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This final meeting of the RESAFE project discusses the actions carried out by each partner and the scheduled activities from May 2015 to December 2015. The meeting also focuses on technical future issues, management and dissemination issues, and the project timing. The dissemination actions in the last six months, including the project website, notice boards, layman's report, diffusion material preparation, articles and press releases, networking, and digital supports are also highlighted.
LIFE12 ENV/IT/356 «RESAFE»«Innovative fertilizer from urban waste, bio-char and farm residues as substitute of chemical fertilizers» FINAL MEETING December, 14, 2015 Faenza (Italy) ENEA Premises
LIFE12 ENV/IT/356 «RESAFE» Agenda • 14:30 [ENEA and DICMA] Welcome and opening of the meeting • 14:35 [All] Actions carried out by each partner and scheduled activities from May 2015 until the end of December 2015. • 15:30 [All] Open discussion on actions carried out • 16:00[All] RESAFE Technical future issues: • [All] Open discussion on technical activities scheduled until the end of the project • 12:00 [DICMA] Management and dissemination issues, in particular: • Evaluation of Progress Report • Predisposition of RESAFE Final Report and related documents • Preparation of Progress Report • Delivery of administrative documents to DICMA • Definition of After-LIFE Plan • 17:30End of final meeting
Technical Actions carried out by each partner in the last six months B4- Demonstration of agricultural application in Italy B5 - Demonstration of agricultural application in Spain B6- Demonstration of agricultural application in Cyprus C1 - Monitoring of organic waste and final products C2- Monitoring and assessment of environmental impact of the HQ-ORBP (High Quality Organic Matter Based Product) production C3 - Monitoring of environmental benefit of Agriculture Application in Italy C4 - Monitoring of environmental benefit of Agriculture Application in Spain C5 - Monitoring of environmental benefit of Agriculture Application in Cyprus C6 - Monitoring of technical-socio-economic assessment of the HQ-ORBP production
Technical Actions carried out by each partner in the last six months • Presentationsof: • DICMA • CEBAS • ENEA • ASTRA • ENIA
Technical Actions carried out by each partner in the last six months [All] Open discussion on actions carried out
D. DISSEMINATION D1 – Project website D2 – Notice board D3 – Layman’s report D4 – Diffusion material preparation D5 – Articles and press releases D6 – Networking D7 – RESAFE technology manual D8 – Demonstration workshop, seminars, conference and other events D9 – Dissemination to Institutions and policy makers D10 – International fairs and other events D11 – Digital supports for international diffusion
D. DISSEMINATION ACTIONS IN THE LAST SIX MONTHS • D1 Project website 01/01/2014-28/02/2014 • RESAFE website in English, in Spanish and in Italian: www.liferesafe.com • In the website: • Visitcounter • Link toLIFE+ • Link toeachbeneficiary website • Reservedarea • Results update • News update • Coming up • Link with the Facebookpageforevent booking/registration • Website visitors: 139,677 • Facebookpage: 16 friends
D. DISSEMINATION ACTIONS IN THE LAST SIX MONTHS • D2 Notice board 01/01/2014-28/02/2014 • DICMA produced 12 RESAFE Notice boards and gave them to all the beneficiaries during the kick-off meeting • All the beneficiaries put the RESAFE Notice board in a public space and in the demonstration plants • All the beneficiaries sent the photos of the RESAFE Notice board in a public space in each beneficiary premises and in the demonstration plants
D. DISSEMINATION ACTIONS IN THE LAST SIX MONTHS • D3 Layman’s report 01/10/2015-31/12/2015 • DICMA will prepare the RESAFE Layman’s report to be attached to the Final Report as Deliverable
D. DISSEMINATION ACTIONS IN THE LAST SIX MONTHS • D4 Diffusion material preparation 01/01/2014-31/12/2015 • 14,000 RESAFE brochures and plastic leaflets (general and for workshops) • RESAFE power point presentation in English, in Spanish and in Italian • 16 posters • 5,000 RESAFE gadgets (cups, pens, notebooks and pendrives) • 1 roll-up • 1 banner
D. DISSEMINATION ACTIONS IN THE LAST SIX MONTHS • D5 Articles and press releases 01/03/2014-31/12/2015 • 2 articles related to the participation at the CNR LIFE event at Pisa on 25th March 2014 • University electronic advise of the kick-off meeting • 2 web articles directly related to RESAFE • 18 articles related to the LIFE event of ENEA and ASTRA in Faenza, on 22 January 2015 in local and web newspaper • 3 articles (Italian, Chinese and English) in Platinum journal • 6 technical Publications related to specific events • 1 article in Sole24ore • Articles related to the ASTRA workshop in Faenza, on 16 December 2015 in local and web newspaper
