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Monthly Status Report Report due 8/25/01 Schedule statused TBD. Project Status Summary. Schedule Jun July Aug. Resources Jun July Aug. Programmatic Jun July Aug. Technical Jun July Aug. Detailed Description: (for items identified as yellow or red).
Monthly Status Report Report due 8/25/01 Schedule statused TBD ASPERA Monthly Status Report
Project Status Summary Schedule Jun July Aug Resources Jun July Aug Programmatic Jun July Aug Technical Jun July Aug Detailed Description: (for items identified as yellow or red) During the last month, the flight unit was returned to SwRI. The “fixed” amplifier board was reinstalled in the flight unit. The unit was then re-qualified (vibe and tvac). Electron beam characterization tests are complete and look very good. Ni63 characterization tests are in process. The unit is scheduled to be redelivered to MSSL in September. Latest project photos and videos are available on Aspera-3 web site. ASPERA Monthly Status Report
Problem and Concern Summary P=Problem C=Concern R=Resolved ASPERA Monthly Status Report
Accomplishments of the Last Month -ELS The flight unit was brought back from MSSL and the “fixed” amplifier board from the flight spare was reinstalled into the flight unit . Modifications were made to the flight spare amplifier board to bring it up to the level of the flight unit. It has yet to be reassembled into the flight spare. Successfully re-qualified the flight unit with acceptance level vibration and thermal vacuum test (one hot and one cold plateau). We have completed the electron beam characterization runs on the flight unit. We have started the Ni63 characterization runs. We will be complete with all activities by Sep. 3. ASPERA Monthly Status Report
Accomplishments of the Last Month - IMA • No activities over the last month. ASPERA Monthly Status Report
Accomplishments of the Last Month - Data Reduction Software • Continued Dialog with Staff of PDS PPI Node and ESTEC Staff for Updates to the APAF PDMP and DSID • Continued Updates to APAF PDMP for Version 1.2 • Continued Updates to APAF DSID for Version 1.1 • Continued ELS IDFS Design Using Lab Data • Continued Packet Definitions for NPI and IMA • Continued Providing Technical Assistance for EPO Web Information • Held monthly ASPERA-3 Software Status Meeting (August 23, 2001) ASPERA Monthly Status Report
Planned Activities for the Next Month - ELS • Finish Ni63 characterization runs. • Redeliver ELS flight unit to MSSL for calibration. • Reassemble ELS flight spare. ASPERA Monthly Status Report
Planned Activities for the Next Month - IMA • Support IRF in the assembly and test of the IMA flight model via telcon as needed. ASPERA Monthly Status Report
Planned Activities for the Next Month - Data Reduction Software Tasks Continue Dialog with Staff of PDS PPI Node and ESTEC Staff as necessary for Updates to the APAF PDMP and DSID Release APAF PDMP, Version 1.2 by September 28, 2001 Release APAF DSID, Version 1.1 by September 28, 2001 Continue ELS IDFS Design Using Lab Data Continue Packet Definitions for NPI and IMA Continue Providing Technical Assistance for EPO Web Information Continue Defining and Implementing IDFS Web Tools ASPERA Monthly Status Report
Problem and Concern Status Low count rate in ELS: This concern is now resolved.We reinstalled the “fixed” amplifier board into the flight unit and began characterization tests. The results look very good. The channel-to-channel sensitivity is very consistent. This is due to the very precise machining of the deflection system (and the amplifier electronics finally working properly). The only variation that we are now seeing is due to the unavoidable variation caused by the MCP pore angle. Bottom line is that the sensor is working very well and will be ready for calibration in the coming month. We also finalized the re-qualification of the unit based upon IRF recommendations and have settled on a delivery and calibration schedule with IRF and MSSL. ASPERA Monthly Status Report
Schedule Summary ELS: We received the flight unit back and have made required fixes and re-qualified the unit. We have negotiated an agreed to calibration plan and delivery schedule with MSSL and IRF. The ELS flight unit will be ready for re-delivery to MSSL on Sep. 3. The unit will be calibrated starting in early October at MSSL with final delivery to IRF no later than Oct 29. Software: Software activities continue to be on schedule. • The full-up schedule is available on the ASPERA-3 Web site. ASPERA Monthly Status Report
ASPERA-3 PHASE B/C/D MASTER SCHEDULE 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D SwRI IMA & ELS Deliv to IRF IRF ELS & IMA Delivery to ESA ASPERA PDR MAJOR MILESTONES / REVIEWS ASPERA ICDR ESA MEX LAUNCH KEY INSTRUMENT DEVELOPMENT ELS PDR ELS FM/FS Deliv STM CDR MAJOR MILESTONE ELS - Electron Spectrometer Imager SUMMARY Mechanical P SCHEDULED START Design F SCHEDULED COMPLETION P EARLY START/COMPLETION Detail Design F F P LATE START/COMPLETION Mechanical Fabrication RESERVES Microchannel Plates (MCP’s) P CRITICAL PATH F MCP Procurement P PROTOTYPE MCPs Avail F FLIGHT R REWORK MCP Characterization Structural Thermal Model (STM) Fabrication STM Delivery STM Test & Delivery Electrical HV Power Supply (HVPS) P F HVPS Design P F HVPS Layout FS F HVPS Fabrication P FS HVPS Testing P Anode Assemby F P Anode Board Design Modifications P Anode PWA Layout F F P Anode Fabrication Rework P Anode Testing R Sensor Integration & Test P Sensor Assembly R F P R F Sensor Bench Test P Redelivery Sensor Testing & Characterization (@ SwRI) ELS FM/FS Delivery to ASPERA / ESA ELS FM/Flt. Spare Delivery to IRF ELS Calibration (@ IRF) & Delivery to ESA IMA -Ion Mass Analyzer Imager IMA PDR CDR Prototype Development IMA FM/FS Delivery IMA Definition Prototype Design Prototype Layout Prototype Fabrication & Testing Deliver IMA Prototype Flt. Model / Flt. Spare Development FM/FS Design Modification MCP’s Returned to IRF for Rework FM/FS Layout FM/FS Fabrication & Assembly IMA FM/Flt. Spare Delivery to IRF less MCP’s MCP Need Date MCP’s Req’d FM Sensor Characterization (@ SwRI) IMA FM/FS Delivery to ASPERA / ESA IMA Calibration (@ IRF) & Delivery to ESA IMA FM/FS I&T Processing Software Software Concept & Requirements Virtual Instrument Design Virtual Instrument S/W Coding Virtual Instrument S/W Testing 9/30/07 S/W Integration w/Sensor Calibration Instrument Support Engineering Support Science Planning & Support Software Development & Support Orig Approval: 6/25/99 Southwest Research Institute 4/10/01 D - ELS Anode PWA Rework, FU ReTest/ReQual Work Denotes a Change/Slip Last Change: 12/15/00 Approval: John Scherrer, Project Mgr. ASPERA Monthly Status Report