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Aim: What medical/scientific advancements were made throughout the Industrial Era? . Title: Advances in Science and Medicine Do Now: Please hand in your HW (hold onto the chart – just need to check it). - Did anyone have questions &/or comments surrounding the chart?.
Aim: What medical/scientific advancements were made throughout the Industrial Era? Title: Advances in Science and Medicine Do Now: Please hand in your HW (hold onto the chart – just need to check it). - Did anyone have questions &/or comments surrounding the chart?
OBJECTIVE I (continued) Transfer the graphic organizers pictured below onto a blank piece of paper. Based on the listed pages, complete the listed organizer.
OBJECTIVE I Create a before and after chart
` Cell theory, Theory of Inheritance, Theory of Evolution, Genetics.
Based on the listed information, which two theories are most closely related? Proof?
OBJECTIVE II • Compare and contrast the theory of inheritance and the theory of evolution.
The theory of inheritance = stated that living forms changed in response to their environment. • The theory of evolution = stated that creatures were born with different characteristics and those that were best adapted to their environment survived to reproduce offspring that shared their characteristics.
OBJECTIVE III • Create a chart similar to the one on the board and fill in information about the major medical advances of the 1800s, what triggered these advances, and the effects they had on society.
Spotlight on SCIENCE Please read: • Description of Civil War (1861-65) conditions: “Few medical men then knew why wounds became infected or what caused disease; the treatment of wounds and diseases, consequently, ranged from the inadequate through the useless to the downright harmful….
The idea that a surgical dressing ought to be sterilized never entered anyone’s head [STOP! Think about that for a few seconds...] If a surgeon’s instruments were so much as rinsed off between operations at a field hospital, the case was an exception. In a camp, diseases like typhoid, dysentery, and pneumonia were dreaded killers.”
What does the future hold? Hmmm! That being said, think about the ways in which medicine has improved since then and how doctors/scientists have been able to put a stop to once-fatal diseases. Hope for the future, putting and end to: AIDS/HIV, Cancer, Alzheimer’s, Sickle Cell Anemia, etc.
OBJECTIVE 4 • Match up each of the scientists listed below with one of his or her findings in the second column.
Answers 1-g, 2-c, 3-e, 4-b, 5-d, 6-a, 7-h, 8-f.