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Non-Communicable Diseases Risk Factors Survey in Georgia 2006-2007. National Center for Disease Control and Public Health of Georgia Manana Beruchashvili 2010. Geopolitical Context. From: http://members.tripod.com/ggdavid/georgia/maps.htm. Country Characteristics:.
Non-Communicable Diseases Risk Factors Survey inGeorgia 2006-2007 National Center for Disease Control and Public Health of Georgia Manana Beruchashvili 2010
Geopolitical Context From: http://members.tripod.com/ggdavid/georgia/maps.htm
Country Characteristics: • Population – 4.371 millions • Population Growth Rate – 0.1% per year • Surface Area – 69.700 Km2 • Population Density – 65.2 (People per km2) • GDP per capita (PPP* US$) – 2588 (US$) • Per capita government allocation to health - 4,5$/person/year • Population =< $1 per day – 39.53% • Population =<$2 per day – 80.9% • Average life expectancy (Total) – 72 years • Male – 69 years • Female – 75 years (Source: Ministry of Economic Development of Georgia, Department of Statistics; 2004-2005) *purchasing power parity
Country Characteristics: • Infant Mortality – 18.0 per 1000 live births* • Neonatal Mortality Rate – 15.3 per 1000 live births* • Under 5 mortality – 20.0 per 1000 live births* • Maternal Mortality Ratio – 45.3 per 100000 live births* • Contraceptive Prevalence Rate – 24.7%/Women 15-49¤ • Total fertility rate – 1.37%* • The leading causes of adult mortality: CVD (72%) & neoplasm's (11%), etc.* • The leading causes of infant mortality: perinatal period conditions (65%), infectious diseases (10%), diseases of respiratory system (10%), etc.* • Georgia has not experienced the pattern of alcohol related deaths common elsewhere in the FSU *NCDC and Medical Statistics; 2004 ¤Reproductive Health Survey; 1999-2000 *Ministry of Economic Development of Georgia; Department of Statistics; 2004-2005
In Georgia, NCDs accounted for 94% of all deaths in 2002; CVD – 75%▪ Total deaths = 61,000.▪ Total deaths related to chronic disease =57,000.
Shares of total deaths attributable to 10 leading diseases in Georgia, 2002 European health report 2005: Public health action for healthier children and populations
Non-Communicable Diseases Risk Factors Survey in Georgia 2006-2007 was conducted by CINDI Georgia Team as the part of Priority 4 of Biennial Collaborative Agreement (BCA) between the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs (MOH) of Georgia and the Regional Office for Europe of the World Health Organization 2006/2007: Reducing Burden of Preventable Non-communicable Diseases.
Objectives • To obtain detailed information from the examined sample • To estimate the prevalence of NCD behavioral risk factors (tobacco, physical inactivity, diet, alcohol), as well as biological risk factors (hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, hyperglycemia, overweight and obesity) in the Tbilisi adult (25-65) population • To utilize the information for developing the needs and to plan future interventions for strengthened capacity for integrated NCD prevention and control. • To establish an NCD survey teams, which will be able to provide surveys in other parts of Georgia and at the National level
Goal • To establish an NCD surveillance system in Georgia • To provide of epidemiological information on chronic non-communicable diseases and the prevalence of their risk factors in the community. This information will be used to plan National strategy for NCD prevention and control • To provide international comparisons of rates and trends in different member countries and demonstration areas
Diseases of the circulatory system, morbidity rates per 100000 population,Georgia, 2000 – 2008
Hypertensive disease, morbidity rates per 100000 population, Georgia, 2000- 2008
Cerebrovascular diseases, rates per 100000 population, Georgia, 2000 – 2008
Diabetes mellitus morbidity, rates per 100000 population, Georgia, 2000 – 2008
Incidence of diseases of the respiratory system, Georgia, 2000 – 2007
Malignant neoplasms morbidity, rates per 100000 population,Georgia, 2000 – 2008
Age specific incidence of the breast cancer, rates per 100000 women,Georgia, 2008
Shares of total deaths attributable to 10 leading risk factors in Georgia, 2002
TOP 5 WHO Member Countries with the highest mean blood pressure (mmHg)
Conclusions • One of the main goals is: Collection of necessary quality information for planning and implementing of the adequate surveillance system of non-communicable disease prevention and control. • Problems associated with healthcare system: • Poor reliability of statistics available in the country • Lack of the national policy for tackling non-communicable diseases in the country • Deficit of availability of comprehensive, continuous, coordinated, high-quality medical service at the primary healthcare level • Problems associated with medical personnel • Population-associated problems
Recommendations • Improvement of the non-communicable diseases’ morbidity and mortality statistical data collection system in the country; • Adapting of the non-communicable diseases risk-factors screening and monitoring programs at the country level; • Planning of the national policy tackling non-communicable diseases with real cooperation of the State healthcare structures and professional associations; • Elaboration of the cost-effective program of Arterial Hypertension as the main CVD risk-factor management for decreasing the mortality caused by the circulatory system diseases; • Diabetes Mellitus program provision at the State and Municipal levels; • Expanding cancer screening activities in framework of the existing State and Municipal programs; • Expending respiratory diseases’ screening;
Recommendations • • Improving the quality of primary healthcare services for identifying, evaluating, preventing and treating chronic diseases and using modern standards; • • Implementation of the non-communicable diseases’ management unified guidelines in the healthcare system and their periodic renewal, based on evidence; • • Elaboration of nutrition recommendations considering Georgian population nutritional and cultural characteristics by identifying the share of ingredients in the food ratio;
Recommendations • Improvement of the doctors’ professional knowledge and skills for increasing the level of consent of patients to prolonged treatment; • Improvement of the nurse education model; • Integrated approach to the non-communicable diseases’ management – medical doctor, nurse, pharmacist, health educator – for effective collaboratio
Distribution of the respondents by age groups and gender NCD Risk Factors Survey, Georgia 2006-2007 NCD Risk Factors Survey, Georgia 2006-2007
Distribution of the respondents according to current smoking status by age groups and gender NCD Risk Factors Survey, Georgia 2006-2007
Proportion of daily smokers advised by health professional to quit smoking NCD Risk Factors Survey, Georgia 2006-2007
BMI by age groups and gender NCD Risk Factors Survey, Georgia 2006-2007