D. DISSEMINATION ACTIONS IN THE LAST SIX MONTHS • D6 Networking 01/01/2014-31/12/2015 • Contacts with PODEBA, SOREME, BIOREM, CLEANSED, After-Cu, GREEN SITE, SOILPRO, SEKRET, EVERGREEN, GREENWOOLF (LIFE 10-11-12-13 projects) • Networking contacts at the CNR LIFE event at Pisa on 25th March 2014 • Networking contacts at the ASTRA LIFE event at Faenza on 22th January 2015 • Networking meeting with LIFE CarbONfarm on 24 February 2014 in Naple2014
D. DISSEMINATION ACTIONS IN THE LAST SIX MONTHS • D7 RESAFEtechnology manual 01/04/2015-31/12/2015 • ASTRA, with the collaboration of all the beneficiaries, will prepare the RESAFE technology manual to be attached to the Final Report as Deliverable
D. DISSEMINATION ACTIONS IN THE LAST SIX MONTHS • D8 Demonstration workshop, seminars, conference and other events 01/03/2014-31/12/2015 • RESAFE Workshops • ENIA workshop 4/08/2015 • CEBASCSIC workshop 25/09/2015 • ASTRA workshop 14/12/2015 • Specific Events with RESAFE presentation • RESAFE power point presentations at LIFE CNR event in Pisa, 25 March 2014 • RESAFE power point presentations at University of Rome event “Programma per l'ambiente e l'azione per il clima LIFE 2014-2020”, 9 July 2014 • ASTRA LIFE event at Faenza on 22th January 2015 • Sardinia workshop 5-9/10/2015 • RESAFE Event in Latina 3/12/2015
D. DISSEMINATION ACTIONS IN THE LAST SIX MONTHS • D9 Dissemination to Institutions and policy makers 01/02/2014-31/12/2015 • All the RESAFE beneficiaries are responsible for the organisation of specific communication activities in order to disseminate the project actions and results to Institutions and policy makers. • The following preliminary contacts with institutions have been taken: • Councillor for the Environment of Pisa City - Italy • Environmental Department of Pisa Area - Italy • Environmental Department of Murcia Area - Spain • AssessoratoAgricolturaRegione Emilia-Romagna – Italy • ENEA Manager • Councillor for the Environment of Faenza City - Italy
D. DISSEMINATION ACTIONS IN THE LAST SIX MONTHS • D10 International fairs and other events 01/06/2014-31/12/2015 • Participation at the Green Week in Brussels 3-5 June 2014 • Bruker event in Rome 18-19 June 2014 • EUAGENG Congress in Zurich 6-9 July 2014 • IMPC 2014 International Mineral Procesing Congress, October 20-24 2014 at Santiago (Chile) • International Symposium On Energy From Biomass And Waste, Venice 17-20 November 2014 • Ecomondo fair in November 3-7, 2014 at Rimini • SEB15 (6th Annual Symposium of Enzyme & Biocatalysis-2015) in Nanchin in China, 25-27 April 2015 • OCM Conference in Karlsruhe, 18-19/03/2015 • SPIE DSS Conference in Baltimore, Maryland, USA 20-25/04/2015 • CSI Congress Figueira da Foz, Coimbra, 30/08-3/09/2015
D. DISSEMINATION ACTIONS IN THE LAST SIX MONTHS • D11 Digital supports for international diffusion • 01/03/2014-31/12/2015 • Each beneficiary produced the specific video of each beneficiary activity • ENEA defined and subcontracted the expert video company which will be the responsible of the RESAFE video production • DICMA and ENEA are working on the video text
D. DISSEMINATION ACTIONS IN THE LAST SIX MONTHS • D12 After-LIFE Communication Plan 01/10/2015-31/12/2015 • DICMA will prepare the After-LIFE Communication Plan report to be attached to the Final Report as Deliverable
E. MANAGEMENT • E1 – Project management • E2 – Monitoring • DICMA has continuous contacts by phone and email with all project partners for monitoring project activities • Before the month end DICMA receives from each partner technical inputs for the monitor summary • At the end of each month DICMA prepares and sends a summary of the project activities carried out to monitoring team • Definition of management structures • Definition of payment procedures of each beneficiary • DICMA organised the kick-off and progress meetings in scheduled time • DICMA defined the Partnership Agreement (following the EC scheme) and collected all the beneficiaries signatures
E. MANAGEMENT • E1 – Project management • E2 – Monitoring • DICMAuses project progress indicators for monitoring project activities • DICMA revises the project progress indicators in each of the projects coordination meeting in order to check any irregularities • DICMA defines the number and type of people reached by each dissemination activity in order to check if the diffusion actions have met their goals
