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SOL Blitz Review

SOL Blitz Review. Characteristics of Early Exploration and Settlement. Jamestown Covenant community Mayflower Compact Mid-Atlantic Diversity Cavaliers and Shenandoah farmers House of Burgesses  General Assembly of Virginia. Interactions Among Europeans, Africans, and American Indians.

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SOL Blitz Review

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SOL Blitz Review

  2. Characteristics of Early Exploration and Settlement • Jamestown • Covenant community • Mayflower Compact • Mid-Atlantic Diversity • Cavaliers and Shenandoah farmers • House of Burgesses  General Assembly of Virginia

  3. Interactions Among Europeans, Africans, and American Indians • English settlements • Spanish settlements • Disease and loss of land • American Indian = First American • Plantations and slavery

  4. The Colonial Period • New England Economy • Middle Economy • Southern Economy • Cash crops • Small-scale farming

  5. Social Characteristics of the Colonies • Puritans • Quakers • Catholics • Church of England • Great Awakening • Methodists and Baptists

  6. Indentured Servitude and Slavery • Indentured servants from England, Scotland or Ireland • Slavery – filling labor needs

  7. Ideas of John Locke and Thomas Paine • Life, liberty, property • “natural rights” • “ordered liberty” • Common Sense

  8. Issues of the Revolutionary Period • Declaration of Independence • Anglo-French Rivalry • Proclamation of 1763 • End of salutary neglect • Beginning of War • 1st Continental Congress • Boston Massacre • “minutemen” at Lexington & Concord

  9. Articles of Confederation • No power to tax • No federal regulation of commerce • No common currency • One vote per state • No branches

  10. The Constitution • Key Leaders • George Washington • James Madison – Virginia Plan and Bill of Rights • Thomas Jefferson – Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom • George Mason - Virginia Declaration of Rights

  11. Early National Period • Election of 1800 • John Adams and Alexander Hamilton • Thomas Jefferson • War of 1812 and Oregon Territory • Migration to Florida • Louisiana Purchase • Manifest Destiny

  12. Age of Jackson • Bank of the United States • Spoils system • Election of 1828 • North vs. South Economy

  13. Causes of the Civil War • William Lloyd Garrison • Nat Turner and Gabriel Prosser • Missouri Compromise • Compromise of 1850 • Kansas-Nebraska Act • “A house divided”

  14. Civil War • Fort Sumter • Gettysburg • Emancipation Proclamation • Appomattox Courthouse

  15. Reconstruction • Radical Republicans • Compromise of 1877 • Jim Crow Era

  16. The Industrial Age • Westward movement • Homestead Act of 1862 • New and Old Immigrants

  17. Growth of Cities • Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburgh and New York - manufacturing centers • Need for new public services • Immigrants and ethnic neighborhoods • Factories

  18. Inventions/Innovations • Corporation • Bessemer Steel Process • Light bulb – Thomas Edison • Telephone – Alexander Graham Bell • Airplane – Wright Brothers • Assembly Line- Henry Ford

  19. Industrial Leaders • Andrew Carnegie (Steel) • J.P. Morgan (Finance) • John D. Rockefeller (Oil) • Cornelius Vanderbilt (Railroads)

  20. Jim Crow Laws • 1896 – Plessy v. Fergusan • Ida B. Wells – anti-lynching advocate • Booker T. Washington –vocational education first! • W.E.B. DuBois – NAACP – equality now!

  21. Progressive Movement • Working conditions • Goals of Progressive Movement • Progressive Accomplishments • Local Governments – more professional • State Governments – Initiative, Referendum and Recall • Elections – 17th Amendment – U.S. Senators • Child Labor Laws and Labor Unions

  22. Strikes and Anti-trust Laws • Haymarket Square – Chicago – all workers • Homestead Strike - Steelworkers • Pullman Strike – Railroad workers • Sherman Anti-Trust Act – break up monopolies • Clayton Anti-Trust Act – against price fixing

  23. U.S. Relations to Asia and Latin America • Open Door Policy – China – John Hay • Dollar Diplomacy – Latin America and President Taft – business investments • Spanish American War • Asia and Pacific • Panama canal • Annexed Hawaii

  24. World War I • U.S. Involvement in World War I • Fourteen Points and President Wilson • League of Nations • Punishment of Germany • Treaty of Versailles • League Debate in the U.S. – Treaty Rejected!

  25. Great Depression • Causes • Overspeculation on stocks and stock market crash • Federal Reserve’s failure to prevent collapse of banking system • High Protective Tariffs – Hawley-Smoot Act

  26. Great Depression • Impact • Unemployment and homelessness • Collapse of financial system • Political unrest • Farm foreclosures and migration • Dustbowl - Oklahoma

  27. New Deal • Franklin D. Roosevelt • “We have nothing to fear but fear itself…” • Relief Measures – WPA - Employment • Recovery Programs – AAA – Agriculture • Reform Measures – FDIC - Insurance • Social Security Act – Retirement pension

  28. World War II • War in Europe • War in Asia • Allied Strategy • Axis Strategy • U.S. Neutral • U.S. Involvement – Pearl Harbor – Dec. 7, 1941

  29. Turning Points • North Africa – El Alamein • Europe – Stalingrad and D-Day • Pacific • Midway • Island Hopping • Iwo Jima and Okinawa • Atomic Bombs

  30. Holocaust • Genocide • Jews, Poles, Slavs, Gypsies and “Undesirables” • Nuremberg Trials • Trials of those responsible for Holocaust • Following orders is no excuse!

  31. Minority Participation • Tuskegee Airmen • Nisei Regiments • Navajo communication codes • Mexican Americans

  32. Geneva Convention • Treatment of Prisoners • Japanese did not follow Convention • Bataan Death March • Japanese committed suicide rather than surrender

  33. World War II -Homefront • Economic Resources • Rationing • Businesses retooled to produce weapons • Human Resources • Women – Rosie the Riveter • Japanese Internment

  34. Postwar Outcomes • United Nations • Soviet Occupation of Eastern Europe • U.S. Occupation of Japan • Marshall Plan

  35. Cold War • U.S. versus USSR (Soviet Union) • Truman Doctrine (Containment) • NATO versus Warsaw Pact • China • Nuclear Weapons

  36. Cold War • Korean War – Domino Theory • Vietnam War - Controversial • Cuba – Bay of Pigs and Missile Crisis • Cold War at Home • McCarthyism – Cold War Hysteria • Alger Hiss, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg – convicted of being communist spies!

  37. Role of Presidents • John F. Kennedy – “pay any price…” • Lyndon B. Johnson – Escalation of Vietnam • Richard M. Nixon – Vietnamization and Vietnam War protests • Watergate – Nixon resigns

  38. End of Cold War • Internal Problems of the Soviet Union • Glasnost • Perestroika • Role of President Reagan “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall”

  39. Civil Rights • 1954 Brown versus Board of Education • Thurgood Marshal • 1963 March on Washington • Martin Luther King Jr. “I have a dream” • Civil Rights Act of 1964 • Voting Rights Act of 1965 • NAACP

  40. Women • Increased participation in the workplace • Sandra Day O’Conner • Equitable Pay • Glass Ceiling

  41. Immigrants • Increased American diversity • Asia and Latin America • Political Freedom • Economic Opportunity • Contributions • Role in labor force • Ethnic food, music, arts

  42. Technology • Neil Armstrong – Man on the Moon • CNN • Personal Computers • World Wide Web • Cell Phones • Telecommuting • White Collar Careers • Medical Breakthroughs – Jonas Salk –Polio Vaccine

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