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RABI CAMPAIGN 2011-12 GROUP II. Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, West Bengal. Kharif Achievement 2011: Bihar . Area in lakh ha & production in lakh MT. Rabi 2011: Bihar. Area in lakh ha & production in lakh MT. Kharif Achievement 2011: West Bengal.

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  1. RABI CAMPAIGN 2011-12GROUP II Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, West Bengal

  2. Kharif Achievement 2011: Bihar Area in lakh ha & production in lakh MT

  3. Rabi 2011: Bihar Area in lakh ha & production in lakh MT.

  4. Kharif Achievement 2011: West Bengal Area in lakh ha & production in lakh MT.

  5. Rabi 2011: West Bengal Area in lakh ha & production in lakh MT.

  6. Kharif Achievement 2011: Odisha Area in lakh ha & production in lakh MT.

  7. Rabi 2011: Odisha Area in lakh ha & production in lakh MT.

  8. Kharif Achievement 2011: Jharkhand Area in lakh ha & production in lakh MT.

  9. Rabi 2011: Jharkhand Area in lakh ha & production in lakh MT.

  10. Kharif Achievement 2011: Chhattisgarh Area in lakh ha & production in lakh MT.

  11. Rabi 2011: Chhattisgarh Area in lakh ha & production in lakh MT.

  12. Kharif Achievement 2011: Madhya Pradesh Area in lakh ha & production in lakh MT.

  13. Rabi 2011: Madhya Pradesh Area in lakh ha & production in lakh MT.

  14. Overall Kharif & Rabi • There is no shortfall anticipated production in Rice and Pulses in Kharif 2011 compared to Kharif 2010 • In Kharif 2011 Rice production of 6 states (+)38.5 lakh MT and pulses (+) 3.3 lakh MT • Due to good residual moisture, Rabi coverage & production will be higher than last year, Wheat production targeted to be (+) 45.2 lakh MT, Rice (+)13.2 lakh MT and pulses (+)21.4 lakh MT • Seed shortage for potato in WB, groundnut in Odisha and pulses in Chhattisgarh in Rabi • Fertilizer availability in Rabi is a major concern

  15. Release & Expenditure under major Schemes in 2011-12 Bihar(Rs in crore)

  16. Release & Expenditure under major Schemes in 2011-12 West Bengal(Rs in crore)

  17. Release & Expenditure under major Schemes in 2011-12 Odisha(Rs in crore)

  18. Release & Expenditure under major Schemes in 2011-12 Jharkhand(Rs in crore)

  19. Release & Expenditure under major Schemes in 2011-12 Chhattisgarh(Rs in crore)

  20. Release & Expenditure under major Schemes in 2011-12 Madhya Pradesh(Rs in crore))

  21. Special Initiatives & Best Practices adopted in States Bihar • Green Manuring with dhaincha • SRI • Emphasis on Organic Farming • Promotion of Hybrid rice • Introduction of stress tolerant varieties of rice • Kharif Mahotsav

  22. Special Initiatives & Best Practices adopted in the States – cont.. Chattisgarh • Gram SwarajAbhiyan - mass awareness campaign • Check dams & micro irrigation structures • Crop Loans @ 3% interest • Free electricity upto 5 HP irrigation pumps

  23. Special Initiatives & Best Practices adopted in the States – cont.. Jharkhand • Hybrid rice production programme • SRI • Jharkhand Krishi Card Yojana • Measures to improve acidic soil

  24. Special Initiatives & Best Practices adopted in the State – cont.. Madhya Pradesh • Constitution of Krishi Cabinet • Replacement of upland paddy areas by pulses • Pilot project to improve productivity of every agro climatic zone • PPP model in ATMA • Crop loans @ 1% interest • Horticulture Hubs providing common facilities for entrepreneurs & farmers

  25. Special Initiatives & Best Practices adopted in the State – cont.. Odisha • Transparent, and computerised farm mechanisation scheme • State level seed treatment campaign • Monitoring system for fertiliser distribution and e-licensing for fertliser and pesticides • Dedicated phone lines for pest advice

  26. Special Initiatives & Best Practices adopted in the State – cont West Bengal • Zero till for rice & wheat • SRI • Seed Treatment campaign • Seed Village Prog for certified seed production • Krishi Melas

  27. Issues & Suggestions • Shortage of fertilisers reported by all States • Suggestion on more flexibility to states in BGREI components • Shortage of storage facility for procurement this Kharif and Rabi (MP) • Launch organic farming mission • Millet processing plant under INSIMP proposed by Jharkhand

  28. Issues & Suggestions • Increase allocation under NFSM Rice & Pulses • Shortage of foundation & certified seeds in Jharkhand, tender floated • Improving Utilization under ATMA and special programmes under RKVY like RADP, Oil Palm, Pulses and Vegetable initiatives etc. • Need for more systematic work in soil health management.

  29. THANKS

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