E. MANAGEMENT • E1 – Project management • Definition of management structures • Management and technical committe • DICMA: Silvia Serranti • ASTRA: VanniTisselli • CEBAS: Carlos Garcia Izquierdo • ENEA: Alice Dall’Ara • ENIA: XanthosPattichis • Administrative committe • DICMA : StefaniaPontecorvo • ASTRA: ElisabettaBaldassarri • CEBAS: Maria Teresa Hernandez • ENEA: Sergio Sangiorgi • ENIA: Nicholas Hadjiyannis
E. MANAGEMENT • E1 – Project management • Definition of payment procedures of each beneficiary • Each beneficiary has a specific payment responsible • DICMA: Silvia Serranti selects the project cost formally approved by department director or DICMA council • ASTRA: VanniTisselli as company manager selects and decides • CEBAS: Carlos Garcia Izquierdo selects the project cost formally approved by CEBAS council • ENEA: Alice Dall’Ara selects the project cost formally approved by department director • ENIA: XanthosPattichis selects the project cost formally approved by Nicholas Hadjiyannis
E. MANAGEMENT • E1 – Project management • Definition of project accounting system and cost center • All beneficiaries have defined the following internal specific code (codicecommessa) which identify the project and all costs and income related to the project: • DICMA: B88C130011750006 • ASTRA: X01R15 RESAFE LIFE • CEBAS: 201940 • ENEA: B88C130011750006 • ENIA: RESAFE • For DICMA, CEBAS and ENEA VAT is a cost.
E. MANAGEMENT • E1 – Project management • Definition of project accounting system and cost center • All beneficiaries respects the procedure of the best value for money for selecting all the project external and consumable costs: • DICMA, CEBAS and ENEA: public tender through MEPA • ASTRA and ENIA: historical supplier or market analysis • All the beneficiaries approved only the costs: • directly linked to, and necessary for, carrying out the RESAFE project; • reasonable, justified and comply with the principles of sound financial management, in particular in terms of economy and efficiency; • compliant with applicable tax and social legislation; and • actually incurred during the lifetime of the project, as defined in the grant agreement, and which could be identifiable and verifiable
RESAFETechnical actions until the project end B4 - Demonstration of Agriculture Application in Italy B5 - Demonstration of Agriculture Application in Spain B6 - Demonstration of Agriculture Application in Cyprus C3 - Monitoring of environmental benefit of Agriculture Application in Italy C4 - Monitoring of environmental benefit of Agriculture Application in Spain C5 - Monitoring of environmental benefit of Agriculture Application in Cyprus C6 - Monitoring of technical-socio-economic assessment of the HQ-ORBP production
RESAFETechnical actions until the project end • [All] Open discussion on actions to be carried until the project end
RESAFE Dissemination future issues • D1 Project website: update • D2 Notice board: ok • D3 Layman’s report: to be prepared • D4 Diffusion material preparation: almost OK (foreseen 25 Posters, 10,000 leaflets/brochures/factsheets, 4,500 various branded items, 5 roll-up, 5 banners, now 14,000 brochures, 16 posters, 3 presentations, 5,000 gadgets, 1 roll-up, 1 banner) • D5 Press and media releases: OK OK (foreseen 30 articles, now 31) • D6 Networking: OK OK (foreseen 10 projects, now 11) • D7 RESAFE technology manual: to be prepared
RESAFE Dissemination future issues • D8 Demonstration workshop, seminars, conferences and other events: OK (foreseen 6 workshops, now 3 workshop and 5 events) • D9 Dissemination to Institutions and policy makers: OK (foreseen successful communication, now 6 policy makers meetings) • D10 International fairs and other events: OK OK (foreseen 4 fairs, now 10 events) • D11 Digital supports for international diffusion: started • D12 After-LIFE Communication Plan: to be prepared
ADMINISTRATIVE ISSUES • Evaluation of Progress Report • Predisposition of RESAFE Final Report and related documents • Cost analysis • Delivery of administrative documents to DICMA • Definition of After-LIFE Plan
Evaluation of Progress Report “The report has been reviewed by my service and was found to be satisfactory, demonstrating that the project is progressing in line with expectations in all actions and according to the original schedule. In particular, I was very pleased to learn that the demonstration activities in Cyprus have finally started and that you have confirmed your intention to balance the reduced scope of activities in this country with testing of the new fertiliser on more unplanned crops.”
