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Anatomy Chapt.1

Anatomy Chapt.1. Anatomical Terminology. What plane is this?. Right hypochondriac Epigastric Left hypochondriac Right lumbar Umbilical Left lumbar Right iliac Hypogastric Left iliac. B. A. C. E. D. F. G. H. I. RUQ. L UQ. RLQ. LLQ. PLAYDOUGH ACTIVITY

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Anatomy Chapt.1

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Anatomy Chapt.1 Anatomical Terminology

  2. What plane is this?

  3. Right hypochondriac Epigastric Left hypochondriac Right lumbar Umbilical Left lumbar Right iliac Hypogastric Left iliac

  4. B A C E D F G H I



  7. MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Root and suffix Lip / emia Root – fat suffix – blood condition Meaning: condition of fat in the blood

  8. Hyper / lip / emia Prefix-excessive root-fat suffix-blood condition Prefix is used to further modify the root. Definition: Excessive fat in the blood.

  9. ADDITIONAL ROOTS Hyper / lip / o / protein/ emia root vowel root Definition: excessive amount of fat and protein in the blood.

  10. COMBINING VOWELS AND COMBINING FORMS Vowel links the two root words to allow easier pronunciation. o= combining vowel (most common) i=combining vowel

  11. Rules for Forming and Spelling Medical Terms • A combining vowel is used to join root to root as well as root to any suffix beginning with a consonant. Electr + cardi + gram Electr/o/cardi/o/gram = electrical record of the heart

  12. A combining vowel is not used before a suffix that begins with a vowel: Vas + ectomy Vas/ectomy Vas = vessel Ectomy = escision excision of a vessel

  13. If the root ends in a vowel and the suffix begins with the same vowel, drop the final vowel from the root and do not use a combining vowel: Cardi + itis Root(heart) suffix (inflammation) Card/itis inflammation of the heart

  14. Most often, a combining vowel is inserted between two roots even when the second root begins with a vowel. Cardi + esophag + eal Root root suffix Heart esophagus pertaining to Cardi/o/esophageal (pertaining to the heart and esophagus)

  15. Occasionally, when a prefix ends in a vowel and the root begins with a vowel, the final vowel is dropped from the prefix. Para + enter + al Prefix root suffix Alongside of intestine pertaining to Par/enter/al = parenteral Pertaining to alongside of the intestine

  16. Defining Medical Terms Through Word Structure Analysis Interpret the suffix first, then prefix, then the roots. Peri / card / itis Prefix root suffix Around heart inflammation Pericarditis – inflammation around the heart.

  17. Review • A _________ is used to join root to root as well as root to any suffix beginning with a consonant. • A combining vowel is not used before a suffix that begins with a ___________. • If the root ends in a ______ and the suffix begins with the same ________, drop the final vowel from the root and do not use a combining vowel.

  18. Angi + ectasis = angi/ectasis • Hemat + logy = hematology • Oste + ectomy = ostectomy • Electr + encephal + gram = electroencephalogram • Arteri + it is = arteritis • Gastr + tomy = gastrotomy

  19. Pronunciation C (before a,o,u) = k ex. Colon, cavity, cure C (before e,i) = s ex. Cephalic, cirrhosis Ch = k ex. Cholesterol G (before a,o,u) = g ex. Gallstone, gonad, gurney G (before e,i) = j ex. Generic, giant Ph=f ex. Phase Pn=n ex. Pneumonia Ps=s ex. Psychology Pt=tptosis

  20. Rh=r ex. Rhythm Rrh=r ex. Hemorrhoid X=z (as first letter) ex. xerosis

  21. Singular and Plural Forms Singular Ending: example: -a vertebra -is diagnosis -ma condyloma -on phenomenon -um bacterium -us fungus -ax thorax -ex apex -ix appendix -ymyopathy

  22. Plural Form Endingexample -ae vertebrae -es diagnoses -matacondylomata -a phenomena -a bacteria -i fungi -aces thoraces -ices apices -ices appendices -iesmyopathies

  23. Packet: Medical Terminology

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