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NOAA’s Multi-Sensor Fire Detection Program Using Environmental Satellites. by Donna McNamara 1 , George Stephens 1 , Rob Fennimore 1 , Tim Kasheta 2 , Tom Callsen 3 , Mark Ruminski 1 and Bruce Ramsay 1. Background. Who are we?
NOAA’s Multi-Sensor Fire Detection Program Using Environmental Satellites by Donna McNamara1, George Stephens1, Rob Fennimore1, Tim Kasheta2, Tom Callsen3, Mark Ruminski1 and Bruce Ramsay1
Background • Who are we? NOAA’s National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service (NESDIS), Office of Satellite Data Processing and Distribution, Satellite Services Division, located in Camp Springs MD. • What is special about our product? Our approach is to use multiple sensors to detect fires, and provide the data from individual algorithms, as well as a satellite analyst’s quality controlled product, to the public in a user friendly format. • We are here to introduce our web-based GIS fire page and solicit partnerships to improve our product based on customer feedback and requirements.
Input Layer – WF-ABBA from GOES • Running Wildfire Automated Biomass Burning Algorithm (WF-ABBA) developed by Dr. Elaine Prins1. • Satellite analysts also rely heavily on images from Geostationary satellites. • 15-minute imagery allows for rapid detection of hot spots and smoke plumes; animation. • The GOES field of view at nadir is large (4x4 km), but the minimum detectable fire size at the sub-satellite point (smoldering at 450K) is approximately .002 km2. 1. Affiliation – NOAA/NESDIS Office of Research and Applications/Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) at the Univ. of Wisconsin
Input Layer – FIMMA from AVHRR • Running Fire Identification Mapping and Monitoring Algorithm developed by Dr. Ivan Csiszar1. • Satellite analysts also view the HRPT (High Resolution Picture Transmission) data from Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer instrument on polar-orbiting satellites NOAA-12, 14, 15 & 16. • First step in FIMMA is to pass data through navigation correction software. When ground points found, accuracy is within 1 km. • Field of view at nadir is 1.1 km2. Imagery from Operational Significant Event Imagery (http://www.osei.noaa.gov/) 1. Affiliation – formerly with the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere at the NOAA/NESDIS Office of Research and Applications; currently with Univ. of Maryland.
Input Layer – MODIS • Satellite Services Division receives Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) fire products from NOAA's MODIS Near Real Time Processing System, run by it's sister division – the Information Processing Division. • The MODIS instrument flies onboard the NASA TERRA satellite, and the fire algorithm was developed by the MODIS Fire and Thermal Anomalies team 1. • Satellite analysts view select images downloaded from the NOAA server or CIMSS (at Univ of Wisc.) Access limited by large size of image files – full access expected fall 2002. • Field of view at nadir is 1 km2 for thermal channels. 1. Dr. Christopher Justice PI, http://modis-fire.gsfc.nasa.gov/
Input Layer – DMSP/OLS • The Defense Meteorological Satellite Program/Operational Linescan System fire detection algorithm was developed at NOAA's National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) in Boulder CO.1 Algorithm is not automated. • Ingest of DMSP data and preprocessing/geolocation of the data used to make the fire product originate still at NGDC. • Satellite Services Division satellite analysts perform the analysis each morning on previous evening’s passes. They identify clouds, subtract stable lights, and eliminate false detects. • Analysis done for western US (west of 95 degrees W.). • Analysis stopped during winter and early spring due to large numbers of false detects. Will resume pending successful validation in 2002. 1. Dr. Christopher Elvidge PI, http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/dmsp/fires/globalfires.html
Data Integration: Hazard Mapping System (HMS) • The HMS is an interactive processing system that allows trained satellite analysts from SSD’s Satellite Analysis Branch to integrate data from various automated fire detection algorithms and imagery. • Suspicious detects from automated layers are deleted. Additional detects, seen on imagery, are added. • Smoke is annotated. • Contacts with field often made to confirm source of fires. Result – highly accurate, strategic view of hot spots and smoke in the lower 48 US states and Alaska.
Web-GIS Fire Page New map server gives users access to layer updates in near real time, as well as quality controlled product from the analyst. Links: http://nhis7.wwb.noaa.gov/website/SSDFire/viewer.htm http://www.ssd.noaa.gov/PS/FIRE/hms-demo.html http://gp16.wwb.noaa.gov/FIRE/fire.html
Web-GIS Fire Page User can turn on automated layers, and toggle to legend.
Web-GIS Fire Page User zooms in further, turning on rivers, interstates and counties to better locate detects.
Web-GIS Fire Page Very close-in zoom reveals large fires in Oregon detected in many WF-ABBA pixels (purple and pink), MODIS pixels (light blue), FIMMA pixels (blue), and confirmed by satellite analyst (red). Large area of smoke is in yellow.
Summary • NOAA/NESDIS is taking advantage of multiple environmental satellites and the trained eye of the satellite analyst to provide a fire detection product for the conterminous US and Alaska. • Detects from automated algorithms are released as data are received, with higher rates of false detects than the analyzed product. • Due to high spatial resolution, products best used for large scale (strategic) view of fire activity. • Data are available in GIS formats, and via a web-GIS interface. • Future products and layers will be added as available. • User contacts are sought to assist with 2002 validation efforts and future product requirements definition.