM YOUR OPPONENT. POACH!
DEFENSIVE POSITIONING ON SCRUMS 15 14 11 10 12 13 9 7 6 6 7 Defense of Scrum: Man Defense Fullback takes last man. Wing pinches in. Inside Shoulder Positioning on Flyhalf & Centers. Outside Should on Last Man. Only Exception: Inside 22 meter line 9 10 12 14 11 13 15
DEFENSIVE POSITIONING ON SCRUMS Inside of 22 Meters 14 10 12 13 15 11 9 7 6 6 7 Defense of Scrum inside 22 Meter Defense with Offensive Fullback IN THE LINE Fullback marks opposing Fullback. It is unlikely they will kick so defensive Fullback can come into the line. However… Scrumhalf Floats down line behind defenders to cover for a potential Chip Kick. All Defenders line up on Inside Shoulder except Winger. 9 10 12 14 13 11 15
DEFENSIVE POSITIONING ON LINEOUTS 15 14 11 10 12 13 9 Last man in lineout must cover this area and flyhalf. 6 7 7 6 Defense of Lineout: Slide Defense. Fullback can stay home for a kick. Defenders line up opposite their opposing number and come up in a straight line, angel out to the inside shoulder of the outside opponent. Last man in line out has Flyhalf. Exception: Inside 22 meter line Come up in flat line… no gaps!!! 9 10 12 11 14 13 15
DEFENSE ON SPLIT LINE SCRUM DOWN 15 14 13 10 12 11 6 7 9 Come up in flat line… no gaps!!! Defense of Scrum Middle: Man Defense Scrum Half right. Flanker takes left. Communicate! Scrum half does NOT follow the ball around back of scrum. 6 7 9 10 13 12 11 14 15