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Conjugating Latin Verbs Third – io and Fourth Conjugations

Conjugating Latin Verbs Third – io and Fourth Conjugations. Latin I Grammar. Verb Review. All Latin verbs have four principal parts amo , am ā re , amavi , amatus – a, um habeo , habēre , habui , habitus – a, um pono , ponere , posui , positus – a, um

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Conjugating Latin Verbs Third – io and Fourth Conjugations

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  1. Conjugating Latin VerbsThird –io and Fourth Conjugations Latin I Grammar

  2. Verb Review • All Latin verbs have four principal parts • amo, amāre, amavi, amatus – a, um • habeo, habēre, habui, habitus – a, um • pono, ponere, posui, positus – a, um • All Latin verbs use personal endings • -o/-m, -s, -t, -mus, -tis, -nt • I, you, he/she/it, we, y’all, they

  3. Third Conjugation –io • Like all first and second conjugation verbs, third conjugation –io verbs have four principal parts • capio, capere, cepi, captus – a, um

  4. Third Conjugation –io • Note that 3rd conjugation –io verbs have a short –ere, like regular 3rd, but an “-io” in the 1st P.P. • capio, capere, cepi, captus – a, um • iacio, iacere, ieci, iactus – a, um

  5. Third Conjugation –io • Present stem for 3rd conjugation –io verbs is the same as regular 3rd conjugation verbs, with one addition • 2nd P.P. (-) the “ere” + “i”

  6. Since the “e” is short, it falls from the stem along with the “re” caperecapi- iacereiaci- fugerefugi- rapererapi- Note that the stem for 3rd conjugation –io always ends in an “i”. Third Conjugation –ioFormation of Present Stem

  7. Third –io Formulae • 3rd –io verbs are still 3rd conjugation and use the same formulae as regular 3rd conjugation Present Tense: Pres. Stem. + o/i/u + P.E. Imperfect Tense: Pres. Stem. + eba + P.E. Future Tense: Pres. Stem. + a/e + P.E.

  8. capio, capere Stem = capi Pres Stem + o/i/u + P.E. capiocapimus capiscapitis capitcapiunt I am capturing you are capturing he is capturing we are capturing y’all are capturing they are capturing Third Conjugation –io:Present Tense

  9. capio, capere Stem = capi Pres Stem + eba + P.E. capiebamcapiebamus capiebascapiebatis capiebatcapiebant I was capturing you were capturing he was capturing we were capturing y’all were capturing they were capturing Third Conjugation –io:Imperfect Tense

  10. capio, capere Stem = capi Pres Stem + a/e + P.E. capiamcapiemus capiescapietis capietcapient I shall capture you will capture he will capture we shall capture y’all will capture they will capture Third Conjugation –io:Future Tense

  11. Latin I Grammar Fourth Conjugation

  12. Verb Review • All Latin verbs have four principal parts • amo, amāre, amavi, amatus – a, um • habeo, habēre, habui, habitus – a, um • pono, ponere, posui, positus – a, um • capio, capere, cepi, captus – a, um • All Latin verbs use personal endings

  13. Fourth Conjugation Verbs • Like all verbs, 4th conjugation verbs have four principal parts • audio, audīre, audivi, auditus – a, um

  14. Fourth Conjugation Verbs • Note that 4th conjugation verbs have a long –īre in the 2nd P.P. • audio, audīre, audivi, auditus –a, um • scio, scīre, scivi, scitus –a,um

  15. Fourth Conjugation Verbs • Present stem for 4th conjugation verbs is formed just like 1st and 2nd conjugation verbs. • 2nd P.P. (-) the “re” • If the vowel is long, then it is strong, so it stays.

  16. Since the “īre” is long, simply remove the “re” audīreaudi- scīresci- venīreveni- ferīreferi- Note that the stem for 4th conjugation always ends in an “i,” just like 3rd conjugation –io verbs. Formation of Present Stem

  17. The Formulae • 4th conjugation verbs use the same formulae as 3rd conjugation verbs. In fact they will look identical to 3rd conjugation –io verbs. Present Tense: Pres. Stem. + o/i/u + P.E. Imperfect Tense: Pres. Stem. + eba + P.E. Future Tense: Pres. Stem. + a/e + P.E.

  18. audio, audīre Stem = audi Pres Stem + o/i/u + P.E. audioaudimus audisauditis auditaudiunt I am hearing you are hearing he is hearing we are hearing y’all are hearing they are hearing Fourth Conjugation Verbs:Present Tense

  19. audio, audīre Stem = audi Pres Stem + eba + P.E. audiebamaudiebamus audiebasaudiebatis audiebataudiebant I was hearing you were hearing he was hearing we were hearing y’all were hearing they were hearing Fourth Conjugation Verbs:Imperfect Tense

  20. audio, audīre Stem = audi Pres Stem + a/e + P.E. audiamaudiemus audiesaudietis audietaudient I shall hear you will hear he will hear we shall hear y’all will hear they will hear Fourth Conjugation Verbs:Future Tense

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