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IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NEW IAG STRUCTURE. Gerhard Beutler Astronomical Institute University of Berne Sidlerstrasse 5, CH - 3012 Bern gerhard.beutler@aiub.unibe.ch. IAG Council Tuesday, July 7, 2003 Hotel Royton, Sapporo. Decision by IAG Council.

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  1. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NEW IAG STRUCTURE Gerhard Beutler Astronomical Institute University of Berne Sidlerstrasse 5, CH - 3012 Bern gerhard.beutler@aiub.unibe.ch IAG Council Tuesday, July 7, 2003 Hotel Royton, Sapporo

  2. Decision by IAG Council • Request approval to establish ICC on Theory. • Request approval to establish of IGGOS as first IAG Project. • Request approval to establish ICC on Geodetic Standards. • Requesr approval to establish ICC on Planetary Geodesy.

  3. IGGOS as IAG’s first Project • Last meeting of IGGOS Planning Group: • June 17 Version of IGGOS proposal approved • Science rationale (Rummel, Rothacher, Beutler) approved • Prof. Chris Reigber proposed as President of IGGOS Program Board for IGGOS Definition Phase 2003-2005. • Request Approval to formally establish IGGOS now.

  4. ICC on Planetary Geodesy • Explore planets of the solar system using geodetic methods (measure surface, deter-mine gravity field, explore rotational behav-ior). “Hot topic”, IAG should get involved as soon as possible. • Steering Committee with Dave Smith as President (t.b.c.), IAG VP + Comm-III-President involved. • Request approval to establish ICCPG as soon as appropriate in 2003-2007 frame.

  5. ICC on Theory • President (Peiliang Xu) already appointed at Nice 2003 EC Meeting. • ICCT was created to support Commissions. • IAG EC requests approval to formally establish ICC on Theory now.

  6. ICC on Geodetic Standards • Planning Group presents a proposal. • Create and revise Standards & Conventions • in close cooperation with the groups responsible n their field, in particular IERS, IGFS (IAU, etc). • Request permission to establish ICCGS as soon as a mature proposal is available in 2003-2007 timeframe.

  7. IUGG/IAG Resolutions • IAG Resolutions Committee (Beutler, Adam, Sanchez, Sandwell) met Saturday. • Five resolutions, all of them thought as IUGG Resolutions were discussed. • Resolution Committee proposes to approve them first as IAG Resolutions. • Discussions with Harsh Gupta, Georges Balmino indicate that Resolutions are considered by IUGG, as well.

  8. IUGG/IAG Resolutions • Ocean-Bottom Pressure (R. Gross), joint with IAPSO. • IGGOS (H. Drewes) • Endorsement of (highly technical) IAU Resolutions (Manchester, 1999), (C. Wilson) • Monitor Earth with SAR • GNSS Resolution (R. Neilan, L. Hothem)

  9. Contents • Review of the IAG restructuring process • Motivation • Development • Commissions and Services • Inter-commission Committees • Membership, Outreach • IGGOS • Initial IGGOS Structure • In particular: new chair! • IGGOS Schedule 2003-2005

  10. Motivation for a new IAG • General Johann Jacob Baeyer (1794-1885) is the “founder” of IAG. • He urged the establish-ment of the European Arc Measurement -- for scientific reasons! • In 1899 the ILS was founded by IAG!

  11. Motivation for a new IAG • Geodesy went through a (r)evolution in the 2nd half of the 20th century: • space age & space geodesy • age of computers • new understanding of IAG services (IGS, IERS) • IAG Structure in essence stable since 1951!

  12. Development of New IAG • Section II Symposium in 1998 in Munich • IUGG General Assembly in Birmingham in 1999: Symposium “Geodesy beyond 2000”. • K.P. Schwarz et al. ask for a restructured IAG with a focus; The IAG Review Committee was created with the members: • F. Brunner, J. Dickey, M. Feissel, R. Forsberg, I.I. Mueller, R. Rummel, F. Sanso, K.P. Schwarz • IAG Retreat 2000 was organized, new Statutes and ByLaws were created.

  13. Development of new IAG • The new IAG Statutes and Bylaws were accepted at IAG Scientific Assembly in Budapest (September 2001). • New elements: • Sections abandoned, four Commissions • IAG Services on same level as Commissions, represented in IAG EC • IAG project(s) • IAG Outreach Branch • Inter-commission Committees, Individual membership

  14. The new IAG structure • IAG Bureau (Tscherning, Beutler, Sideris) • Commission 1: Reference Frames: Drewes, Shum (VP) • Commission 2: Gravity field : Jekeli • Commission 3: Earth rotation and geodyna-mics: V. Dehant • Commission 4: Positioning and Applications Rizos, Willis (VP) • Service reps. in IAG EC: Neilan, Rothacher, Schuh, at large: Fortes, Merry.

