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Solution Selling™ Løsningssalg i teori og praksis. Christian Milner Nymand, Partner, Implement A/S. Hvem kommer først til møde med økonomidirektøren, som ikke endnu har tænkt i energiløsninger?. Indhold. Løsningssalg – hvorfor? Udfordringen Kundens købsproces
Solution Selling™Løsningssalg i teori og praksis Christian Milner Nymand, Partner, Implement A/S
Hvem kommer først til møde med økonomidirektøren, som ikke endnu har tænkt i energiløsninger?
Indhold • Løsningssalg – hvorfor? • Udfordringen • Kundens købsproces • GO-TO market strategien, der sikrer markant vækst • Key success factors • Løsningssalg – hvordan? • Fra pseudo-løsning til reel løsning • Udgangspunkt i kundens forretning • Pain, reasons, capabilities • Eksempler fra praksis • Løsningssalg – værktøjer og teknik til salgsprocessen • Pain Chain™ • Reference story • Business development prompter • 9-block vision processing model™ • Power sponsor letter • Evaluation plan
“The Value Perception Gap” CUSTOMER Value Perception COMPANY Value Proposition 73% af marketingdirektører siger, at værdibudskabet ikke når kunderne 90% af sælgere positionere ikke værdien effektivt 70% - 80% af marketingsmaterialet bliver ikke brugt Udfordringen • Typiske konsekvenser (PAINS) • Tvivlsom ROMI - vanskeligt at skabe kvalificerede leads • Vanskeligt at skabe præference i markedet • Utilstrækkelig salgsvækst ift potentialet • Når ikke salgsmål på nye produkter • Pres på avancen - kunder fokuserer på pris
Marketing For lidt kendskab til kundernes forretning For meget fokus på produkter, functions & features Kommunikerer ikke tydelige value propositions (værdi for kunden) Virksomhedens differentiatorer er uklare Kampagner og marketingmateriale taler ikke til beslutningstagerne Manglende dokumentation af forretningsmæssigt udbytte i kampagner og succes-historier Salg Mangler kvalificerede leads Mangler kompetence ift at tale til beslutningstagerne – for stor fokus på produktet Kommer for sent ind i kundernes købsproces – andre har påvirket kundens krav ”Sælger” i stedet til de forkerte personer. Bruger salgstid på ukvalificerede opportunities Vanskeligt ved at positionere værdien/differentiering af ydelser i markedet Udvalgte årsager
21” 21” Kundens købsproces Erkendt PAIN Evaluer risiko Fastlæg behov Evaluer alternativer POWER Behov Pris Løsning Risiko Løsning Behov Risiko Pris Risiko Pris Løsning Behov SAMSUNG LCD 30” 13xx X 7xx SORT 12.000 dkk SAMSUNG LCD 42” 19xx X 10xx SORT 24.500 dkk (17.500 dkk) KØB Latent PAIN Hvorfor købte vi ikke det tv noget før?
Go-to-market strategien, som giver væsentlig organisk vækst ift markedet Proaktiv indsats i forhold til den kommercielt tænkende del af kundens organisation © Implement A/S – All Rights Reserved
Til… (blue ocean) Fra… (red ocean) ”Rejsen” vi oplever mange virksomheder gerne vil ud på
Til… (blue ocean) Fra… (red ocean) Fra produkt til løsningsorienteret virksomhed
Blue ocean Red ocean • Fordele: • Comfort zone for teknisk mindede sælgere • Udfordringer: • Konkurrence og pres på avancen • Vanskeligt at skabe profitabel organisk vækst (udover markedsvæksten) • Vanskeligt at introducere innovative produkter til markedet • Nødvendige salgskompetencer: • Produkt viden • Viden om differentiatorer med værdi • Evne til at ændre kundens visioner • Fordele: • Vækstmulighed for innovative produkter • Profitabel vækst, som overstiger markedsvæksten • Stærkere kunderelationer • Udfordringer: • Panik zone for teknisk orienterede sælgere • Kræver tættere integration og samarbejde mellem R&D, marketing og salg • Nødvendige salgskompetencer: • Forretningsviden • Proaktive salgskundskaber • Visionsskabelse • Salg på værdi Fordele og udfordringer
Key success factors Demand • Narrow segmentation • Customer knowledge • High Innovation • High Flexibility • Operational excellence • Streamlined supply chain • Low cost production • No-thrills bus. model Value added Stuck in the middle Commodities Specialities
Indhold • Løsningssalg – hvorfor? • Udfordringen • Kundens købsproces • GO-TO market strategien, der sikrer markant vækst • Key success factors • Løsningssalg – hvordan? • Fra pseudo-løsning til reel løsning • Udgangspunkt i kundens forretning • Pain, reasons, capabilities • Eksempler fra praksis • Løsningssalg – værktøjer og teknik til salgsprocessen • Pain Chain™ • Reference story • Business development prompter • 9-block vision processing model™ • Power sponsor letter • Evaluation plan
Pains, Reasons, Capabilities Kampagner, som skaber massiv interesse hos beslutningstagere Kvalificeret og retvisende billede af salgspipeline Evne og værktøjer til at tale med beslutningstagere Proces og værktøjer til at kvalificere en sag i pipeline Proces og værktøjer til at kvalificere en sag i pipeline Kampagner, som skaber massiv interesse hos beslutningstagere Proces til at dele bedste praksis Proaktive salgskompetencer – canvass og visionsskabelse
Indhold • Løsningssalg – hvorfor? • Udfordringen • Kundens købsproces • GO-TO market strategien, der sikrer markant vækst • Key success factors • Løsningssalg – hvordan? • Fra pseudo-løsning til reel løsning • Udgangspunkt i kundens forretning • Pain, reasons, capabilities • Eksempler fra praksis • Løsningssalg – værktøjer og teknik til salgsprocessen • Pain Chain™ • Reference story • Business development prompter • 9-block vision processing model™ • Power sponsor letter • Evaluation plan
