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Explore the implementation of Slovakia's National Strategic Reference Framework through 11 operational programs, detailing financial allocations and beneficiaries of EU funds projects. Discover completed projects on an interactive geographic map for regional visual concretization. Stay informed with monthly updates on beneficiaries and project statuses.
Strategy, priorities and objectivesof the National Strategic Reference Framework: Implementiation through 11 operational programmes. Financial allocation for Slovakia is 11,587,904,495 euros. In this programming period 2007 – 2013 – at 31st March 2011 – declared 333 calls for allocated amount more than 8 billions EUR – contracted 5 664 projects for 7,7 bililons EUR Central Coordination Body – Slovak Repulic MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT, CONSTRUCTION AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC Section of Coordination of EU Funds Námestie slobody č. 6, P.O.BOX 100, 810 05 Bratislava
The List of beneficiaries of the Slovak Republic Central coordination authority (CCA) for structural funds and Cohesion fund in the Slovak republic for programming period 2007-2013 = Ministry of the Transport, Construction and Regional Development of the Slovak Republic is responsible to make and publish the Lisf of beneficiaries of the Slovak Republic The List of beneficiaries is published on the website of Central Coordination Authority www.nsrr.sk in a part called „Funds allocations and Lists“ The list is being prepared according to the requirements imposed on it in EXCEL sheet. MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT, CONSTRUCTION AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC Section of Coordination of EU Funds Námestie slobody č. 6, P.O.BOX 100, 810 05 Bratislava
Informationaboutthe List ofbeneficiaries List containsallnecessaryinformationaboutbeneficiariesof EU funds in Slovakia including: thenameoftheoperationalprogramme thenameofthebeneficiary thenameoftheproject thedatesofbeginning and end ofrealizationoftheproject cofinancing contractedresources drawnresources Sourcefortheseinformationisdatabase ITMS. Allinformationpublished in the List isupdatedEVERY MONTH! MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT, CONSTRUCTION AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC Section of Coordination of EU Funds Námestie slobody č. 6, P.O.BOX 100, 810 05 Bratislava
MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT, CONSTRUCTION AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC Section of Coordination of EU Funds Námestie slobody č. 6, P.O.BOX 100, 810 05 Bratislava
MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT, CONSTRUCTION AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC Section of Coordination of EU Funds Námestie slobody č. 6, P.O.BOX 100, 810 05 Bratislava
Specificinformations The aim of CCA and all Managing Authorities is to be transparent. The Bodies publish their Lists of beneficiaries on their websites. Some of Authorities devided the information in two categories: – the List of approved aplications for NFC – the List of beneficiaries for NFC List of beneficiaries contains all necessary information which was given by EU funds.Central Coordination Authorithy publish on the website www.nsrr.sk in a part „Funds allocations and Lists“ a specific list: ► List of beneficiaries for each operational programme of the NSRF PP 2007-2013 ► Calls for Proposals of each operational programme ► Status of implementation of the SF according to the OP, priorities and actions for PP 2007-2013 MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT, CONSTRUCTION AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC Section of Coordination of EU Funds Námestie slobody č. 6, P.O.BOX 100, 810 05 Bratislava
GeographicMap of completed projects PP 2007 – 2013on thewebsitewww.nsrr.sk This Map is informing about successfully implemented projects in the programing period 2007 – 2013 which were selected by Managing Authorities. Projects are displayed according to location of realization with REGIO color discernment for effective presentation of the effects of EU Funds and for visual concretization of the beneficiaries in individual regions of the Slovak Republic. Map currently contains a total of 200projects in and is continuously expanding with other projects. Map of completed projects is also interactive map with ability to zooming, switching betweensatellite or map view, printing, e-mail sharing and RSS monitoring. It also contains „Project Information Sheet“, which provides more details about the project (financial and timeframe of the project, objective and results of the project, photos, etc.) Maps works throughGoogle Maps API to provide free and high quality tool, which offers familiar user interface for public, having the simplicity and practicality. MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT, CONSTRUCTION AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC Section of Coordination of EU Funds Námestie slobody č. 6, P.O.BOX 100, 810 05 Bratislava
MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT, CONSTRUCTION AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC Section of Coordination of EU Funds Námestie slobody č. 6, P.O.BOX 100, 810 05 Bratislava
MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT, CONSTRUCTION AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC Section of Coordination of EU Funds Námestie slobody č. 6, P.O.BOX 100, 810 05 Bratislava
MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT, CONSTRUCTION AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC Section of Coordination of EU Funds Námestie slobody č. 6, P.O.BOX 100, 810 05 Bratislava
The Slovak Central Coordination Authority fullfills all requierements and obligations which are imposed by EU funds. cko@mindop.skstrukturalnefondy@mindop.skZdenka.Slovakova@mindop.sk miroslava.zahradnikova@health.gov.sk Presentation was created for the seventh INFORM meeting 17 – 18. MAY 2011, Sofia THANK YOU FOR ATTENTION! MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT, CONSTRUCTION AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC Section of Coordination of EU Funds Námestie slobody č. 6, P.O.BOX 100, 810 05 Bratislava