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This meeting agenda covers important payroll reminders, updates on accounts payable and travel processes, and information about business support services.
HSC Partner Meeting May 26, 2016
CONTROLLER PAYROLL REMINDERS • Employees should review their paychecks via the portal to make sure pay and deduction are what they expect. In addition, please review personal information such as address, email, phone and W-4 withholdings. • With summer approaching, many people will be taking vacation. It’s important to remember to approve pending time and make sure you have delegated your approval authority for the period of time you will not be available to approve time. • Max carry forward of vacation time
CONTROLLER Accounts Payable and Travel • Send any invoices to invoices@untsystem.edu • Preferred method of payment to international vendors is a wire transfer, so AP will need the wire transfer information in order to make payment. • Invoice and Claims processing time (back to normal) • Updated Travel Budget Authorization is available on the BSC website. It includes the updated account detail sheet with the new Chart of Accounts information • http://bsc.untsystem.edu/Forms-Library?tid=All&field_description_value=travel • Submit proper documentation along with the expense report for speedy processing of claims and reimbursements • Examples of proper documentation: TBA, Account detail sheet, Meals, Hotel, Car Rental, Parking, Toll and other incidental expenses receipts
BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES ePAR UPDATES • Please remember that monitoring the status of your ePARs is your responsibility. • Change to terminations – a Short Work Break row will be inserted on job data upon submission of any termination ePAR. Once the ePAR reaches final approval the Short Work Break row will be replace by a termination row. • COMING SOON: Justification requirement for late submittal of ePARs – ePAR will now require a justification statement be selected or added when an ePAR is submitted past the payroll deadline. The responses will be used for reporting purposes.
BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Update • Office supplies – PDME • Toner – HUB vendors available • Resources available from UNT System HUB Area • Identifying HUBs (local when appropriate) • Processing informal quotes from HUBs • Working with vendors for HUB certification
BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES SINGLE SOURCE OR PROPRIETARY/SOLE SOURCE PURCHASE JUSTIFICATION • State of Texas law and UNT System policy require competitive bidding for purchases unless they qualify as Proprietary or Sole/Single Source Purchase. A Proprietary or Sole/Single Source Purchase is a product or service which has a distinctive characteristic that is not shared by other competing products or services and is available through only one vendor.
BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES PURCHASE JUSTIFICATION CON’T In our justifications we ask for: • Identification of the operational features or functions that are unique or proprietary; and • An explanation as to why competitive products or services are not satisfactory; and • If the equipment is only available from one source for compatibility reasons state the brand and model number of the existing equipment it will be used • If the services is related to an existing contract for service, list the existing purchase order number. • NOTE: Price or discount cannot be a justification for a single or sole source.
BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES BEST VALUE JUSTIFICATION UNT System institutions purchase goods and services from vendors providing the best value to the Institution. Texas Government Code, Chapter 2155.074, defines best value as including, but not limited to: Installation costs, Life cycle costs, Quality and reliability of the goods and services, Delivery terms,
BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES BEST VALUE JUSTIFICATION CON’T Indicators of probable vendor performance under the contract such as past vendor performance, the vendor’s financial resources and ability to perform, the vendor’s experience or demonstrated capability, and responsibility and the vendor’s ability to provide reliable maintenance agreements and support, Cost of any employee training associated with a purchase, Effect of a purchase on agency productivity, and Other factors relevant to determining the best value for the state in the context of a particular purchase.
Q: Do my Months of Service include all of my prior State service or just my time at UNTHSC? • A: Your months of State Service include any time you have been employed by a State agency, not just UNTHSC. • Q: When did the new TBA go into effect? • A: The new TBA became effective March 1, 2016. Please be sure you are using the new TBA form, which can be found in the BSC Forms Library. • Q: Should I check my submitted epars on a regular basis? • A: Yes. Be sure you monitor all submitted epars for
approval. • Q: Is there a timeframe in which I should submit termination ePars? • A: Yes. Termination ePars should be submitted as soon as you are notified that someone is leaving. This should be done prior to the Time & Labor deadlines. Once the epar is submitted a “Work Break” row will be inserted on job data, ensuring payment ends on the effective date of the ePar. • Q: What should I do if I submit an epar with an incorrect termination date? A: Contact the first approver and ask them to deny the epar.
Q: When a funding source expires, will we receive a notification from the Budget Office? • A: Yes. Other HSC employees in the room indicated notices are sent from the Budget office for those in positions, but not for those with appointments only. • Q: When an account needs to be changed, can I make a retroactive change? • A: Yes. But only back to March 1, 2016. If it is an award, you will need to complete a Cost Transfer form.
Q: When I need assistance with my PDME account, who should I contact? • A: Barry Sullenberger is the main contact for PDME and can be reached at Barry.Sullenberger@untsystem.edu or by calling the BSC at 940-369-5500. • Q: I received an email from PDME asking me to update all of my information, how should I proceed? • A: Do not respond to the email. Change your password and notify Barry Sullenberger.
Q: When I need help locating a HUB vendor or getting pricing, who are my contacts? • A: You may contact Kimmalla Mitchell at Kimmalla.Mitchell@untsystem.edu , Greg Obar at Greg.Obar@untsystem.edu , or Joey.Saxon@untsystem.edu . You may also reach them by phone at 940-369-5500. • Q: Will there be training for the new Desktop Receiving procedure? • A: Yes. There will be a five-minute video which will give you the instructions for receiving all items which are directly shipped to you.
Q: Will I be required to complete a receiver on blanket orders? • A: Yes. • Q: When will Travel reimbursements be caught up? • A: Travel is caught up at this time and all reimbursements are being processed timely.
Q: How long should it take for a requisition to be completed and the vendor to be paid? • A: Payment is an automatic 30-days from the date of receipt. • Q: Do I need to include a date in my justification for payment when a requisition is entered for payment for a special speaker? • A: Yes. Please put a date in the justification field of the requisition. • Q: Is training available for 9.2? There are several functions and reports which would be helpful, but we don’t know where to find them. • A: Donna Asher will research determine if a Face2Face training session is available.
Q: How can I see the balance of a PO which was created in 9.0? • A: Call your buyer. They can help you with this information. We are working on a “View Only” process for 9.0. • Q: Is there a way for each of us to be updated on the status of our Chart of Accounts completed? • A: Donna Asher will talk with Gail Herbert about the communication questions which have been raised.
Q: Would it be possible to have our old deptid printed on our new spreadsheets from the Budget Office? • A: Donna Asher will contact the Budget Office for clarification. • Q: How can we get an accurate assessment of our Salaries and Fringe Benefits? • A: A new process is being put in place to separate Salary and Fringe Benefits.