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Status of the EURISOL Design Study and Plans for FP7. Peter Butler University of Liverpool. 20 Participants. 12 Tasks. The EURISOL Road Map. Vigorous scientific exploitation of current ISOL facilities : EXCYT, Louvain-la-Neuve, REX-ISOLDE, SPIRAL
Status of the EURISOL Design Study and Plans for FP7 Peter Butler University of Liverpool
The EURISOL Road Map • Vigorous scientific exploitation of current ISOL facilities : EXCYT, Louvain-la-Neuve, REX-ISOLDE, SPIRAL • Construction of intermediate generation facilities: SPIRAL2, HIE-ISOLDE • Design and prototyping of the most specific and challenging parts of EURISOL in the framework of the Design Study EURISOL-DS.
UCx target 1 GeV/q H-, H+, 3He++ n-generator H- 4-MW target station 1+ ion source H+, D+, 3He++ >200 MeV/q D+, A/q=2 Ion sources 100-kW direct target station Schematic Layout for EURISOL facility Low-resolution mass-selector Secondary fragmentation target Charge selector Bunching RFQ RFQs High-resolution mass-selector Charge breeder 20-150 MeV/u (for 132Sn) 9 - 60 MeV/u 2-20 MeV/u To high-energy experimental areas To low-energy areas To medium-energy experimental areas
The Main Challenges • Design a 5MW; 1GeV proton driver with additional capability of 200 AMeV deuterons and A/Q=2 Heavy Ions; build and test prototypes of the cavities. • Design a liquid Hg converter which will accept 5 MW of beam power. • Design a UCx target which will make the most efficient use of the neutrons produced. • Evaluate the safety constraints of the above set up. • Design an efficient multi-user beam distribution system. • Design a superconducting HI LINAC capable of accelerating 132Sn up to 150 AMeV • Investigate technologies for the instrumentation of the future • Provide a conceptual study for a beta-beam neutrino facility.
Recent Management Accomplishments • Submission of Second Annual Report on March 15. Only minor comments from EU. • Successful Mid-Term Review on April 24 with Project Officer Christian Kurrer • Spin off of the EURISOL user group; chaired by Angela Bonnacorso • Organization of joint EURISOL-EURONS town meeting in Helsinki; Sept. 17-21 • Start of Site Study chaired by Alan Shotter
Reference MMW Target Station Hg converter and secondary fission targets Ion source Hg flow UC fission target Hg loop with window 8 UCX targets 40x6x3 cm Problems : Diffusion-Effusion Time Ion Sources Beam BeO reflector containment window CERN - INFN
Baseline Neutron converter Optimized ANSYS CFD analyses of optimized liquid mercury neutron converter of SNS (neutron spallation source) type The top view shows the converter with mercury flow guides to improve window cooling and avoid backflow in the converter The middle view shows the temperature distribution in the window which is well below thresholds for irradiated material The bottom view shows the temperature distribution of the circulating mercury which is well below the boiling point of mercury CERN
Windowless « curtain » converter Lamina flow of Hg Hg Beam IPUL – CERN - PSI
“MAFF” type solution for UC targets Material Irradiation Fission Target Tube Neutron source Hg outlet Proton Beam Hg Proton to Neutron converter Hg inlet CERN - MUNICH Cyril Kharoua, Yacine Kadi and task 2
Driver: New baseline scheme with extended capabilities • 2 injection lines for H,D, He and A/q=2 ions • magnetic stripping at 1 GeV of up to 100 kW of the H- beam to H0 (spilled beam intensity controlled by adjusting B) • beam splitting by bending of H- with a magnetic dipole • stripping of H0 to H+ by means of a stripper foil • H- to MMW target and H+ to 100kW targets 4 MW H- B stripper Elliptical 704 MHz 1 GeV/q RFQ 176 MHz HWR 176 MHz 3-SPOKE 352 MHz H-,D- 100 kW H+, 3He2+ =0.09 =0.15 =0.03 =0.047 =0.65 =0.78 H+,D+, 3He++ 1.5 MeV/u foil stripper 60 MeV/q 140 MeV/q >200 MeV/q D, A/q=2 10 36 31 63 97 INFN
EURISOL in FP7 • Baseline Plan: Lobby for EURISOL to be on ESFRI list in 2009 and apply for preparatory construction phase at next call in 2010. • Question: Is this approach still valid when taking into account the delays in the construction of SPIRAL2 ? • We envisage proposing a continuation of the DS supported by the funding agencies in the framework of NUPNET • In order to continue developing the EURISOL concept: LOIs for EURISOL-NET and JRA on ISOL targets in FP7 I3.
EURISOL-NET • 24 Participants including all the main DS participants • to allow the European laboratories that can conceivably host EURISOL to network with each other, with the funding agencies via NUPNET, and with the user community; • to encourage the exchange of know-how on technical & scientific developments in European ISOL facilities (Louvain-la-Neuve, REX-HIE-ISOLDE, SPIRAL-SPIRAL2 and EXCYT); • to support the EURISOL User Group and to continuously develop the scientific case for EURISOL.
OLD: Temperature distribution in MMW target Power density (W/cm3/MW of beam) • Acceptable power densities in the Hg. Flow pattern not optimised; maximum temperature ~260 ºC. • Acceptable maximum temperature in the beam window (~350 ºC). • Large temperature gradient in the window, inducing mechanical stresses above the acceptance limits. PROBLEMS NOW SOLVED
New 1 GeV/q beam splitters • magnetic stripping at 1 GeV of up to 100 kW of the H- beam to H0 • The main H- beam transport is not perturbed by the symmetric wiggler • beam splitting by bending of H- with a magnetic dipole • stripping of H0 to H+ by means of a stripper foil • H- to target 1 and H+ to target 2(3,4). • The spilled beam intensity can be controlled by adjusting the field strength of the magnetic stripper.
n-generator UCx target H- HWRs 176MHz 3-spoke ISCL 325 MHz Elliptical ISCL 704 MHz Elliptical ISCL 704 MHz RFQ 176 MHz One of several target stations b = 0.03 b = 0.047 b = 0.65 b = 0.78 b = 0.09, b = 0.15 100 keV 1+ ion source 1 GeV/q H-, H+, 3He++ 1.5 MeV/u 60 MeV/q 140 MeV/q H+, D+, 3He++ >200 MeV/q D+, A/q=2 Ion sources Low-resolution mass-selector Schematic Layout for EURISOL facility Secondary fragmentation target Spoke ISCL 264 MHz 8 HWRs ISCL 176 MHz 3 QWRs ISCL 88 MHz QWR ISCL 88 MHz Bunching RFQ Charge selector RFQs High-resolution mass-selector Charge breeder b = 0.385 b = 0.27 b = 0.14 b = 0.065 20-150 MeV/u (for 132Sn) 9.3- 62.5 MeV/u 2.1-19.9 MeV/u To high-energy experimental areas To low-energy areas To medium-energy experimental areas