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China and the New Imperialism Page 13

Ch. 9 Section 5. China and the New Imperialism Page 13. Essential Question: How did Western powers use diplomacy and war to gain power in Qing China?. Trade between China and Britain. China limited trade with foreigners. China had trade surplus: exported more than it imported.

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China and the New Imperialism Page 13

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  1. Ch. 9 Section 5 China and the New Imperialism Page 13 Essential Question: How did Western powers use diplomacy and war to gain power in Qing China?

  2. Trade between China and Britain • China limited trade with foreigners. • China had trade surplus: exported more than it imported. • Westerners had trade deficit: buying more from China than they sold.

  3. The Opium War • Traded Opium (India) with Chinese for Tea – popular in Britain • Chinese Addiction disrupted the economy • China outlawed it, but British refused to stop the trade • 1839: War breaks out and Chinese easily defeated. • Treaty of Nanjing is signed in 1842 giving Britain Hong Kong and five other ports. • British in China did not have to follow Chinese laws.

  4. Taiping Rebellion Weakens China • Population explosion causes hardship for peasants. • Corruption and high taxes led to rebellion and burden for peasants 1850-1864 • 20-30 Million killed • Qing Dynasty survived but it opened door to European and Russian influence.

  5. Launching Reform Efforts • Self Strengthening Movement: attempts to modernize China.(technology, railroads, mining) • Sino-Japanese War: Japan defeats China to take hold of Taiwan, revealed China’s weakness. • Open Door Policy: Policy of the U.S to keep trade with China open to all nations, China had no say in this.

  6. The Qing Dynasty falls • Conflicts between Christian Missionaries- threatened Chinese Confucianism • Boxer Uprising(Rebellion): Group attempted to fight out foreigners. Uprising suppressed and Chinese forced to Westernize.

  7. The Three Principles of the People • Even though uprising failed- a sense of nationalism spread • 1)Nationalism: Freeing China from foreign domination. • 2)Democracy: Representative Government • 3)Livelihood: Economic security for all Chinese • .

  8. Birth of a Republic • 1908 – China slipped into Chaos • Peasants, students, & politicians topped the Qing Dynasty • Sun Yixian (Sun Yat-Sen) -President • Became president of Chinese republic, but overwhelming problems persisted • .

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