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INTRODUCTION TO GENERAL ANATOMY MEANINS HISTORY SUBDIVISIONS Dr. Mah Jabeen Muneera Assistant Professor Department of Anatomy KEMU. BACKGROUND. Study of structure or form of biological organisms Oldest basic medical science Derived from Greek word Ana-----up Tome----cutting

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  1. INTRODUCTION TO GENERAL ANATOMY MEANINS HISTORY SUBDIVISIONS Dr. Mah Jabeen Muneera Assistant Professor Department of Anatomy KEMU

  2. BACKGROUND • Study of structure or form of biological organisms • Oldest basic medical science • Derived from Greek word • Ana-----up • Tome----cutting • Dissecare, Latin word with similar meaning

  3. Pre Scientific Era • Scientific Era • Egypt • Greece • Roman • Middle ages • Contribution of Islam • Renaissance • Pre modern • Modern

  4. Pre Scientific

  5. 10,000BC Purposeful boring& trephination of Human skull

  6. Egypt 3,000BC Egyptian papyruses Mummification & embalming Human viscera stored Heart left as such (seat of soul)

  7. GreeceAnatomy 1st found acceptance as science • Alcmaeon • Studied by dissecting animals • Discovered Optic Nerve • Pharyngotympanic tube • Brain –intelligence • Concept about SLEEP

  8. Hippocrates 460-377 BC Father of western medicine Anatomy as foundation of medicine Studied wounds, bones skull

  9. Aristotle • 384-322BC • world’s greatest “NATURAL SCIENTIST” • First used term “ANATOME” • Studies based upon animal dissection mainly • Foundation of “Comparative Anatomy” • Established EMBRYOLOGY on scientific course

  10. Alexandrian Era • Herophilus & Erasistratus • Dissected human body purposefully in a med school in Alexandria • Cadavers, criminals dissected even vivisection

  11. Decline & Roman invasion Egypt became part of Rome Culturally Roman environment HUMAN DISSECTION WAS FORBIDDEN

  12. Contribution of Islam • Greek knowledge lost to west Europe • Retained by Islamic world • Translated Greek text to Arabic • Hussain Ibn_e_Ishaq (Baghdad) • Abd_ul_Latif Baghdadi • Ibn_e_Nafees • Improvement in description of bones

  13. Claudius Galen Knowledge was mainly based upon treating wounds & animal study Later turned out to be incorrect Precisely described Results of damage of spinal cord at different levels

  14. Leonardo de Vinci

  15. Vesalius • Student of Anatomy • Found discrepancies • Himself performed Dissection • Wrote 1st modern book

  16. “Vesalius’s De Human Corpora Fabrica”

  17. 17th century • Willium Hunter Knowledge of Anatomy is the only SOLID FOUNDATION of medicine & general Surgery • Harvey Presented theories about blood circulation Entirely new concepts

  18. Morcello Malpighi(1661) • Used MICROSCOPE • Saw blood circulating in capillaries through flesh

  19. Anton Van(18th cent) • Continued microscopic work • Felin dujordin(19th cent) • protoplasm • Robert Hook

  20. 18th, 19th Centuries • Anatomists published many Atlases, that introduced new standards of depicting human body • Shortage of cadavers, led to illegal means of obtaining human bodies • In Britain Anatomy Act was passed in 1832 • It made legal provision of unclaimed & donated bodies, to medical schools • Similar legislations in other countries later

  21. 20th cent • Discovery of DNA

  22. 21st cent • Human genome decoding project • All recent advances

  23. Subdivisions • Gross Anatomy • Topographical • Surface • Systemic

  24. Microscopic Anatomy • Histology • Embryology • Developmental Anatomy

  25. Comparative Anatomy • Clinical Anatomy

  26. Techniques to represent Anatomical knowledge • Cave pictures, models ,papyruses

  27. Wood cut (14th Century) • Copper Plate Engraving (16th century)

  28. Hand colouring • Lithography • (18th cent)

  29. Photography (19th century) • X-ray Imaging

  30. Digital imaging (recent advances)

  31. ANATOMICAL NOMENCLATURE • Before 1895, almost 30,000 anatomical terms were in use • In 1895, The German Anatomical Society held a meeting at Basle and prepared an approved list of 5,000 Anatomical terms, published a book for guidance, Basle Nomina Anatomica • Regular meetings are held to revise • At present 5th edition is available

  32. LIFE SPAN OF MAN • PRE NATAL: • CONCEPTUS (fertilization-1st week) • EMBRYO (2nd-8th week) • FETUS (3rd-birth) • POST NATAL: • Neonate (28 days) • Infancy (1st year) • Childhood • Early(2nd-6th year) • Middle(7th-9th/10th years) • Late (pre pubertal) • Adolescence: 6 yrs following puberty • Adult • Prime & transition (20-60yrs) • Old age & Senescence (60-death)


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