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FY14 Force Management Program Status and Way Ahead

FY14 Force Management Program Status and Way Ahead. Lt Col Rick Garcia Chief, Retirements and Separations 8 Apr 14. Overview. History Program Changes Latest News Road Ahead. History. June 2013 AF working with OMB on budgetary concerns and what changes would come over FYDP Jul-Nov 2013

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FY14 Force Management Program Status and Way Ahead

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  1. FY14 Force Management Program Status and Way Ahead Lt Col Rick Garcia Chief, Retirements and Separations 8 Apr 14

  2. Overview • History • Program Changes • Latest News • Road Ahead

  3. History • June 2013 • AF working with OMB on budgetary concerns and what changes would come over FYDP • Jul-Nov 2013 • AF working under Acting SecAF to expand FY14 program to lead turn FY15 PB end strength cuts • Dec 2013 • OMB approved decisions on budget; reduction in AD End Strength needed to meet new budget • AF launches largest FM program in history with simultaneous publishing of 8 separate PSDMs

  4. History(cont.) • Jan – Feb 2014 • Minor revisions to each program continue as programs mature • Mar 2014 • CSAF directed reevaluation of requirements and projected manning • New SecAF approved FY14/15 programs • Apr 2014 • First TERA window closed, application processing continues • SecAF requests some ineligible Airmen be made eligible to ensure equity/fairness

  5. Changes(From Kick-Off to Now) • Initial Program Changes • Directed to provide at least 6 months notification to Airmen before meeting involuntary board • No involuntary program without voluntary program • Recent Changes • Nuclear Enterprise – 13Ns removed from program eligibility • A-10s – Law requires very little impact to A-10 manning • New AFSCs added (after reevaluation of requirements), but none will meet boards that are already announced/PSDMs out

  6. Changes(cont.) • Airmen receive 120 days from notification to separation • Matrices updated • New AFSCs added • AFSCs closed out/removed due to reevaluation • AFSCs closed out/removed due to reaching targets • Adjudicating rated applications by RDTM and PAS • Need to ensure retention of Airmen w/specialized training for critical missions • Tasked to make as many Airmen who were ineligible in initial PSDMs eligible for voluntary programs

  7. Latest News • AFPC received expanded ADSC waiver authority from SECAF last week • Table of authorities posted to myPers ~24 hours after sent to FSS/CCs, A1s, and J1s • PA article also published • Initial TERA window closed 26 March, before we received expanded authorities • AF has further refined numbers and new matrices published to myPers for both voluntary programs and involuntary programs • Still awaiting final decision on Medical targets • Delayed notification of TERA applications

  8. Latest News(cont.) • Expanded ADSC waiver authority will be used for remained of current VSP window (closes 1 May 14) • All applications not already processed will be held until the window closes in 3 weeks • Final adjudication will occur with all completed applications then • Most fair and equitable process based upon recently eligible members/AFSCs being able to apply • Additionally, new pools of applicants will be made eligible, based upon removal of ineligibility factors from PSDM

  9. Road Ahead • AF will open two new TERA windows • First Window: • 15 Apr – 13 May, with Retirement date of 1 Sep 14 • Targeted population (those ineligible previously) • Enlisted: • Deployed (pre-deployed) / Short Tour • Newly added AFSCs • Airmen with line number whose current grade Red, but projected grade Blue on matrix • Officer: • Deployed (pre-deployed) / Short Tour • Newly added AFSCs • Expanded ADSC waiver authority

  10. Road Ahead(cont.) • AF will open two new TERA windows • Second Window • 22 May – 30 Jun, with Retirement date of 1 Jan 15 • Targeted population • Officer: • RIF-eligible only • This window will be tied to second VSP window (22 May – 30 Jun) for RIF-eligible officers only too

  11. Review • History • Program Changes • Latest News • Road Ahead

  12. Questions?

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