Evaluation of Progress Report • Reporting and technical issues: • I note however that you have only provided one pdf file with a summary of all dissemination activities in which images of the material produced and events attended are included. Please provide with the Final Report actual presentations, photos, and other dissemination material in separate files. • Please clarify with the Final Report in more detail the extent of the reduced scope of the Cyprus activities by comparing the foreseen versus actual results, also in quantitative terms (comparing the number of tested crops, plots, etc.). In addition, please implement the final activities in Cyprus - including monitoring and dissemination of results - with the greatest care, as the schedule provided within the report seems rather tight. Please be reminded that any costs linked to activities carried out beyond the project end date cannot be considered eligible.
Evaluation of Progress Report • Reporting and technical issues: • Action C6: your explanation regarding the way economic stakeholders will be targeted by the project is noted. Please provide with the Final Report more concrete details on this issue (e.g. how many meetings were organised, who attended them and what was their reaction, and who visited the field trials). Please also elaborate on the After-LIFE Communication Plan in a way that takes this target group into account (in three project countries). • Action D9: the information provided demonstrates that the contents of the meetings were rather generic. In addition, the requested detailed list of identified stakeholders, in the three countries and in Europe in general, was not provided (there was only a general list of target groups listed in Action D8). Please prepare such a list as soon as possible and ensure that it is used in these last months of the project. Please send specific details on this question with the Final Report.
Evaluation of Progress Report • Reporting and technical issues: • Please be reminded that that the project proposal mentioned that the project team would be committed to conduct the following actions after the project end date: • • Production of different reduced salinity fertilisers; • • Market analysis; • • Cost analysis; • • Business plan; • • Demonstration activities; • • Dissemination in events linked to the agricultural sector to disseminate the technology. • Please elaborate in a detailed way on this question in the Final Report. • Please also upload to the project website, in the Events section, the actual papers/presentations and not only images and brief news items.
Evaluation of Progress Report • Administrative and financial issues: • Please be reminded that, when approving the trip to present the project in China (ENEA), for a total cost of €3,000, you were also requested to give clear evidence that the trip has in fact brought added value to the project (along with all documented evidence to support this). Please send, with the Final Report, a copy of the presentation made as well as all related supporting documents for the costs (flight, meals, etc.). • Please provide a revised cost table with the Final Report. • Thank you for the clarifications provided on the various cases of higher time unit rates of project staff. Please provide with the Final Report the related supporting documents (timesheets, payslips, social security charges for the entire project duration) and explain not only the role these persons had in the project but also the reason for the increased rate with respect to the proposal.
Final Report and related documents • DICMA will be responsible of the production of the Final Report which will be made up by: • Progress report with the summary of technical, administrative and dissemination project issues • Dissemination Annex • Deliverables • Possible additional Technical Reports • Document with answer to EC progress report comments • Output indicators • New EC Financial forms with all the originals signatures from each partner • Audit document • The Final Report sending deadline is 31 March 2016 • The EC ok of the Final report will produce the project final payment from the EC
Final Report and related documents • Documents needed from each beneficiary • DICMAwill check all the partner financial documents for final original versions with signatures from each partner • DICMA willberesponsiblefor the production ofanauditdocumentsignedbyanexternalauthorised auditor (alreadyselected) whichwillcertifyall the project financial data. • The selected auditor willcheckall the partner financial data and, ifnecessary, willrequesttoeach partner more detaileddocuments.
Final Report and related documents • Deadline • Each partner has already sent and will complete to send to DICMA all the technical contribution no later than 31st of January 2016 • Each partner has to send to DICMA all the dissemination contribution no later than 31st of January 2016 • Each partner responsible for a Deliverable has to send to DICMA the Deliverable no later than 31st of January 2016 • DICMA will send a draft of the Final Report to the Monitoring team no later than 10th of March 2016 • DICMA will send to EC and Monitoring agency all the Progress Report documents no later than 31th of March 2016
DELIVERABLES • All the following Deliverables will be annexes of the Final Report: • After-LIFE Communication Plan: Action D.12 • Dissemination materials, articles, press release and events: Action D.4 • LCA assessment and detail economical characterisation of the production, distribution and use cost of the RESAFE fertilizer: Action C.6 • Layman’s report: Action D.3 • RESAFE technology manual: Action D.7 • Application of the RESAFE fertilizer in different agricultural cultivations in Cyprus: Action B.6 • Application of the RESAFE fertilizer in different agricultural cultivations in Italy: Action B.4 • Application of the RESAFE fertilizer in different agricultural cultivations in Spain: Action B.5
After-LIFE Plan • Very important for the EC evaluation: the project is ended for the EC contribution, but is not ended for the work to do and the future application and the possible projects and business • Short report: overview of final results and table with future activities • DICMA will prepare the After-LIFE Communication Plan report to be attached to the Final Report as Deliverable