  15. The new IAG structure • Inter-commission Committees (ICCs) shall handle well defined, important and permanent tasks. • ICCs have a steering committee with Presi-dent, Vice-President appointed by IAG EC • The establishment of an ICC has to be has to be approved by the Council (ByLaws 2.3.g)

  16. The new IAG structure: ICCs • ICC on Theory (ICCT): • President Peiliang Xu • Steering committee (to be set up) • Broader advisory committee as interface to other communities • Working groups of type 1: Joint with Commissions • Working groups of type 2: Internal working groups

  17. The new IAG structure: ICCs • ICC on Geodetic Standards (ICCGS): • President of Planning Group: Bernhard Heck • Mission: platform for models, procedures and algorithms, investigates the consistency of models & procedures, evaluates the numerical values of constants and parameters and propo-ses current best estimates. • WGs on Consistency of models and procedures on Product Standards, Fundamental Constants and Parameters proposed. • Planning Group meeting this week, implement?

  18. The new IAG structure: ICCs • ICC on Planetary Geodesy (ICCPG): • Presidents of Planning Group: Michael Sideris, Véronique Déhant • Mission: Use geodetic methods for planetary missions (“race to Mars”) etc. • Early planning phase • Work is important, should continue • Establishment in 2003 or 2005 (IAG Scientific Assembly)?

  19. IGGOS Motivation • IGGOS looks for a long-term stability of global geodetic infra-structure. • IGGOS is the focal point for IAG acti-vities of this decade. • IGGOS is based on 3 pillars of geodesy.

  20. IGGOS Definition • IGGOS stands for Integrated Global Geo-detic Observing System. • IGGOS monitors the Earth system as a whole through the IAG Services. • IGGOS is based on the 3 pillars of geodesy • geometry and kinematics, • Earth orientation and rotation, and • gravity field and its variability

  21. IGGOS Vision • IGGOS provides the scientific and infrastructural basis for all geodetic global change research. • IGGOS integrates techniques, models, and approaches in order to achieve consistency, long-term reliability and understanding of geodetic, geophysi-cal, geodynamical and global change processes.

  22. Science Rationale & Plan • IGGOS has a central theme and a master product. • Central Theme: • Provide basis for Global-scale mass transfer in the system Earth and its geodetic conse-quences. • The master product is a consistent set of the global geometric and gravimetric reference frames.

  23. Initial IGGOS Structure • These general principles are observed: • IGGOS will be based on the existing IAG Services. • IGGOS is not taking over tasks of the well working IAG services. • New IGGOS entities will be established only if there is a stringent requirement.

  24. Initial IGGOS Structure • Key elements of the initial IGGOS structure: • IGGOS Program Board as the central oversight entity. • Working Groups with tasks independent of those of the IAG services. • Science Council representing the geodetic community.

  25. Initial IGGOS Structure

  26. IGGOS Schedule 2003-2005 • Proposal to Establish the Integrated Global Geodetic Observing System (IGGOS) as IAG’s first Project was finalized and made available to IAG EC on January 28, 2003, modified June 17, 2003 • The last meeting of the IGGOS Planning Group will take place on Wednesday, July 2, 2003 in Sapporo.

  27. Chair for IGGOS Definition Phase • Chair of planning committee (Beutler) not available for IGGOS definition phase. • Prof. Chris Reigber (GFZ, Potsdam) is proposed as new Chair. • Qualification: • Past chair IGS GB, Past Pres. IERS DB, CSTG, project manager CHAMP, CO-PI GRACE. • Retirement in 2004, available till 2005 (GFZ).

  28. IGGOS Schedule 2003-2005 • IGGOS Definition Phase 2003-2005 • Define structure of the “final” IGGOS Project. • Develop IGGOS Science Plan. • Approval of IGGOS project by IAG EC at IAG Scientific Assembly 2005. • Start of IGGOS Project on October 1, 2005.

  29. Decision by IAG Council • Request approval of establishment of ICC on Theory. • Request approval of establishment of IGGOS as first IAG Project. • Approve establishment of ICC on Geodetic Standards? • Approve ICC on planetary geodesy for 2005 or delay decision to 2005?

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