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Presentation on AWP&B 2013-14 By Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan , Punjab . Position of Schools. DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE. L I T E R A C Y S T A T U S. Educational Indicators. Financial Status of SSA from Inception . Fig. In Crores. Financial Progress. Fig. In Lacs. Best
Financial Status of SSA from Inception Fig. In Crores
Financial Progress Fig. In Lacs
Best Practices / Initiatives
School magazines Annual School magazines are published by all schools.
School Magazine by Students • Pervesh Bal Pustika’is a unique endeavour under Pervesh in which the creative and innovative ideas of primary school children are published in the form of poems, stories and concept based paintings.
Social Media site facebook has a comprehensive page dedicated to PERVESH project where teachers from the state share their views, innovation, creativity and techniques of project.
Annual Day Functions Annual Day functions are organised in all schools during 2012-13
Energy Conservation Awareness • There were active participation of students of govt. schools in campaigns organized for awareness of energy conservation. • A large no. of Students from govt. schools have also participated in poster making competitions to spread awareness in community. • The state has also been awarded for the best performance during the campaign and awarded the "Best State In Education" by the Ministry of Energy.
Community Contribution & School Welfare Funds • Community involvement has positively increased in Govt. Schools with the community mobilization campaigns, Parent Teacher Meetings and Annual Day Functions. • Community members are know taking keen interest in overall school development. • A separate account for School Welfare Fund is created in all govt. schools. • Community members are know contributing a lot to this School Welfare Fund and positive response, in this regard, is received from govt. schools.
Pilot Project "Udaan" • - A project "Udaan" is launched in district Sangrur on pilot basis to enhance general knowledge of students of govt. schools. • Questions based upon general knowledge are sent to the schools by mail. • These questions are pasted on notice board and students note them. • Based upon these questions, quarterly competitions are conducted. • Positive response is received from students and teachers for this project.
State Curriculum Framework - Punjab • SCERT has been made academic authority for curriculum reforms. • Accordingly, State Curriculum Framework 2013 has been devised by the SCERT, Punjab. • The syllabus, text books, CCE and the reforms in the exqamination system on the basis of PCF 2013 will ensure quality education for all-round development of the students of classes 1st to 12th .
Online web-portal www.epunjabschool.gov.in • An online web-portal has been developed and implented for all middle, high and senior secondary schools. • Under the project, information related to Staff, Students, Infrastructure, Attendance etc. have been made online. • Information is updated by the schools on monthly basis.
Regular Monitoring of Schools by Inspection Teams. • Inspection teams consisting 4-5 members have been constituted for all 22 districts of Punjab. • These teams visits the schools on regular basis and monitor teacher attendance, student attendance, quality interventions and classroom process. • These teams monitor 30 schools on an average basis in a month. • These teams submit their reports online and these reports are monitored by the State Head Office.
Rehabilitating children with Cleft Lip/ Palette • Campaign launched all over the state to identify all children with cleft lip/ palette. • Tie-up established with 8 Smile Train partner Hospitals. • 235 cleft surgeries performed successfully within a span of 2 months. • Follow-up speech therapy being given to these children to correct their speech problems and develop communication. • Children requiring dental treatment for reorganization of teeth are being provided the required treatment for their complete rehabilitation.
Rehabilitating children with Cleft Lip/ Palette Before surgery After surgery
Children with Low Vision • 1020 Low Vision children identified in partnership with Sighsavers NGO. • Tie-up established with 4 reputed Hospitals for corrective surgeries of Low Vision children. • Corrective surgeries of Low Vision children being carried out totally free of cost at these hospitals. • Assistive devices provided to these children free of cost through Sighsavers.
Children with Cerebral Palsy, Polio and congenital deformities • Tie-up established with 4 reputed Hospitals for surgical correction of children. • After surgery, regular physiotherapy is a must. • Success of this intervention is seen from the fact that children totally bed-ridden earlier are now going to school ON THEIR OWN and even competing in sports.
Reiterating the proposal of some of the issues where appraisal team has some reservation for recommendations.
