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The Growth of a Young Nation

The Growth of a Young Nation. The Jeffersonian Era. Jefferson won a close and bitter Election in 1800 Won the most popular vote Tied in electoral college with Aaron Burr Hamilton broke the tie 12 th Amendment changed the way the president would be chosen

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The Growth of a Young Nation

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  1. The Growth of a Young Nation

  2. The Jeffersonian Era • Jefferson won a close and bitter Election in 1800 • Won the most popular vote • Tied in electoral college with Aaron Burr • Hamilton broke the tie • 12th Amendment changed the way the president would be chosen • Jefferson’s Theory-Jeffersonian republicanism • People should control the government • Government should be simple and small • He reduced the size of the military and lowered governmental expenses

  3. Jeffersonian Era • He was the first president to take office in the new federal capital-Washington DC • 1st of three presidents from VA • This showed rise of southern political power • At the same time the Supreme Court was increasing its power

  4. Marbury vs. Madison • Chief Justice was John Marshall • Strengthened power of Supreme Court • Ruled a law passed bycongress unconstitutional • This power was calledjudicial review

  5. Louisiana Purchase • 1803-Jefferson got chance to buy land from France • Wasn’t sure he had Constitutional power to buy it • Bought it anyway-3 cents per acre • Called the Louisiana Purchase • New boundaries stretched from Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains

  6. Madison and War of 1812 • Britain and France were at war • Both threatened American ships • British engaged in impressment • seized American sailors • forced to serve in British navy • America’s anger grew • Madison becomes president in 1808 • He asks Congress to declare war on Britain

  7. War of 1812 Treaty of Ghent • The British attacked Washington DC • Madison had to flee the city • Andrew Jackson defeats British at New Orleans-becomes a hero! • Treaty of Ghent ended the war • Three outcomes of war • Anti-war Federalists Party died out • America began to develop their own industries • Showed that United States was truly independent

  8. Nationalism • National pride grew after the war • 1816-Monroe elected • Choses John Quincy Adams as Sec. Of State • Adams based foreign policy on nationalism • Nation’s intrest come before what a region wants • He settled some issues with Britain • Convinced Spain to give Florida to United States-with help of Jackson

  9. Monroe Doctrine • 1823-Monroe warned European nations not interfere with any nation in the Americas • He said United States would stay out of European affairs • Policy statement was known as Monroe Doctrine • Still used today!

  10. The Age of Jackson Chapter 3 sec. 2

  11. Regional Economic Create Differences • Early in the 19th century regions of the US developed differently. • Northern states economy depended on Commerce • Trade, shipping, production of materials • The South remained agricultural • Cotton, tobacco

  12. Missouri Compromise • 1818: Settlers wanted admission • Free or Slave State? • The Compromise • Maine admitted as free state • Missouri as a slave • The rest of the Louisiana Territory • Split into 2 parts • 36’ 30 • Slavery banned in the North (except for Missouri) • South of it was legal

  13. Indian Removal Act of 1830 • Under the Authority of President Jackson • Forceful removal of Native Amer. to west • Removal of Indian • from 1831-33 • Again in 1835 • An estimated 30,000 Indians forced to move west of the Mississippi.

  14. Worcester v. Georgia 1832 • The Cherokee Nation took the state of Georgia to court • They won their case • Jackson refused to follow the order • Even so, still forcibly removed • Indians walked 1000s of miles • 1/4of the Cherokee would die along the way • The Trial Of Tears

  15. Nullification • Southerners objected to tariffs • John C. Calhoun fought for states’ rights • Argued that states could nullify federal laws they felt were unconstitutional • 1832-South Carolina tried to nullify a federal tariff • threatened to secede from the union • Daniel Webster (Mass) opposed nullification • Henry Clay worked out compromise to keep S.C in Union

  16. Bank War • Jackson was against 2nd National Bank • Took federal money out of the national bank and put it in other hands • National bank went of existence • People began to think that Jackson had too much power • Whig Party was formed

  17. Election of 1824 John C. Calhoun John Quincy Adams William Crawford Henry Clay Andrew Jackson Election of 1828 Andrew Jackson John Quincy Adams Democrat Republican Whig Growth of Political Parties Election of 1836 Martin Van Buren William Henry Harrison Daniel Webster Hugh White Election of 1840 Martin Van Buren William Henry Harrison

  18. Panic of 1837 • Martin Van Buren Elected President in 1836 • By 1837-many banks that Jackson had put money into failed • Helped cause the Panic of 1837 and a depression • 1840-Van Buren loses to Wm Henry Harrison (Whig) • Harrison dies soon after-vice-president john Tyler takes over

