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Welcome to Third Grade! Mrs. Lorenzi’s Class

Welcome to Third Grade! Mrs. Lorenzi’s Class. Communication. Voice Mail: (708) 524-3060 ext. 8120 Email: slorenzi @ op97.org (preferred) *Please let me know if you did not receive an email from me. Notes in assignment notebook Family Letters (reading, social studies, math)

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Welcome to Third Grade! Mrs. Lorenzi’s Class

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  1. Welcome to Third Grade!Mrs. Lorenzi’s Class

  2. Communication • Voice Mail: (708) 524-3060 ext. 8120 • Email: slorenzi@ op97.org(preferred) *Please let me know if you did not receive an email from me. • Notes in assignment notebook • Family Letters (reading, social studies, math) • Webpage will include nightly assignments and dates on calendar in addition to other pertinent information • Blog: mrslorenzi.blogspot.com –will be converted to webpage soon • Unsatisfactory progress reports- distributed at conferences • Report Cards • Family Conferences

  3. Assignment Notebooks • Homework log -signed by Mrs. L and parent/guardian • Parent signature means all assignments are complete • Goes home every night along with take home folder and chapter book • Reading Log (monthly chapter books recorded here independently- minimum 2 books per month) • Various other pages in the back(writing, reading, etc….)

  4. Homework • Routine—same time, same place every night (organized, quiet—possibly play classical music?) • Check backpacks before bed to ensure everything is ready to go • Assignments are due next day unless noted otherwise • Use time wisely in class—get signed off quickly—get homework done! • Incomplete assignments are marked late and done at recess-watch for “Oops Slips” • Signatures and corrections required on 1’s and 2’s • “While you were Out Folders” • Sunrise Study Hall and Academic Study Hall available • We will ease in to homework load through September • 15-45 minutes of homework per night plus 20 mins. of reading aloud (varies per child)

  5. Post Office • Mail comes home daily in the take home folder • Check folders daily—Bring Right Back and Left at Home (students are responsible for checking their personal mail box) • Please reflect over graded assignments

  6. Mrs. Lorenzi’s Top Twenty • “The whole point of Ms. Martin’s Top Twenty is to be respectful to others. We like the Top Twenty because they are like rules but they are very specific so we know exactly how to act. It also helps people stay civilized. It stops people from going wild and crazy. It keeps people in line figuratively. It also takes respect to a whole different level.” -Caleb Purham-Rogers and AdrienKenig

  7. Morning Meeting/Afternoon Wrap Up • Interactive morning message—incorporates daily oral language using editing marks • Special announcements • Overview of the day • Sharing time (current events, etc….) • Read Alouds/Book Hooks/Book Reviews It’s against the law to say you did nothing at school today!

  8. Behavior Modification • Behavior Cards (for individual behavior) Green-Good Behavior Yellow-Warning Purple-Loss of Recess (exercise….teacher’s choice) Red-Note home/Office Referral • Star Chart (for class behavior) 100 stars—class party!! • Team Points Chart Points added for being ready on time, working well together, etc…

  9. Positive Reinforcement • Bear Necessity Slips and Raffle-kids can nominate others • Star Chart/Reward Party • Group Points/Rewards • “Clap-offs” • Sportsmanship Ribbons • “Job Well Done” plant • Individual notes/cards/lunch with students • Weekly Awards, etc…… We celebrate small successes to keep children enthusiastic about learning and proud of their work.

  10. Mathematics • Homework given each night • Pre-tests given prior to each unit and kids can “test out” of lessons (will be used as study guide at end of unit along with an additional study guide) • Rocket Math for computation (multiplication and division) • Hands on approach to learning—manipulatives • “Math Take Out” available • Whole group, small groups, pairs, individuals • “Walking Math” for some students

  11. Science • Taught by Mrs. Flowers—see Welcome Letter • Earth: phases of the moon, day/night, solar and lunar eclipse • Physical: Newton’s Laws of Motion/Simple Machines • Life: Plant growth and Development • No textbook—lots of science literature to take home • “Geared Up” Lego program • Global Village Scientist

  12. Social Studies • We will explore the various kinds of communities and cultures which exist within our nation and beyond. A focus on geography of our land and how the early Native American tribes adapted to their environment will be key. Early settlements along the east coast will be learned. The development of the west will also be studied. Our government and the branches which make up our nation’s authority will be taught. • Lesson quizzes and chapter tests • Read Unit Family Letters-extra credit opportunities • Time for Kids will address current events

  13. Technology • Research projects conducted on the Internet • Ipod Touch Sessions, Laptop Carts • Elmo Document Readers? • Q wicki videos to introduce new concepts, United Streaming, etc……

  14. Assessments • ISATs—math and reading • Fluency checks (Dibels) • MAP Testing (Measure of Academic Progress ) Reading and Math tests taken on the computer -Fall, Winter, and Spring • Sign and return all major tests that are stamped • Language arts, math, social studies tests and quizzes • Informal assessments (clipboard crusing)

  15. Grading System • 4: Above Grade Level • 3: At Grade Level • 2: Below Grade Level • 1: Academic Warning Subjective/No Percentages

  16. Odds and Ends • Water Bottles (take home each night) • Healthy snacks for morning recess • Store bought, healthy birthday treats (with ingredients listed) and supplies *please let me know in advance when you will be sending in treats • Answering in complete sentences (do not start with….) • Rephrase question in your answer • Encourage writing in cursive (second half of year) • School supplies should be replenished throughout the year…..look for “I Need Slips” • Checks for Scholastic Book orders • Party Fund money • Project fee (Time for Kids magazines)

  17. Parent Volunteers • Room Parent (plan and run class parties, organize snacks, etc….) • Photographer (take pictures and possibly make photo slideshows for our webpage) • Weekly Paper Grader • Helping Hands • Personal Visit I can use parental help inside and outside of the classroom! Thank you! (Please be sure to sign in at the office if you are coming into the classroom.)

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