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Wireless Performance Prediction Study Group WG Report and Meeting Slides

Wireless Performance Prediction Study Group WG Report and Meeting Slides. Charles R. Wright charles_wright@azimuthsystems.com. WPP Report. Total meeting time: 8 hours Total number of attendees: 50 (unofficial guess) General goal: craft PAR & 5 Criteria for TG formation

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Wireless Performance Prediction Study Group WG Report and Meeting Slides

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  1. Wireless Performance Prediction Study GroupWG Report and Meeting Slides Charles R. Wright charles_wright@azimuthsystems.com C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

  2. WPP Report • Total meeting time: 8 hours • Total number of attendees: 50 (unofficial guess) • General goal: craft PAR & 5 Criteria for TG formation • Five presentations focusing on a vision, purpose and scope • Included a review of facts about PAR and 5 Criteria • Broad discussion of the intended audience of the TG output document • Three hours of discussion and attempts to craft a scope and purpose • We are starting to come to a common understanding • Intend to keep holding weekly teleconferences C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

  3. Presentations Submitted • David Michelson, 11-04/361r1, “Wireless Performance Prediction, Rational and Goals” • Shravan S. 11-04/387r0, “Proposed Framework for WPP” • DJ Shyy, 11-04/389r0, “5 Stage Process for WPP Testing” • Tom Alexander 11-04/0370r0, “Considerations for PAR and 5 Criteria for WPP” • Mike Wilhoyte, 11-04/386r0, “Suggested scope and purpose of the WPP TG” C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

  4. Welcome toWireless Performance Prediction Charles R. Wright charles_wright@azimuthsystems.com C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

  5. Meeting Tone • PLEASE Bring your Engineer Mentality and Technologist Attitude • Please keep a Positive Attitude • Please check your Ego and Politics at the door. –Jon Rosdahl former HTSG Chair C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

  6. Review IEEE/802 & 802.11 Policies and Rules • Study Group: Everyone Votes. • All 802 policies apply • All 802.11 policies apply • Submissions must meet document format criteria. • All Study Group voting requires 75% consensus. C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

  7. IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws on Patents in Standards • 6. Patents • IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard. This assurance shall be provided without coercion and prior to approval of the standard (or reaffirmation when a patent becomes known after initial approval of the standard). This assurance shall be a letter that is in the form of either • a) A general disclaimer to the effect that the patentee will not enforce any of its present or future patent(s) whose use would be required to implement the proposed IEEE standard against any person or entity using the patent(s) to comply with the standard or • b) A statement that a license will be made available without compensation or under reasonable rates, with reasonable terms and conditions that are demonstrably free of any unfair discrimination • This assurance shall apply, at a minimum, from the date of the standard's approval to the date of the standard's withdrawal and is irrevocable during that period. Approved by IEEE-SA Standards Board – December 2002 C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

  8. Inappropriate Topics for IEEE WG/TG/SG Meetings • Don’t discuss licensing terms or conditions • Don’t discuss product pricing, territorial restrictions or market share • Don’t discuss ongoing litigation or threatened litigation • Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed… do formally object. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at patcom@ieee.org Approved by IEEE-SA Standards Board – December 2002 C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

  9. Call for Presentations germane to Scope and Purpose of WPP • Mike Wilhoyte, 11-04/386r0, “Suggested scope and purpose of the WPP TG” • Tom Alexander 11-04/0370r0, “Considerations for PAR and 5 Criteria for WPP” • Shravan S. 11-04/387r0, “Proposed Framework for WPP” • DJ Shyy, 11-04/389r0, “5 Stage Process for WPP Testing” • David Michelson, 11-04/361r1, “Wireless Performance Prediction, Rational and Goals” • Save for later • Niels van Erven, 11-04/346, “Proposal to do RF Sensitivity Measurements” C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

  10. Agenda for March 17, 2004 • Review Patent Policy, Inappropriate Topics Policy • Appoint permanent SG secretary • Accepting presentations relevant to writing PAR/5 Criteria • Preference for those expressing a vision for WPP and with a proposed purpose and scope • Shravan S. 11-04/387r0, “Proposed Framework for WPP” • DJ Shyy, 11-04/389r0, “5 Stage Process for WPP Testing” • Tom Alexander 11-04/0370r0, “Considerations for PAR and 5 Criteria for WPP” • Mike Wilhoyte, 11-04/386r0, “Suggested scope and purpose of the WPP TG” • Review progress from telecons • David Michelson, 11-04/361r1, “Wireless Performance Prediction, Rational and Goals” • Presentations to be given as in Item 3 • Begin to craft scope and purpose for PAR • Goal: complete PAR & 5 Criteria by end of May meeting for approval by WG to forward to EXCOM • New Items / Business to Discuss Completed C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

  11. Agenda for March 18, 2004 • Review Patent Policy, Inappropriate Topics Policy • Appoint permanent SG secretary • Accepting presentations relevant to writing PAR/5 Criteria • Preference for those expressing a vision for WPP and with a proposed purpose and scope • Shravan S. 11-04/387r0, “Proposed Framework for WPP” • DJ Shyy, 11-04/389r0, “5 Stage Process for WPP Testing” • Tom Alexander 11-04/0370r0, “Considerations for PAR and 5 Criteria for WPP” • Mike Wilhoyte, 11-04/386r0, “Suggested scope and purpose of the WPP TG” • Review progress from telecons • David Michelson, 11-04/361r1, “Wireless Performance Prediction, Rational and Goals” • Presentations to be given as in Item 3 • Broad discussion of scope and purpose before diving into wordsmithing PAR • Begin to craft scope and purpose for PAR • Goal: complete PAR & 5 Criteria by end of May meeting for approval by WG to forward to EXCOM • New Items / Business to Discuss Resumed Added S C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

