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Marzano 101. Who is he? What is he about? Why should we care? . First Things First. What’s an Why are important?. ALT?. ALT's. Who is Robert Marzano?. Past : professor at University of Colorado; high school English teacher; department chair
Marzano 101 Who is he? What is he about? Why should we care?
First Things First • What’s an • Why are important? ALT? ALT's
Who is Robert Marzano? • Past: professor at University of Colorado; high school English teacher; department chair • Present: international trainer and speaker; author of over 20 books; private consultant • Impact: responsible for translating research and theory into proven classroom practices for K-12
What is he about? • Applying the research on instruction to instructional practices • Identifying instructional strategies that have a high probability of increasing student achievement for all students in all subject areas at all grade levels
Marzano’s Essential Nine • Similarities and Differences • Note taking and Summarizing • Reinforcing Efffort and Providing Recognition • Homework and Practice • Nonlinguistic Representations • Cooperative Learning • Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback • Generating and Testing Hypotheses • Questions, Cues, and Advanced Organizers
Why should we care? • The “art” of teaching is becoming the “science” of teaching • Findings support the most important factor affecting student learning is the ________ • The goal of the research is to make the teacher as effective as possible by providing proven instructional strategies • Getting more bang for your buck
Essential Question:How do Marzano’s Nine Best Practices increase student achievement?
Similarities and Differences What do you need to know? • Involve identifying how items, events, processes, or concepts are similar and differentbased on characteristics • Graphic and symbolic representations are often used, and they promote long term memory for students • A life skill
Similarities and Differences Strategies • http://gotoscience.com/Graphic_Organizers.html • Variations of the Venn Diagram* • Compare/Contrast with Summary • Comparison Matrix • Compare and Contrast: Narratives
VENN DIAGRAM Features Unique to A: ______________ Features Unique to B:_____________ Features Common to A and B
2. Note taking and Summarizing What do you need to know? • Both require students to do something with information • Both seem straightforward but are actually complex • Note taking: synthesizing material, prioritizing pieces of data, restating some information, and organizing concepts, topics, and details • Summarizing: deciding which parts of material are important or trivial, rewording some ideas, deleting and reorganizing information • Both involve numerous mental processes
Note taking and Summarizing Strategies • http://www.greece.k12.ny.us/instruction/ela/6-12/Tools/Index.htm
Reinforcing Effort and Providing RecognitionWhat do you need to know? • Both focus on student motivation • Added effort increases student achievement • Students’ attitudes and beliefs impact their achievement • Reinforcing effort: notice the effort the student has made and motivate the student to make further effort • Providing recognition: praise, rewards, awards, or teacher acknowledgement to a student for a specific accomplishment (big or small as long as it’s specific)
4. Homework and Practice What do you need to know? • Both should provide students with chances to deepen understanding and skills relative to content that has already been presented to them • Both can be used as powerful instructional tools when used purposefully
Homework and Practice Strategies • Less homework should be given in lower grade levels • Students use a log to identify and articulate the purpose of the homework: practice, preparation, or elaboration* • Design practice assignments that focus on specific elements of a hard/complex skill or process • Realize the power of your feedback
Student Homework Log • Topic: • Due Date: • What I have to do tonight: • Purpose of assignment: • What I have to already know or be able to do in order to complete the assignment: • This homework helped me to…
5. Nonlinguistic Representations What do you need to know? • Research supports that knowledge is stored in two forms: a linguistic form and an imagery form • Teachers overuse the linguistic format for learning • Engaging students in the creation and use of nonlinguistic representations of knowledge increases activity in the brain • Incorporating more and more of these in your classroom increases student understanding of the content
Nonlinguistic Representations Strategies • Graphic organizers (http://gotoscience.com/Graphic_Organizers.html) • Physical models, representations (Vocab.) • Mental pictures (Imagine that…) • Drawing pictures, pictographs*, glyphs • Kinesthetic activities (Human graph)
Imagine that it’s a beautiful day on a Caribbean Island, and you are lucky enough to be sitting in one of these two chairs. From the below selections choose who you would want to be sitting in the chair right beside you as you enjoy your time in paradise. • McDreamy • Jamie Foxx • Tom Brady • Jennifer Aniston • Beyonce
6. Cooperative Learning What do you need to know? • It’s more than group work • Use a regular structure for students to follow, and train students in that structure • Include the below elements to have constructive Cooperative Learning • Positive interdependence • Face-to-face promotive interaction • Individual and group accountability • Interpersonal and small group skills • Group processing
Cooperative Learning Strategies • Vary grouping criteria • Remember the “smaller the better” • Assign specific roles to specific students within each group. Rotate the roles often. • Facilitator • Time keeper • Recorder • Materials Manager
Setting Objectives and Providing FeedbackWhat do you need to know? • Both give students direction and help them think about their own learning • Objectives: these can narrow a student’s focus; they should be flexible and personal to the student • Feedback: explaining to a student what he is doing correctly and incorrectly; should be timely; refers to a specific level of performance
Setting Objectives and Providing FeedbackStrategies • Use a Learning Objectives Sheet* • Student-created checklist of his own learning objectives • Timely and specific assessment feedback • Student/teacher conference • Peer conference • Student self assessment
My Learning Objectives • Our learning objective for this unit:Understanding the basic purposes of government in the United States • Complete the following sentences to set your personal learning objectives: I know…one purpose of our government is to protect individual rights. I want to know…what does the common good mean? I want to know more about…what laws the president makes and what laws a governor makes.
8. Generating and Testing HypothesesWhat do you need to know? • When a student generates and tests hypotheses he is applying knowledge • We ask all the time “If I do this, what might happen?” • Asking a student to explain his hypotheses and conclusions enhances his learning process
Generating and Testing HypothesesStrategies • Students predict what would happen if an aspect of a familiar system (government, transportation, ecosystem, soccer match) was changed • Students build something using limited resources and generate questions and hypotheses about what may or may not work • Students use a results template to explain their work and what they learned from their experience*
Results Template • My hypothesis about what will happen… • I think this will happen because… • After I completed the systems analysis, I found… • As a result of doing this task, I learned…
Questions, Cues, and Advance Organizers What do you need to know? • All help students use what they already know about a topic to enhance further learning • Questions: focus more on higher level questions; allow for wait time; can be asked before new content is given • Cues: reminders or hints about what students are about to experience; purpose is to trigger memory • Advance Organizers: framework given prior to teaching new content to prepare students for upcoming material
Questions, Cues, and Advance OrganizersStrategies • Vary the type and format of questions used and represent the different levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy • Use explicit cues as in the KWL structure* • Allow students to preview important information by skimming material before reading it • Provide extra text or pictures of complex material before covering it • Share a story (real or made up) relating to new material
Final Thoughts • Provide a structure at first for a new strategy • Teach and model each new strategy • Many of these are also life skills; show the value of each in and out of your classroom • Remember quality over quantity
Summarizer: Password Robert Marzano Similarities and Differences Strategy Best Practices Summarizing Results Homework Graphic Organizer Feedback Teacher
Our Contact Information • theresa.cowart@cobbk12.org • amy.riggins@cobbk12.org