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This document provides an update on the Quality Assurance objectives, management team, and group, as well as the main steps taken and upcoming tasks. It also includes information on crossgrid monitoring tools.
JRA2Quality AssuranceGeneviève RomierCNRS-UREC French Federation meeting, 11 June 2004 www.eu-egee.org EGEE is a project funded by the European Union under contract IST-2003-508833
Contents • JRA2: Quality objectives • Quality Management (QAM) people & mandate • Quality Group (QAG) people & mandate • Main steps done and on going • Next steps to be done French Federation meeting, Lyon, 11/06/04 - 2
JRA2: Quality objectives • Ensure that processes, products and operation services conform to EGEE requirements and to the required level of services. • QA will be present right from the start in all activities with commitments for all members. • QA is an iterative process with continuous measurements and refinements in order to improve the global quality system. • Measurements and metrics are needed to verify and prove that we deliver the quality that we must reach French Federation meeting, Lyon, 11/06/04 - 3
JRA2: QAM • The Quality Assurance Management team has a dedicated interface for each activity (3FTE): • Gabriel Zaquine - CSSI: QA head + NA1, NA5 & SA1 interface • Alberto Aimar - CERN: Deputy + JRA1 interface • Genevieve Romier – CNRS (half-time): SA2, JRA3 & JRA4 interface • Marcel Soberman – CNRS (half-time): NA2, NA3, NA4 interface • Elodie Sanchez - CNRS: Metric reports and associated tools • Mandate: Coordination of the overall Quality Activities French Federation meeting, Lyon, 11/06/04 - 5
QAG • The Quality Assurance Group has dedicated representative(s) (QAR) from each activity: • NA1/NA5: Bob Jones - CERN • NA3: Dave Berry - NESC • NA4: Vincent Breton - CNRS • SA1: Alistair Mills - CERN • SA2: Jean-Paul Gautier - CNRS • JRA1: Alberto Di Meglio – CERN • JRA3: Martjin Steenbakkers - NIKHEF • JRA4: Sophie Nicoud - CNRS • Mandate: • Make sure QA materials (procedures, metrics, tools, …) are provided by each activity • Make sure QA measures as defined are applied inside their activity • Promote QA materials and “production quality attitude” inside their activity • Monthly meeting (conf. Call) - First Friday of each month, 10:00 French Federation meeting, Lyon, 11/06/04 - 6
Main steps done and on going • Timesheet & reporting procedure: simpler timesheet – on going • PPT customisation for EGEE: on going • Risk Management procedure: on going • Review of the existing QA materials • Documentation plan, EDMS structure, activities web sites... • Preparation of the deliverable DJRA2.1 (Quality Plan) • each activity has identified its main procedures, main tools, metrics, verification means and checklists • each activity is writing its own Quality Plan • It defines the quality measures that shall apply within the Activity, throughout the project. French Federation meeting, Lyon, 11/06/04 - 7
Quality Plan • 1. INTRODUCTION • 2. QA ORGANISATION • 3. PROJECT OVERALL PROCEDURES, PLANS, STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES • 4. ACTIVITY SPECIFIC PROCEDURES, PLANS, STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES • 4.1. Documentation • 4.2. Standards and Guidelines • 5. MEASUREMENT • 5.1. Basic metrics • 5.2. main indicators to be reported in the quarterly report • 6. FORMAL REVIEW AND AUDIT PLAN • 6.1. EU deliverables review • 6.2. Complementary review within the activity • 6.3. Audits • 7. VERIFICATION, EVALUATION AND TEST • 8. TOOLS, TECHNIQUES, AND METHODOLOGIES • 9. ANNEX: SOME TARGET VALUE EXTRACTED FROM THE TA • 10. ANNEX: JRA2 PROPOSAL: MAIN INDICATORS TO BE REPORTED IN THE QUARTERLY REPORT (EXTRACTED FROM QAG CORK CONFERENCE). French Federation meeting, Lyon, 11/06/04 - 8
Crossgrid monitoring tools • The tools are now implemented on a UREC/CNRS server at CCIN2P3, Lyon • After LCG agreement, monitoring tests started • First results next slide. French Federation meeting, Lyon, 11/06/04 - 9
Next Steps to be done • Determination of the type of the metrics: (QAR within each activity) • “internal” use or “delivrable” use • the internal metrics should help the daily work of the activity • the “delivrable” metrics (indicators) are parts of the quaterly reports and should provide high level measurements from • Services provided & utilisation • Products provided • Project progress, effort, cost • International recognition • Organization of the verifications: (QAM and QAR) • all procedures and tools are really implemented and used • all metrics are really measured, collected • verification means and checklists correctly applied French Federation meeting, Lyon, 11/06/04 - 11