Learning Enhancement Program Primary Education Innovative, qualitative, joyful and creative learning has always been the moto of SSA Punjab. So, in the year 2012 SSA Punjab initiated PERVESH (Primary VidyaSudhar) projectbased on Creative Learning Model(CLM) of education for class I to V. Under this project the baseline test was conducted in the month of August 2012. After the baseline test appropriate training was provided to the teachers for use of the supplementary reading material. Monitoring and onsite support was provided to the teachers and the progress was evident…..
PERVESH progress:Baseline to Mid test 1. Punjabi: 16.41% 2. Math: 23.60% 3. English:20.62% 4. Hindi: 33.81%
Reasons for the progress under PERVESH • Activity & Creativity based training. • Onsite training & support to the teacher by PERVESH District Coordinators and PERVESH Block Coordinators. • Regular Monitoring of school activities. • Text books oriented colourful and graded printed supplementary reading material for children. • Learning level appropriate treatment to every child. • Establishment of State Resource Group, District Resource Group and Block Resource Group for implementation of the project at various levels. • Monthly review meetings at State level and at District level with DEO(EE), DIET principals and BPEOs with PERVESH team.
Funds Requirement under LEP Primary Education PAB may like to consider and approve the above budget.
Learning Enhancement Program Upper Primary Education • Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) of the students’ progress & to develop competitive skills. • To develop 4 language skills among the students i.e. (LSRW) listening, speaking, reading & writing. • To develop computational, logical & reasoning skills and to enhance their ability to use mathematics in daily life.
Teaching Material(PAST PRACTICES) • ENGLISH • Teacher Manual of English • Lesson Flash Cards for English prose& poetry • Vowel & Consonant Cards of English • Word Pitara Cards of English • Grammar Flash Cards of English • Pictionary • Cornucopia (A book on activities to teach English) Mathematics • Flash Cards (Content based) • Activity note book • Maths kits • Teachers manual • Cornucopia (A book on activities to teach Mathematics) • Charts • Posters of famous mathematicians
Learning Enhancement Program Upper Primary Education PAB may like to consider and approve the above budget.
Learning Enhancement Program Innovation in Science To inculcate science aptitude in children and to promote practical work in science subject, state is going to initiate the concept of mobile science and establishing science centre so that tiny toddlers can enjoy the science through fun and can up-to-date their knowledge in science and can thus innovate their ideas & young scientists can be prepared. PAB may like to consider and approve the above budget.
Children with Special Needs who are out-of-school • CWSN who are enrolled in schools are reflected in DISE. • Children with severe & profound disabilities are covered under Home Based Education. • Some educable CWSN who can be covered under the school system are still out of school at present. • However, the Appraisal Team has not recommended any budget for these out-of-school CWSN: neither under STR component nor under IE. • In this scenario, the outlook for these out-of-school CWSN remains bleak. • PAB may kindly allocate budget for these 5448 CWSN @ Rs. 6000/- per child unit cost, totaling Rs. 326.88 lakhs, so that there is no partiality against these CWSN.
Salary of Staff working at SPO, DPO and BRC Level • The salary at revised rates for staff working at SPO & DPO has been proposed under Management Cost and the same is approved by the EC under AWP&B 2013-14. • Salary at revised rates for staff (MIS Coordinators, Accountants, Data Entry Operators) working at BRC level has been proposed for this year. Salary of Block MIS Coordinators at revised rates had already been approved by the PAB last year. • The State proposal of Rs. 44.22 Cr for Management Cost may please be considered and approve. Appraisal team has recommended only 32.43 Cr for Management & MIS head. • PAB may also like to consider and approve the salary at revised of MIS Coordinators (Rs.25000/-), Accountants (Rs.25000/-), Data Entry Operators (Rs.22000/-) working at BRC level.
Civil Works • State proposal for following civil works items which are utmost required and have not been recommended by appraisal team :- • ACRs - 4729 • Girls Toilet - 1007 • Drinking Water - 11 • Major Repair for - 1269 Classrooms • PAB may like to consider and approve the same as these civil work interventions are very much required to fill the infrastructure gap.
Uniforms • Appraisal team has recommended funds for uniforms @ Rs.400/- per child which is not sufficient to purchase full set of uniforms. • An amount of Rs.1000/- per child is required to give following items under uniforms :- PAB is requested to consider the above rate and approve the same for APL General & BC Boys also.