The ADDIE model is traditionally used by instructional designer and training developers. The instructional designers use ADDIE to help them develop new training programs for businesses, school districts, and colleges. The ADDIE model consists of five phases which are: ANALYSIS, DESIGN, DEVELOPMENT, IMPLEMENTATION AND EVALUATION.
I will talk about the five phases that make up the word ADDIE. The A stand for ANALYSIS, the D stands for DESIGN, the other D stands for DEVELOPMENT, the I stands for IMPLEMENTATION, and the E stands for EVALUATION. ANALYSIS DESIGN DEVELOPMENT IMPLEMENTATION EVALUATION
The first phase is called ANALYSIS. During the analysis the instructional designer identifies the gap between the desired outcome or behavior. He also finds out the knowledge and skills of the audiences. They many talk to some of the people and gather information about the course.
The second phase is called DESIGN. During the design phase the instructional designer writes specific learning objectives and talk to the client to confirm about the objective. Then the instructional designer plans out what the course should look like once it is completed.
The third phase is called DEVELOPMENT. During the development phase the instructional designer will start to create the actual learning material. They many use a computer or a video, an audio or a based presentation to show their project.
The fourth phase is called IMPLEMENTATION. During the implementation phase the instructional designer gives the learning material to his audiences. The instructional designer has to make sure that the courses is running smoothly and that the learners are not confused or frustrated with all the material.
The fifth phase is called EVALUATION. During evaluation the instructional designer will conduct an evaluation to see if the training material the they used was the correct material. This were they will revise the objectives or the instruction to make it suitable of the team members. In order for the project to be a success they must have the correct training material for all the members.
The instructional designer must be able to show his clients that his training material is what his company needs in order for all the team members work as a team and be successful. Once the client agrees with the instructional designer then he has done his job and he is a winner. The instructional designer will be paid big bucks.
REFERENCES http://www.intulogy.com/addie http://fog.ccsf.cc.ca.us/~mmalacho/OnLine/ADDIE.html http://www.learning-theories.com/addie-model.html