  12. Progress since Vancouver • Held four teleconferences • Much discussion about purpose and scope of the group • Two presentations • 11-04/225r1, “Wireless Performance Prediction – Organization Proposal,” Paul Canaan, Intel • 11-04/248r0, “Wireless Performance Prediction – Proposed Framework,” David Michelson, UBC • Started wordsmithing a purpose and scope • See slide 2 of 11-04/225r0 and r1 • By no means a “done deal” C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

  13. Timeline Going Forward • March 802.11 meeting • “Big picture” (vision) discussion of WPP • Discuss scope and purpose for PAR • May 802.11 meeting • Detailed crafting of PAR, 5 Criteria • Move to have PAR/5 Criteria approved by WG for forwarding to EXCOM • July 802.11 meeting • SG resolution of comments from EXCOM, 802 • Vote to extend life of SG to do the work of the TG (for reaffirmation in TG) C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

  14. Straw Poll: Who will directly use our work? • End-users? 2 • Manufacturers or vendors? 15 • OEMs, VARs or system integrators? 17 • Evaluators or Test Labs? 17 • Implementers of WLAN systems 15 • Maintainers of WLAN systems 9 • Developers of WLAN tools 13 • Application developers 13 19 people in the room C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

  15. WPP Document List C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

  16. Docs related toTelecons(19 Feb 04 to 11 Mar 04) • Agendas • 11-04-0187-00-0wpp-telecon-agenda-19-feb-04.ppt • 11-04-0213-00-0wpp-telecon-agenda-26-feb-04.ppt • Presentations • 11-04-0225-01-0wpp-wireless-performance-prediction-organization-proposal.ppt • 11-04-0248-00-0wpp-wireless-performance-prediction-proposed-framework.ppt • Minutes • 11-04-0212-00-0wpp-wpp-sg-telecon-minutes-feb-19-2004.doc • 11-04-0226-00-0wpp-telecon-minutes-26-feb-2004.doc • 11-04-0237-00-0wpp-wpp-sg-telecon-minutes-mar-4-2004.doc • 11-04-0268-00-0wpp-wpp-sg-telecon-minutes-mar-11-2004.doc C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

  17. Jan 2004 802.11 Meeting (Vancouver) Presentations • 11-04-0038-00-0wpp-ieee-802-11-study-group-overview-2004.ppt • 11-04-0091-00-0wpp-wpp-project-background-&-roadmap.ppt • 11-04-0072-01-0wpp-optimization-parallels-with-cdma-cellular-pcs-industry.ppt • 11-04-0092-00-0wpp-ctia-over-air-test-standard.ppt • 11-03-0928-00-0wng-wpp-approaches-to-issue.ppt • 11-03-0930-00-0wng-wpp-user-experience.ppt C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

  18. Nov 2003 802.11 (Albuquerque) Presentations • Presented within the Wireless Next Generation standing committee • 11-03-0927-00-0wng-wpp-introduction-&-overview.ppt • 11-03-0928-00-0wng-wpp-approaches-to-issue.ppt • 11-03-0929-00-0wng-wpp-summary-work-plan-&-proposal.ppt • 11-03-0930-00-0wng-wpp-user-experience.ppt • 11-03-0931-00-0wng-wpp-simulating-field-performance.ppt • 11-03-0933-00-0wng-rf-performance-testing.ppt C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

  19. Early WPP Telecon Presentations • These presentations were made prior to the formation of the 802.11 WPP SG, and can be found on EMC Society WPP web site, maintained by S. Berger: • Factors Affecting Performance, F. Mlinarsky • Standard Methods for Predicting Wireless Performance, P. Canaan, P. Ellis • CTIA Standard for Over-The-Air Testing of Wireless Devices and Field Map Movies, M. Foegelle • RDI's Approach to Performance Prediction, K. Britain • Azimuth Test Configuration, F. Mlinarsky • Test Methodology, F. Mlinarsky C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

  20. Backup Information C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

  21. Teleconference Info • Date: Thursdays • Time: 11 AM Eastern time (1600 UT) • Duration: 1 hour • Phone #  1-877-842-9288 • International: +1-847-597-8068 • Passcode: 827 235 • Next: March 25, 2004 C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

  22. Email Reflector • Original reflector: stds-wpp@ieee.org • Set up under aegis of EMC Society • 802.11 reflector: stds-802-11@ieee.org • Requires 802.11 membership to send to it • Can be monitored through 802.11 web site • 802.11 rules require all SG communication to be through reflector • Use of WPP reflector will be discontinued after March 802.11 meeting C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

  23. References for 802.11 Newcomers (1 of 2) • Web site: • http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/802/11/ • Document server: • http://www.802wirelessworld.com/ • Sign up for an account • No need to be an 802.11 member to get an account • Once logged in, “join” 802.11: • Click on “802.11 WLAN WG” on left • In center window, choose to become a new member • Click again on “802.11 WLAN WG” • An additional subitem called “Documents” will be revealed – click on it • You’ve reached the document server! C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

  24. References for 802.11 Newcomers (2 of 2) • Document numbering scheme • WG-YY-NNNN-RR-gggg-English-document-title.ext • WG = 802 working group number, e.g. “11” as in 802.11 • YY = two digits of year • NNNN = document number • RR = document revision number • gggg = 802.11 group to which the document pertains • Example: • 11-04-0187-00-0wpp-telecon-agenda-19-feb-04.ppt C. Wright, Azimuth Systems

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