  19. Manifest Destiny Chapter 3 Section 3

  20. Terms and Names • Manifest destiny • Santa Fe Trail • Oregon Trail • Stephen F Austin • Texas Revolution • The Alamo • Sam Houston • James K Polk • Republic of California • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

  21. Settling the Frontier • Many Americans believed that God wanted them to move across the continent • Believed that they were meant to control the west-manifest destiny • Why go west? • Economic reasons-cheap land • After panic of 1837 many wanted fresh start • Paths to the west • Santa Fe Trail-Independence, MO & Santa Fe, New Mexico • Oregon Trail-Independence & Portland, Oregon • Mormons-used Oregon trail to Utah • Had been persecuted in the East • Settled on edge of the Great Salt Lake

  22. Texas Independence • 1820s-Mexico encouraged Americans to settle in Texas • They were offered land to help make area more stable • Stephen F Austin-set up a colony of Americans in Texas • Soon Anglos outnumbered the Spanish-speaking Texans • Created cultural differences • English instead of Spanish • Protestant instead of Catholic • Southerners who brought slaves • Mexico had outlawed slavery in 1829 • Mexicans unsuccessful in getting Texans to free slaves

  23. Texas Independence • Mexico tried to keep more Americans from coming • Settlers came anyway • Austin asks Mexico for self-government in Texas • 1836-War breaks out-called Texas Revolution • Small Texas force tried to defend the Alamo • All 187 Americans were killed when Mexico captured the mission

  24. “Remember the Alamo” • Became the rallying cry for Texas rebels • Sam Houston became commander of the Texans • They captured Santa Anna • Won their independence • 1844-James K Polk-President • Slaveholder • Favored westward expansion • 1845-Texas admitted as state

  25. The Mexican-American War 1846-48 • For the first time the US went to war not for independence, or foreign provocation but for territorial expansion. • Polk, believed war with Mexico would allow the US to take over the Texas, New Mexico and California territory • Polk implied that Texas was a part of the Louisiana purchase, and treated it as US property • Sent troops under Gen. Zachary Taylor to protect our border’s • Tension escalated when Taylor crossed the Rio Grande. • An American Soldier was found dead and an American patrol was attacked. • That all the provocation Polk needed to declare war

  26. After several military victories • Mexico conceded defeat • The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo • Mexico agreed to the Rio Grande as the border • The US gained Texas, New Mexico And California

  27. California Gold Rush 1848-Gold discovered in California People “rushed” to California for gold These “49ers” came from all over America as well as other countries California’s population exploded San Francisco became a boom town Thousands of people came to California Development of farming, manufacturing, shipping, and banking grew rapidly

  28. The Market Revolution Chapter 3 Section 4

  29. Great economic changes in the US during the first half of the 19th century • Market revolution-people bought and sold goods rather than making them for themselves • Free enterprise-economic system in which private businesses and individuals control production • Both expanded at this time • Entrepreneurs-invested in new industries • New industries produced goods that: • Made life more comfortable • Improved manufacturing • Improved transportation • Improved communications

  30. New Inventions

  31. Different regions became dependenton each other • Each region needed goods produced by other regions • North became the center of commerce and manufacturing • Midwest became a farming region • Crops were carried by canal and train to markets in the East • South remained agricultural • Cotton • Rice • Tobacco • Slaves were used to raise those crops

  32. Changing Workplaces • New market economy changed the way Americans worked • Factories took the place of home shops • New machines allowed unskilled workers make goods that skilled workers had made • These workers had to work in factories • Thousands of people worked in textile mills • Hired young women instead of men-could be paid less • “Mill girls” lived in boarding houses owned by factories • Working conditions were horrible • Workday-more than 12 hours-a-day • Hot, noisy and dirty • Many became ill

  33. Workers Organize • Bad working conditions led workers to unite • 1834-Lowell textile mill cut wages by 15% • Mill girls went on strike • Public support was against the workers • 1830s-40s-there were many strikes for shorter work days • Employers won strikes by hiring strike-breakers • Many were European immigrants • Immigration increased between 1830-1860 • Most met prejudice in the United States

  34. The First Unions • Small trade unions began to band together in the 1830s • National Trades’ Union formed in 1834 • Represented a variety of trades • At first strikes were declared illegal • 1842-Commonwealth v. Hunt • Massachusetts Supreme Court supported the workers right to strike

  35. Reforming American Society

  36. Religious and Social Reforms of the 19th Century Women’s Rights Second Great Awakening Educational Reform Lucretia Mott Elizabeth Cady Stanton Lyman Beecher Horace Mann Lyman Beecher Charles G Finney Mentally Ill & Handicapped Abolitionist Temperance Movement Fredrick Douglas Henry Highland Garnet William Lloyd Garrison Dorothea Dix Thomas Gallaudet Samuel Gridley Howe Lyman Beecher

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