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Detailed report to the Parliamentary Select Committee outlining ICD's operations, challenges faced, achievements, and priorities for improvement in the coming year.
INDEPENDENT COMPLAINTS DIRECTORATE Presentation to theParliamentary Select Committee on Security and Constitutional Affairs 3 June 2008
Introduction Mr P Mongwe
PROGRAMME 1 : Administration Mr E Valoyi
STAFF COMPLEMENT Growth : Additional 22 (8%) new positions for 2008/2009 financial year
STAFF COMPLEMENT (CONT…) 2007/2008 2008/2009 (33%) 83 = H/O (32%) 89 = H/O (67%) 165 = Provinces (68%)181 = Provinces Total: 248 Total: 270
Challenges • To attain the approved 535 staff complement. • Staff turn – over - Lack of career growth - Incommensurate salaries to responsibilities (ito Job Evaluation) • ED’s vacant post causes an under – expenditure of R800 000 per annum on the Personnel Budget • Lack of funding to implement Job Evaluation results • Acquisition of funding to continue with the implementation of restructuring • Burn-out & stress related problems due to high work-load • Lack of segregation of duties in certain Provinces
Performance : 2007/2008 • The ICD managed to establish an Asset Management Unit, although at a small scale. • Completed the unique numbering of assets, in all the offices. • Addressed all the AG’S concerns regarding leave, and asset registers. • Managed to send 175 Employees on different training courses. • Got an Award for being the best Department in having the best Integrated Management Risk Strategy in the entire Public Service.
PRIORITIES FOR 2008/2009 • Establishment of a fully - fledged Asset Management Unit at N/O • Strengthening of all Provincial Offices in Programme 1 to deal with Assets and general administration • Finalizing the restructuring process • Implementation of Job Evaluation results
PROGRAMME 2:Registration, Investigation and Monitoring of ComplaintsMr T Tshabalala
Completed and closed cases – workload of cases carried forward in past financial years
Cases of the current financial year, finalized during April to December 2007
Recommendations made to SAPS Management – April to December 2007
Attendance of Criminal Cases in Court – April to December 2007
Attendance of disciplinary hearings – April to December 2007
Achievements • Implementation of the revised salary package for investigators which • Assisted in the retention of investigators • Boosted morale within the investigation component which is evident from the output attained in the period of 9 months • Despite the challenges that we still encounter wrt to reaching outlying areas we attended 74% of scene of crime • We have reduced the workload of the previous financial years (backlog) to a manageable level • Considering the number of those police officers convicted, we believe that we are continuing to make a strong impact in uprooting bad elements within the SAPS and MPS • Although the Anti Corruption Unit has a limited number of investigators, it continues to make an impact in this area – the two cases of corruption involving 2 officers in the Durban Metro Police who were arrested for traffic fines related corruption, is a case in point
Challenges • Restructuring of Programme 2 and 3 • The effect of restructuring • Increase our human resource capacity to investigate complaints • Increase our capacity to conduct more station visits/audits • Increase the turnaround time • Addressing the legal lacuna iro recommendations to ensure uniformity in implementation of discipline • Strengthening relationships with our stakeholders – SAPS, Metro Police Services and DPP
Priorities for 2008/2009 • Rolling out of the four satellite offices • Relocation of the satellite office from Richards Bay to Empangeni • Ensuring that the programme is ready for its maiden performance audits • Coordinate stakeholder workshops for the 8 provinces • Secure training opportunities for ICD investigators into the detective learning programme offered by SAPS
PROGRAMME 3: Information Management and Research Ms N Sihlezana
PERFORMANCE 2007/2008 1. COMPLAINTS CASE INTAKE: • 80% of new cases were captured and processed within 48 hours • Improvement on feedback to clients; from 30 days to 7 days
2. COMMUNICATION AND MARKETING: • Prompt media responses – time taken to respond to media enquiries is within the 1 hour of receipt and we do meet the target. • ICD Marketing Activities – ICD Ten Year Celebrations - the component organised a gala dinner during its tenth year anniversary which was a huge success. Amongst other projects undertaken during the celebrations, the component produced promotional items like t-shirts, bags, pens etc. which were all branded in accordance with the celebrations to market this important milestone.
Communication (cont…) • Newspaper inserts - the component produced 500 000 copies of newspaper inserts that were distributed to communities around the country through various newspapers. The inserts explained and informed communities on ICD’s mandate, the process of lodging a complaint, how complaints are handled and contact numbers for all ICD offices nationwide • Post office advert - the ICD produced an advert which was aired on post office television for three months. The advert was aimed at educating communities about ICD’s mandate. It was played in three different languages in over 500 post offices countrywide.
Communication (cont…) • Radio and Television adverts - the Communications component organised many radio and television interviews from the beginning of last year as part of its marketing strategy. Senior managers, the acting executive director, provincial heads and the organizational spokesperson were afforded an opportunity to take part in these interviews. All these interviews were granted free of charge. • Newspaper adverts - the component placed two adverts in Sowetan and City Press newspapers. The advert was aimed at marketing ICD and its services to communities.
Communication (cont…) • Corporate gifts and other items - Communications produced corporate pens, key holders and business card holders that were branded with ICD logo. The gifts are given to stakeholders as tokens of appreciation. We have also produced folders that are in line with ICD ’s corporate image. • Community Outreach Programmes - Many outreach campaigns were organised nationally where the said promotional items were distributed to communities – target was met and exceeded.