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THEMIS INSTRUMENT SUITE FM2/FM3 PRE-SHIP REVIEW FM4/FM5 PRE-ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PRE-SHIP REVIEW Electric Field Instrument (EFI) John Bonnell EFI, IDPU, and II&T Teams University of California - Berkeley. Outline. Summary of EFI Status at FM4/5 ISPR – It’s All Good…

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  1. THEMIS INSTRUMENT SUITE • FM2/FM3 PRE-SHIP REVIEW • FM4/FM5 PRE-ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW • PRE-SHIP REVIEW • Electric Field Instrument (EFI) • John Bonnell • EFI, IDPU, and II&T Teams • University of California - Berkeley

  2. Outline • Summary of EFI Status at FM4/5 ISPR – It’s All Good… • Same great stuff, two new suites? Sweeeet…

  3. THEMIS INSTRUMENT SUITE • FM4/FM5 PRE-SHIP REVIEW • Electric Field Instrument (EFI) • John Bonnell • EFI, IDPU, and II&T Teams • University of California - Berkeley

  4. Outline • Summary of EFI Status at FM4/5 IPSR • Instrument Configuration by SN • Summary of End-Item Data Package • Final Test and Cal Results vs. Requirement Fulfillment • PFRs • Open Items • Bonus Content: • EIDP Table of Contents • Vibration Testing Summary • TVAC Testing Summary

  5. EFI Status at FM4/5 PSR • Requirements and Design: • No major changes to Requirements or Design since M-CDR (see Changes Since M-CDR and PFR Status for details). • All RFAs from previous reviews closed out. • Procurement: • All procurement is complete. • Personnel, Assembly and Test: • The End of the Beginning and the Beginning of the End: • F2 fully-integrated to P2 (Nov ’05 to Mar ’06). • F3, F4 beginning Probe-level I&T (May ’06). • F5, F1 following suit (May ’06). • F6 SciCal Complete (Apr ’06), and F6 Suite Integration and Test underway (May ’06). • F2 EFI underwent Probe-level environmentals in Apr ’06 (along with rest of P2 complement, of course). Results from Vibe, TBAL, TVAC, and EMI/EMC testing all nominal, in-spec and in-family. • EFI team effectively dispersed to other tasks (Suite- and Probe-level I&T, Flight Ops, Science support preparation).

  6. Instrument Configuration

  7. FM4/5 End-Item Data Package (EIDP) • Same great content as FM1-3 EIDP, but now completely separated by FM! • See Bonus Materials for Table of Contents. • Total (FM1-6) End-Item Data Package: ~ 135 kg • ~10% margin on EFI Lead, equal to Probe Dry Mass.

  8. EFI Mission Requirements Fulfillment: • FM4/5 MR fulfillment noted in THEMIS Verification Matrix (see MSE Presentation). • Integrated EFI and component parts compliant with mission requirements.

  9. Results of Flight Build Testing • DC and AC Transfer functions agree within Flight sets to better than 1 % on non-critical functions (USHER, GUARD, AC SENSOR gain, etc.), and better than 0.2 % on critical, matched functions (BIAS, DC SENSOR gain). • Full 16-bit control of all bias functions demonstrated (control to better than 1 part in 1000, as per MRD). • V- and E-channel gains on DFB as per specification. • DFB Spectral (Filter Bank, FFT, and AKR) and Derived Quantities data products as per specification.

  10. PFR Status (1) • New PFRs since FM2/3 IPSR and FM4/5 IPER: PFR-124. • Closures of open PFRs relevant to FM4/5 PSR: PFR-096. • PFR-124, Shorting of SPB Motor Bypass Diode to Chassis: • The motor bypass diode across the SPB deploy motor was found to have a high-impedance (100-Mohm) short to chassis ground during a re-stow LPT of one F2 unit. • Electrical diagnosis and visual inspection revealed that the fault arose from one diode lead coming into contact with the motor chassis. • All 22 Flight units (F1-6) were inspected, and additional staking added to those units that had too little clearance between the diode leads and motor chassis.

