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CANKAYA UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES -ENGLISH UNIT-. UNIT 2 ENG 106 WEEK 5&6&7. UNIT 2 MARKETING. NEW WAYS TO SPREAD THE MESSAGE. Advertise ( v ): to tell the public about a product or a service to persuade them to buy it. Word Formation : 1. Advertising (n)
Advertise (v): to tell the public about a product or a service to persuade them to buy it Word Formation: 1. Advertising (n) 2. Ad (Advertisement) (n) 3. Advertiser (n) Ex:They do not advertisecigaretteoralcohol on TV anymore Ex:Advertisinghelpscompaniestoselltheirproducts. Ex:Somecompaniesonlyadvertise on the internet.
Goal(n): Something that you want to do or get; the reason for doing something Synonyms: target/aim Ex:Yourgoal as parents is tohelpyourchildren in everyaspect. Ex:Thegoal of theteam is towinthematch.
Media (n,pl.): The ways that people get information Word Formation :1. Medium (n, sing.) Collocations : MassMedia Ex:Thescandalwasreported in media. Ex:Companiesusemassmediatoadvertisetheirproducts. Ex:TV is one of themostusedmedia.
Notice(v): to see or hear something Synonyms: tobecomeaware of Ex:Interesting, creativeadvertisementsarenoticedbymorepeople. Ex:Theydid not noticeanychange in his behaviors.
Produce(v): to create, make something Word Formation : Product (n) Ex:Ifthecompanies do not advertisetheirproducts, peoplewill not buy it. Ex:New products of thecompanywill be displayed on TV and in newspapers.
Previewing the Academic Content • Companies want to sell their products, but to sell as many as possible, they have to tell many people about the products. • Advertising helps peopleto do this. • However, advertising can also have its problems. • For example, when people see so many advertisements, they stop noticing them. • Advertisers have some very interesting ways to overcome this problem.
Work in groups. Think of an ad you have seen or heard and describe it to your group using the questions in the chart. Take notes in the chart about the other student’s answers.
2. Work in small groups and choose one of the ads from the chart. Circle the best answers and add some of your own. More than one answer is possible. 1. What audience was the ad for ? 2. How do you know the ad was for this audience ? 3. What was the goal of the ad ?
Previewing the Academic Skills Focus OrganizationalStructure Organizationalstructure is thepatterns of theideasacrossthetextorlecture. Manylectures, essay, andacademictextbooksections in Englishfollowthesamebasicstructure : Theintroduction • Givesthemain idea of thetext • Itopensthetopicwithimportant general information (the general statement) • Italsogivesthemain idea(s) of thetext (thescope). • Thescopeand general statement can be oneormoresentences in length
The Body • Gives more specific information about the main idea. • Gives explanations, examples, reasons, effects,etc. The conclusion • Returns to the main idea presented in the introduction and closes the topic. • The introduction and conclusion is usually short. The body is the longer, main part of the text. • Recognizing the organizational structure can help you to follow the main ideas throughout a lecture or reading.
1. Read the introduction to a chapter in a marketing textbook on page 24. Underline the general statement once and the scope twice. 2. Work with a partner and discuss the questions. 1. What main idea will come up later in the unit ? 2. Which main ideas might the conclusion mention ? 1. Firstsentence is the general statement 2. Remainingsentencesarescope timing of ad campaigns; other ways to get messages to companies Ideassimilar to the main ideas
Brand(n): the name of any company or product Word Formation : Brand name (n) Definition : The name of a wellknownbrand Ex:Whatbrand of car do youuse ? Ex:Mango is one of themostknownbrandnamesamongthewoman.
Influence(v): To change the way people think Word Formation : Influence (n) Synonyms: effect Collocations : Influence on Ex:Advertisementalwayshave an influence on people. Ex:Shecould not influencethebuyersandcould not makethem buy theproduct.
Strategy (n): a careful plan or method to complete something Synonyms:technique / method Collocations : Strategyfordoingsomething Strategyto do something Ex:Companieshaveadvertisingstrategyfordifferentproducts. Ex:What is yourstrategytowinthematch ?
Viral Marketing (n):a marketing strategy that focuses on spreading information and opinions about a product or service from person to person, especially by using unconventional means such as the Internet or e-mail.
Stealth Marketing: advertising a product in such a way that people are not aware that you are trying to persuade them to buy it. Product Placement is an example of stealth marketing.Ex: The TV series Yalan Dünya uses product placement extensively.
Word of mouth (adj): orally communicated Collocations : word of mouth marketing Ex:Somecompaniesuseonlyword of mouth marketing.
Before You Listen 1. Think about something you bought , either an electronic item or an item of clothing. (Page 25) 1. What was it ? 2. What brand was it ? 3. Was it a brand name item? 4. How did you find out about the product ? 5. Which of the items in question 4 influenced your decision to buy ? Which was the biggest influence ? 2. Compare your answers to questions 4&5 with a partner and find out the most popular way to find out about a product ?
Global Listening Recognizing Relationships among Parts of a Lecture • We have learnt that main ideas are mentioned in the scope (introduction), the body and in the conclusion • How can we recognize which idea is main idea ? • Speakers usually use special words and expressions called signals to tell listeners what the main ideas are. • For example , a lecturer might say in the scope: • First, we’ll look at marketing brand name products. Then we ‘ll move on to other kinds of products. • First, we’ll look at marketing brand name products. Then we ‘ll move on to other kinds of products. Thesignals
Similar signals are used in the body of the lecture to introduce main idea. • Also, these signals introduce the conclusion: To conclude…. and In summary…. • Signals include words and expressions called logical connectives. • These tell you the relationships between ideas. For example • However shows that next idea is different from the one before • Because shows that the next idea is reason • These will help you to understand lectures easily.
