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THE AGE OF JEFFERSON, 1800-1816. By: Arnab Mitra. Similarities : -Jefferson maintained the national bank and debt repayment plan. -Jefferson kept the same foreign policies.
THE AGE OF JEFFERSON, 1800-1816 By: Arnab Mitra
Similarities: -Jefferson maintained the national bank and debt repayment plan. -Jefferson kept the same foreign policies. Differences: -Jefferson kept the loyalty of Republicans by sticking to the principle of limited central government. -Only kept Republicans in his cabinet. SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES BETWEEN JEFFERSON AND WASHINGTON & ADAMS
MARBURY VS MADISON • Jefferson ordered Secretary of State Madison to stop giving the commissions to the “midnight appointments.” • William Marbury sued for his commission. • John Marshall ruled against Marbury and Marbury never received his commission. • An effect of this case was the creation of judicial review.
CHALLENGES TO U.S. NEUTRALITY • Two Main Belligerents: 1) Britain 2) France • Both nations would attempt to naval blockades of enemy ports. • Britain was the main offender to the U.S.
Nonintercourse Act of 1809: - Americans could trade with all other nations except for Britain and France. Macon’s Bill No. 2 (1810): - Stated that either Britain of France would formally agree to respect U.S. neutral rights at sea, then the U.S. would prohibit the trade with that nation’s foe. ACTS PUT IN PLACE BY MADISON
CAUSES OF THE WAR OF 1812 • Continued violation of U.S. neutral rights at sea and troubles with the British on the western frontier. • Britain would impress American seamen and force them to work in the British navy. • Native American resistance.
MAJOR VICTORIES • U.S. warship Constitution (otherwise known as “Old Ironsides”) defeated a British ship off the coast of Nova Scotia. • In the Battle of Lake Erie, Captain Perry declared proudly “We have met the enemy and they are ours.” • Battle of Thames River was a major victory, where Tecumseh was killed. • Thomas Macdonough defeated a British fleet on Lake Champlain.
BRITISH UPRISING • As the war in Europe came to an end, more and more British troops were sent to N. America. • British army set fire to the White House and other government buildings. • British army tried to overtake Baltimore, but Fort McHenry survived the bombardment.
ANDREW JACKSON • Battle of Horseshoe Bend: - Jackson put an end to the power of the Creek nation. • Battle of New Orleans: - Jackson stopped the British effort to control the Mississippi River.