  11. PFR Status (2) • PFR-096, EFI Y IMON Unstable (F1 only): • Flight spare preamps were integrated into the F1 SPBs and have performed in-spec and in-family, and so the original fault has been repaired. • Long-duration current monitor test has added to the Suite level CPT/LPT procedure; and the drift in current consumption that was indicative of the failure has not been seen in any of the Flight units. •  DPA of the power supply bypass capacitors on the affected units was inconclusive, and so the source of the increased current consumption in the affected units remains unknown. • Increased current consumption by the affected units had no apparent effect upon the DC or AC functionality of the preamps, and so the potential risk to mission science requirements is negligible: • The floating supplies themselves can easily handle the increased current demands of the affected units with only a modest (few tenths of a volt) droop in their output. • Each of the three axes of EFI sensors on each probe has an independent floating supply. • If the unstable current consumption were to crop up in other elements of the flight build, either in I&T or on-orbit, it would neither cause a failure of the floating supply, nor undue restriction of the dynamic range of the preamp itself.

  12. Bonus Materials: • EIDP Table of Contents • Vibration Testing Summary • TVAC Testing Summary

  13. EIDP: Electrical • THEMIS EFI Preamp: F4/5 PWB: • Assembly Records. • Special TVAC Acceptance Test Data. • THEMIS EFI F4/5 SciCal: • SciCal Summary (calibration data summary). • DC Response Data (BIAS, SENSOR, FLGND, USHER, GUARD, BRAID). • AC Response Data (SENSOR, FLGND, USHER, GUARD, BRAID). • THEMIS BEB, FM4/5 (BINDER 1): • SCHEMATIC, ASSEMBLY AND RE-WORK RECORDS, BOARD-LEVEL TESTING RESULTS, MATE/DEMATE AND POWER LOGS. • THEMIS DFB, FM4/5 (BINDER 5): • SCHEMATIC, ASSEMBLY AND RE-WORK RECORDS, BOARD-LEVEL TESTING RESULTS, MATE/DEMATE AND POWER LOGS. • THEMIS Harness: EFI (F4/5; no Binder number assigned): • Schematic, assembly and re-work records. • THEMIS Harness: Enable Plugs, Coax Cables (F4/5; Binder 24): • Schematic, assembly and re-work records.

  14. EIDP: Misc. • THEMIS EFI Preamp PWB and Cable Loading Log (SPB and AXB): • CROSS-REFERENCED LIST BETWEEN BOOM UNIT, CABLE, AND PREAMP S/N. • THEMIS EFI: PA & Cable Drawings (Binder 35): • Mechanical Drawings of Preamp Enclosure and Cable Assembly fixtures. • Assembly and Re-Work records included in individual boom unit assembly records. • THEMIS EFI Deploy Data (F4/5): • Sphere/Fine Wire deploy data. • Duplicates of SPB Hi-Bay and TVAC Deploy Test Reports. • Duplicates of AXB Vertical and TVAC Deploy Test Reports.

  15. EIDP: SPBs • THEMIS SPB: Vibration Acceptance Testing (FM4/5; Binder 12): • Acceptance Vibration Test Reports. • THEMIS SPB Flight Documents: Hi-Bay Full Deployment Testing (F4/5; Binder 13): • Deploy Testing Reports (current consumption, length measurement and calibration, deploy rate). • THEMIS EFI: SPB Procs & Schematics (all; Binder 14): • Vacuum Motor Burn-In Test Report. • THEMIS EFI: SPB Mass Properties (F4/5; Binder 15): • SPB Mass Properties and ICD Conformance Reports. • THEMIS: SPB Master Mechanical Drawings, FM4/5 (Binder 27): • As-Built Mechanical Drawings. • SPB S9xx: THEMIS (Assembly and Test Records; Binders 8, 9, 10, and 11): • Assembly and rework records for boom unit, preamp enclosure, and cable. • Electrical and mecahnical functional test records. • TVAC test records.

  16. EIDP: AXBs • THEMIS Axial Boom: Assembly Records, Flight1 Upper and Lower Booms (Binders 29 and 28): • Boom Wiring Diagram, Assembly and Re-Work Records. • THEMIS Axial Boom: Test Records, Flight 1 Upper and Lower Booms (Binders 31 and 30): • Mechanical and Electrical Functional Test records. • Vibration Test Results. • TVAC test Results. • ICD Conformance and Mass Properties. • THEMIS Axial Boom: Vibration test Data, All Flight Units (no Binder number assigned): • Acceptance Vibration Test Data.