Listen to the introduction of the lecture. Answer the questions. (Page 26) 1. What is the general statement about ? b. Problem for advertisers 2. What ideas are presented in the scope? Match the expressions with the main ideas in the scope Today, we’ll look at—new marketing strategies First,—viral marketing then—stealth marketing
2. Listen to the body of the lecture. Then complete the questions. (Page 26) 1. a 2. viral marketing 3. b 4. stealth marketing 3. Listen to the conclusion of the lecture and answer the questions. 1. b 2. viral and stealth marketing 3. b
4. Check the choice that best summarizes the organizational structure of the lecture. (page 27) 3. Introduce ideas to be explained Explanation of idea 1 Explanation of idea 2 Conclusion
Focused Listening Organizational Structure and Note-taking • Note-taking is important at the university level because it can help you remember what the professors said in the lectures. • Understanding how lectures are organized can help you with note-taking. • One way to take notes is to use a chart.
Review the organizational structure on page 24. Then listen to the lecture and complete the outline on pages 27&28 . Compare your notes with a partners.
2. Work with a partner and complete the sentences on page 28. 1. people want to tell friends; • people; • people believe friends more thanadvertising; • there is no high cost of traditional advertising 2 . Special 3. who they are working for 4. stealth marketing 3. Work in small groups and discuss the questions. 1. What is an example of a viral and stealth marketing campaign? 2. Do you think viral marketing is honest or dishonest? How about stealth marketing?
Budget (n): a plan for money: how much to pay, and what to buy etc. Word Formation : Budget (v) Definition : to plan andcontrolthemoneyyouwill pay Collocations : have a budget Ex:Theyhave a budget of approximately € 2.000 perperson a month. Ex:Youshouldbudgetmorecarefullythisweek.
Objective(n):something that you are working hard to complete Synonyms: Goal/ aim Collocations : set an objective Ex:Beforeacting , youneedto set yourobjectives. Ex:Managers set specificobjectivesfortheirworkers
Profit(n):the difference between money comingin and money going out Collocations : make a profit Ex:Withoutadvertising it is hard tomake a profit. Ex:Theshop’sdailyprofit is $ 500 a day.
Spend (v): to pay money for something Word Formation :1. Spender(n) 2. Spending (n) Ex:Companiesspend a lot of money on advertising Ex:Withthisproduct, theytrytoattractmorespenders Ex:Youneedtoreduceyourspendingsifyou do not wanttohavemoneyproblems.
Succeed (v): to do what you try to do or want to do Word Formation : Success (n) Synonyms: achieve Antonym: fail Collocations : succeed in doingsomething Ex:Theysucceeded in getting an AA from ENG 106. Ex:Theexperimentwas a bigsuccess.
Target Audience(n):the people who you want to see your advertising campaign Ex:Advertisementsarecreatedaccordingtowantsandneeds of targetaudiences. Ex:Targetaudience of luxurysportscarsarepeoplewhoarerichandlikespeed.
Variety(n): many different types of things or people Word Formation : Various (adj) Synonyms: kind/ type various: different Ex:Theyhavecreated a variety of products: fromdetergentstocars. Ex:Therearevariouspeoplefromdifferent background in thisclass.
Persuade(v): to make someone agree to do something by talking them a lot. Synonyms: Convince Collocations : persuadesomebodyto do something Ex:Shefinallypersuaded her motherto buy thedollshesaw on TV.
Demand (n): the need or desire of people for certain goods and services. Word Formation : Demand(v) Collocations : meetdemand Ex:Thecompanycannotproduceenoughtomeetthedemands of thecustomers. Ex:Buyersalwaysdemandthelatestversion of thegoods.
Convenient(adj): easy to use or suiting your plans well Synonyms: suitable Antonym:inconvenient Ex:Online shopping is a convenientway of shopping. Ex:Do youhave a convenient time tomeet ?
Reminder(n): something that makes you remember something Word Formation : Remind (v) Collocations : reminder of something remindsomebody of something Ex:Thissong is a reminder of myhappychildhood. Ex:Sheremindsme of myprimaryschoolteacher.
Before You Read • Match the keywords with the definitions . • budget—a plan for money: how much to pay, and what to buy; the highestamount you will pay for something • objective—something that you are working hard to complete • profit—the money a company makes; the difference between money coming in and money going out • successful—producing the result you wanted; working in the way you wanted • target audience—the people who you want to see your advertising campaign;your goal is to for these people to see your advertising
2. Complete the passage with the keywords. You will not use all the words. 1. profit 2. budget 3. spend 4. objective 5. successful 6. target audience 3. Read the overview of a chapter in a marketing textbook on page 29 . Answer the question. Companies advertise to sell their products. What other kinds of organizations might advertise? government, non-profit organizations, law firms, colleges, and universities
Global Reading Recognizing Organization of Written Texts • Like lectures, written texts have an organizational structure. • The stages are basically the same • The introduction includes a general statement and and a scope, giving the main ideas. • Each body paragraph show the main ideas followed by the supporting ideas. • The conclusion returns to the main ideas. • Just reading one part of the introduction, you can quickly find main idea.
Readparagraphs 1-3 of thepassage on pages 31-32 andanswersthequestions. a. paragraph 3 b. choosing advertising objectives, setting the advertising budget, developing the advertising strategy, evaluating the advertising programs
2. Readalltheheadingsandanswerthequestion on page 30. c. -choosing the advertising objectives (heading: “Setting AdvertisingObjectives”) -setting the advertising budget 3. Readparagraph 4 andanswerthequestion on page 30. d. the four advertising objectives: to inform, to persuade, to compare, toremind 4. Readparagraphs 5-8 andanswerthequestion on page 30. e. yes