Pain Chain®: Example Job Title: CEO Pain: Earnings per share decreasing Reason A: Eroding profits Job Title: VP Finance Pain: Eroding profits Reason A: Missing new account revenue targets Reason B: Increased operational costs Reason C: increasing credit write-offs Job Title: VP Sales & Marketing Pain: Missing new account revenue targets Reason A: Sellers spend too much time with existing customers Reason B: Sellers answering customer FAQs Reason C: Prospects are not aware of promotions Reason D: Not enough referral business Selling organization’s capabilities should address
9 Block Vision Processing Model® - Vision Creation PAIN Diagnose Reasons Explore Impact Visualize Capabilities I1 C1 R1 4 7 1 “Tell me about it, what is causing you to have this… (repeat pain)?” “Besides yourself, who in your organization is impacted by this (pain) and how are they impacted?” “What is it going to take for you to be able to (achieve your goal)?” “Could I try a few ideas on you?” Open I2 C2 R2 5 8 2 “Is it because… Reason A?… Reason B?... Reason C?... “Is this (pain) causing… (another pain)?” “If so, would (other job title) also be concerned?” “You mentioned (recall reason)… Would it help if … Capability Vision A?... Capability Vision B?... Capability Vision C?... Control R3 I3 C3 3 6 9 “So, the reasons for your (pain) are…? Is that correct?” “From what I just heard, (repeat the “who” and “how”) are impacted. It sounds like this is not just your problem, but a ______ problem! Is that correct?” “So, IF you had the ability to (summarize capability visions), THEN could you (achieve your goal)?” Confirming BUYING VISION
9 Block Vision Processing Model® - Vision Reengineering PAIN $ CURRENT VISION Diagnose Reasons Explore Impact Visualize Capabilities “What is the effect on you and your business of doing it this way?” I1 C1 R1 6 1 3 “How do you do it today without this capability?” (“It” = perform the function they want to improve) “Besides yourself, who in your organization is impacted by this (pain) and how are they impacted?” “How do you see yourself using this (repeat initial vision)?” (Clarify initial vision is when, who, what format) Open I2 C2 R2 7 2 4 “Today…? Reason A?… Reason B?... Reason C?... #?, %?, $? “Is this (pain) causing… (another pain)?” “If so, would (other job title) also be concerned?” #?, %?, $? “Are you also looking for a way to…?” Would it help if you also had a way to …?” Capability Vision?... Capability Vision?... Capability Vision?... Control R3 I3 C3 5 8 9 “So, the way you do it today is… Is that correct?” “”When you called, you were looking at (product / service) to give you the ability to (original vision) Today, you also said you needed (capability visions) If you had… could you (verbalize goal)?” “From what I just heard, (repeat the “who” and “how”) are impacted. It sounds like this is not just your problem, but a ______ problem! Is that correct?” Confirming REENGINEERED BUYING VISION $
Potential Power Sponsor Letter / e-mail: Example Qualification Components: 1 Pain 2 Reasons for the Pain 3 Buying Vision 4 Organizational Impact 5 Agreement to Explore 6 Evaluation Plan Set-up Jim(VP Finance), Thank you for meeting with Steve Jones and me earlier today. I believe it was time well spent for both TGI and our company. We discussed the following: (1) Your primary critical issue is declining profits due to the revenue shortfall. You said you were about $8 million below plan. (2)Reasons for declining profits: • Missing new account revenue targets • Rising operational costs • Increasing credit write-offs (3) Capabilities you said you needed: • when visiting your web-site, your customers could place and confirm orders via the internet, get questions answered through a FAQ menu, be notified of promotions, and be prompted to submit referrals • for customers to be able to click on a FAQ web menu to get their answers and only require a CSR for extraordinary situations • prior to accepting an order, your web-site could alert your customer to outstanding credit issues needing to be resolved with the ability to speak to someone in your accounting department (4)You said if you had these capabilities, Steve could meet his revenue targets, Donna Moore could reduce operating expenses, your Controller could reduce the average age of his receivables and you would be able to increase profits by at least $4.5 M. Our next steps (5) When I told you I was confident our company could help you integrate an e-Commerce application with your existing internal accounting and inventory system, you agreed to commit the resources needed to evaluate our ability to do so. (6) Based on my knowledge to date, I am attaching a suggested evaluation plan for your further exploration of our company. Look it over with Steve, and I will call you on February 7, to get your thoughts. Sincerely, Bill Hart Attachment: Draft Evaluation Plan
Draft Evaluation Plan: ExampleAttachment to Power Sponsor Letter / e-mail
Spørgsmål? Christian Milner Nymand Implement A/S cmn@implement.dk 2338 0074