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Meet the Teacher Evening. Indigo Class Miss Biggar. Mission Statement and Ethos. St. Mary’s is a warm, happy, high achieving and welcoming Church of England Primary School. Our children feel safe and everyone is valued, respected as an individual and encouraged to achieve their full potential.
Meet the Teacher Evening Indigo Class Miss Biggar
Mission Statement and Ethos St. Mary’s is a warm, happy, high achieving and welcoming Church of England Primary School. Our children feel safe and everyone is valued, respected as an individual and encouraged to achieve their full potential. Learning and caring for each other
How we achieve this... In Indigo… • Children are challenged to ensure progression. • Children are encouraged to work with everyone in the class. • We respect each other so each child feels confident to ask any questions or for help without feeling embarrassed. In the whole school… • Staff are always available for children to talk to. • The children are able to get to know children in other classes during break and lunch. • If any child comes to us with a worry or to report an incident this is dealt with accordingly to its severity.
Whole School Behaviour Rewards • Verbal and nonverbal praise, feedback and encouragement • House points, stickers, certificates, golden tickets • Nomination as St Mary’s Star which is shared during weekly achievement assemblies • Photographs and acknowledgements on the school website • Verbal and written communication with home and parents/guardian • Visit to Headteacher or other staff members for praise and recognition • Termly Star Pupil award • Golden Tickets • Celebration assemblies Sanctions • Verbal warnings • Loss of Golden Time • Moving seat in class/learning environment • Having thinking time or time out • A traffic light or similar three warning system • Referred to KS Team Leader, Deputy Headteacher or Headteacher • During lunchtimes referred to Lunchtime supervisor or class teacher • Loss of privileges • Verbal and written communication with home and parents/guardian
Indigo’s Behaviour • We have a golden time system working on the basis of football. • On the first day of term we went through this system and decided as a class what consequences certain actions would have. This ensures all children feel like this system is fair. • The children have opportunities to earn this time back and my aim is for them to get back on the pitch by the end of the day by showing fantastic behaviour. • Each day we have a player of the day. • Each week we have a player of the week who is the St Mary’s Star.
My expectations • Respect everyone • Work is completed to a high standard • All children need to try their best • If they don’t understand or need help then ASK! • The children in Indigo are role models for younger children • Treat others how they expect to be treated.
Indigo’s general day • During registration I set a challenge for the children to complete. • We have assembly every morning. • Most days we have numeracy and literacy before lunch. • Just before lunch we have a short spelling, mental maths, handwriting or grammar lesson. • In the afternoon we have a guided reading session and 2 other lessons which are either French, music, history, RE, PHSE, PE, ICT or SPAG.
Other things to remember in Indigo. • We visit the library on a Monday. • Spellings are given out on a Monday and the ‘quiz’ is on a Friday. • PE is on a Wednesday and Thursday. • If your child finishes their reading book they need to get it signed off by you or myself before getting a new one so I know that they have fully read it. • They read in a group with Miss Smith or myself once a week. • Homework
Website • Photos of learning • Information about our topics • Messages • Players of the day/week • Links to games • Whole school information http://www.st-marys-reddish.stockport.sch.uk/
Safety during the school day. • Children arrive at school between 8:40-8:50. • Mrs Irvin is on the main gate. • Teacher visible on side gate ensuring children go onto the playground and do not come out again. • Teacher on the playground. • All gates are locked when the bell goes off. • After this the only entrance is via Ms Evans at the main entrance. • If you need to contact me, feel free to ring, write or come and see me when I bring the class out at the end of the day.
Attendance • We have a lot to get through and it is important that your child is in every day so they don’t miss anything. • If your child is ill please ring school to authorise their absence. • Holidays during term time will not be authorised unless in exceptional circumstances.
General Messages. • Mobiles are not needed in school. • KS2 only need money if they are having toast at break which is 10p a day. • Any money for lunches, clubs etc please send in in a sealed, labelled envelope. • No toys are to be brought into school as these can get damaged or lost. • Earrings are not to be worn and if they are the child must miss break and PE for health and safety reasons. Staff are not allowed to take earrings out or put them in. • Please ensure uniform is named and children are sent in with black school shoes on. • Sensible hair cuts. • PE kits in school all the time. This will be sent home at half term.
Healthy school • We are a healthy school and this means that your child isn’t able to bring in any sweets, crisps, chocolate etc. • Please send your child in with a NAMED water bottle. They drink this throughout the day. • Although we are a healthy school if your child brings in any treats for a birthday they will be given out at the end of the day. • No lollipops will be allowed. • Please do not send nuts in due to allergies.
Homework • Sent home each half term. • Children have tasks to complete which are worth a certain amount of points. • Your child needs to gain 50 points by the last day of half term. • I will collect in any homework books brought in on a Monday. I will keep a note of where the children are up to. • If your child doesn’t complete it at home then I will ask them to attend homework club with Mrs Jones at lunchtime to ensure they complete it.
Lunch time arrangements • 12.05-1.00 • 3 sittings • 1st sitting years 3-4 • 2nd sitting Rec and KS1 • 3rd sitting years 5-6
Contact us • Follow us on twitter @StMarysSch_Redd • Contact us on the ‘contact us’ page on our website. • If we have your email you can receive eNewsletters and updates.
Last few notices… • Please ensure you have signed to say that you are here. • Feel free to leave a comment. • Take a booklet home with you to read at your leisure. • Sign the notices whilst you are here.
Thank you for giving up your time this evening and if you have any questions then feel free to ask me. Friends of St Mary’s have arranged for refreshments in the hall.