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Join us for an informative session to meet teachers, explore the Australia curriculum, discuss home learning, awards, behavior expectations, and enrichment opportunities. Gain insights on how to support your child's learning in Year 5.
MEET THE TEACHER INFORMATION EVENINGClass 5 Mrs Kemp and Miss Hunter Purpose of the Meeting To meet you and to hopefully answer any questions you may have To introduce the Key Feature of life in Year 5 To consider how you can support your child and school
MEET THE TEACHER INFORMATION EVENINGClass 5 The Curriculum Topic is Australia Main threads include:- Geography, History and PSHE In addition ART/D.T will be taught Home Learning – research relating to Australia or to our Science topic or Literacy talk homelearning.
MEET THE TEACHER INFORMATION EVENINGClass 5 Rewards & Celebrating Success How to achieve them and what they are Merit Points (Bronze, Silver and Gold). House Points Assembly Awards Star of the Week Star Writer Special Subject Achievement Awards
MEET THE TEACHER INFORMATION EVENINGClass 5 The Learning Environment Learning Intention and Success Criteria (displayed to help children take a step by step approach to achieving the learning intention). Respect (See next slide) Literacy and Numeracy working walls Targets – generated through ongoing daily assessment and half termly formal assessment. To be shared at parents’ evening.
Code of Conduct • R – Responsible in all we do • E – Encourage each other • S – Safe work and play • P – Polite and considerate • E – Enjoy being and ‘active learner’ • C – Challenge and celebrate our efforts • T – Trust each other • Any breaches of our code of conduct will result in a letter home and a record will be kept.
MEET THE TEACHER INFORMATION EVENINGClass 5 Home Learning in this class:- When and What? Children will receive home learning on Mondays, and Fridays. The home learning will be handed out as follows: Monday –Maths which will often be online (Mathletics) set by Miss Hunter TO BE COMPLETED BY FRIDAY PLEASE Friday – Spellings and cracking times tables set by Mrs Kemp TO BE COMPLETED AND HANDED IN BY THE FOLLOWING TUESDAY PLEASE (Spellings are given to children on a Friday and then tested on the following Wednesday. Cracking times tables sheets are given out Friday and tested on the following Thursday) Sometimes a Talk based home learning or Topic work linked to Australia or Science will also be sent home and this can be set by either teacher READING – approximately 20 minutes most nights. Children have reading journals that must be completed at least twice a week (checked weekly). Please encourage comments such as, “I like/don’t like this book because…” You may also comment in the back if you wish to do so. Tables revision – we will have regular mental maths quizzes IN CLASS where children will need to be familiar with multiplication and division facts. Please ensure that work is named, stapled, placed in home learning folders etc as appropriate.
MEET THE TEACHER INFORMATION EVENINGClass 5 The Whole Child PHSE – values for life and half termly topics. (Trust) Class 5 Responsibility Values Assembly 2nd half term Peer Mediator training for year 5 pupils – Thursday 17th October RE – half termly topics and recognition of many key festivals. Collective Worship Reflection Time / lunch time prayer (pupils lead this)
MEET THE TEACHER INFORMATION EVENINGClass 5 Enrichment Trips to enhance learning – To be confirmed Outdoor learning sessions – Each week a lesson to be taught outside including maths of the day (outdoor maths lesson) Whole school days – eg World Book Day. Creative Curriculum topic days. Class swaps/paired reading.