  17. SPB Acceptance Vibration Protocol • Per UCB THEMIS Document THM-SPB-PRO-423 • All 3 Axes • Sine Survey, .25 G, 5 – 2000 Hz • Sine Strength per Swales TM2430-RevD, 29 November 2004 • Random • Per Swales Document TM2430-RevD • 7.09 G RMS • 1 min duration • All Vibration Testing Performed at Same Facility, Quanta Labs • Retesting (if required) • ‘Workmanship Shake’ • Validate any design changes following original Flight build shake • Validate rework of any failures on previous vibration test • Entire vibration protocol, single axis only Acceptance Sine Strength Specification Acceptance Random Specification 4X SPB Flight Units on Vibration Plate

  18. SPB Acceptance Vibration Tests Run

  19. SPB Vibration Testing Overview • Deviations from Test Specification (Notching/Force Limiting/Aborts) • None • SPB First Natural Frequency: 144 Hz (Requirement: >75 Hz) • Good Sine Sweep Consistency from Unit to Unit (within 15 Hz) • Retesting due to Hardware Failure (F1 only) • Backing out of bolts (2 X Bolts not torqued correctly at Flight Build) • Resolution: Bolts torqued and spot-bonded, single axis re-vibe completed • Single Strand of Cable pulled out of connector at Spool (Assy error) • Resolution: Wire repaired, single axis re-vibe completed • Retesting due to Hardware Redesign (FM1 Only) • Release Ring Spring Redesigned to Ensure Constant Force on Doors • Resolution: All springs Replaced in all units • Single Axis Retest Completed • Preamp Ferrule Crimp Redesigned (Contact discovered to be inconsistent during testing) • Resolution: Ferrule material changed and recrimped • Single Axis Retest Completed • Status • Flight Units F1-F6 Vibration Acceptance Testing Completed

  20. AXB Acceptance Vibration Protocol • Per UCB THEMIS Document THM-AXB-PRC-302 • All 3 Axes • Sine Survey, .25 G, 5 – 2000 Hz, 2 octaves/minute • Sine Strength per Swales TM2430-RevD, 29 November 2004 • Random per Swales Document TM2430-RevD • Qualification: 13.01 G RMS, 2 min duration • Acceptance: 9.21 G RMS, 1 min duration • All Vibration Testing Performed at Same Facility, Quanta Labs • Retesting (if required) • ‘Workmanship Shake’ • Validate any design/procedure changes following original Flight build shake • Validate rework of any failures on previous vibration test • Entire vibration protocol, single axis only

  21. AXB Acceptance Vibration Tests Run AXB X Axis AXB Y Axis Note: Jan 11 2005 testing was to qualification levels due to design modifications relative to the engineering test unit. AXB Z Axis

  22. AXB Vibration Testing Overview • Deviations from Test Specification (Notching/Force Limiting/Aborts) • Due to resonances in testing fixture, notching was required on the Y Axis to prevent overtesting of the booms • THM-AXB-FLT-001, 1570 Hz to 1670 Hz, input 0.0016 g2/Hz • THM-AXB-FLT-002, 1580 Hz to 1745 Hz, input 0.0016 g2/Hz • AXB Z First Natural Frequency: 300 Hz (Requirement: >75 Hz) • Good Sine Sweep Consistency from Unit to Unit (within 15 Hz) • AXB X & Y frequencies modeled fixture resonances, suggesting first natural frequency higher than 1800 Hz • Retesting due to Improper Test Procedure (F1 only) • Accelerometer was not located at the boom’s center of mass during vibration • Resolution: Accelerometer placed at center of mass and single axis test completed • Retesting due to Hardware Failure (F3 only) • Sensor door mount cracked during re-stow of boom (Assembly Error) • Resolution: Assembly replaced and single axis test completed • Status • Flight Units F1-F5 and Flight Spare F6 Vibration Acceptance Testing Completed.

  23. EFI PreAmp Thermal Testing Status • NO CHANGE SINCE FM2/3 IPSR, FM4/5 IPER.

  24. EFI SPB Thermal Testing Status • Changes since FM2/3 IPSR, FM4/5 IPER: • F6 TVAC complete, 30 Jan 2006.

  25. EFI AXB Thermal Testing Status • Updates since FM2/3 IPSR, FM4/5 IPER: • AXB F1-5 units delivered to Swales to support Probe RCS buildup. • AXB F6 stood in for AXBs during Suite I&T on FM4/5.

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