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Landasan Pengembangan & Implementasi E-Gov

Landasan Pengembangan & Implementasi E-Gov . Prof. Kudang B. Seminar, PhD Direktur Direktorat Komunikasi dan Sistem Informasi (DKSI) Institut Pertanian Bogor. Impian E-Gov. Mempublikasikan informasi vital secara on-line

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Landasan Pengembangan & Implementasi E-Gov

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  1. Landasan Pengembangan& Implementasi E-Gov Prof. Kudang B. Seminar, PhD Direktur DirektoratKomunikasidanSistemInformasi (DKSI) InstitutPertanian Bogor
  2. Impian E-Gov Mempublikasikaninformasi vital secara on-line Menyederhanakandanmengotomasikanprosesadminitrasi, manajerialdantransaksionalbagikepentinganmasyarakat Membanguninteraksielektronik yang harmonisdenganmasyarakat.
  3. Tujuan E-Gov? PenggunaanTeknologiInformasi (TI)dalampenerapanSistemInformasi (SI) untukmempromosikanpemerintahan yang lebihefektifdanefisien, memfasilitasiakseslayananinformasidantransaksidenganakses yang luasdanadil, membentukpemerintahan yang lebihakuntabelterhadapmasyarakat, sertamembentukmasyarakat yang berbasisinformasiataupengetahuan ( knowledge-based society).
  4. Definisi Teknologi Informasi TI) Teknologi informasi (TI) adalah teknologi elektronik untuk akuisisi, pengolahan, penyimpanan, produksi dan distribusi informasi. . (Gunton, 1994) Teknologi Komputer TI Teknologi Telekomunikasi
  5. Sistem Informasi BRAINWARE DATAWARE Performance Control System H A R D WARE SOFTWARE Info Data Process Data Store N E T W A R E
  6. Karakteristik Organisasi Setiap enterprise (organisasi) memilikibisnis proses spesifikyang selalu akan ditingkatkan kinerjanya untuk merespon tuntutan kepuasan stakeholders dan perkembangan teknologi *** Organization that does not evaluate deserves to die ***
  7. Pemerintahansebagai Enterprise Memilikivisi & misi Mengelolaprosesbisnis yang kompleks Melibatkan multi-agen (multi-organisasi, multi-kepentingan, multi-disiplin, multi-wilayah, multi-kultur & budaya, multi-sektor, dan multi-strata) dengan multi-interaksi Memiliki kustomer (masyarakat/citizens) Memiliki otonomi & sumberdaya Mempertahankan eksistensi (survival) dalam kompetisi global
  8. Lingkungan Sosioteknologi Struktur Organisasi Teknologi & Sistem Informasi Strategi Manajemen Bisnis Proses Orang dan Kultur
  9. Government Pemerintahan: Customer-Centric Services Interaction Customer : Citizens Prime Services Linkages
  10. Government Electronic Government (E-Gov):Customer-Centric Services Use of IT Electronic Customer : Citizens Prime Services Interaction Apply EDI: G2C, G2B, G2G
  11. Pilar Utama Layanan Pemerintah (1) pelayanan masyarakat (serving people). (2) penyejahteraan masyarakat (prospering people), (3) perlindungan masyarakat (protecting people), dan (4) pencerdasan masyakat (educating people).
  12. Pengembangan E-Gov: Rekayasa Ulang (Reengineering) Proses Bisnis Pemerintahan High Rationalism Reengineering Business Process Reengineering (BPR) Current Condition Automation (Computerization) IT Utilization Low High
  13. ArsitekturFungsional e-Gov. SW: Software HW: Hardware NW: Netware DW: Dataware BW: Brainware
  14. Deskripsi fungsional bisnis pengantar layanan e-government (Accenture 2003).
  15. Disain Sistem Pemerintahan (Wiraatmaja 2006) Sistem Manajemen Layanan Kantor Penyedia Informasi & Layanan DBMS Layanan Database Layanan SMS handphone server Sistem Manajemen Informasi Database Informasi DBMS Informasi Kantor Pendukung PDA Fungsi Internal DBMS Fungsi Internal Database Fungsi Internal notebook Organisasi Pendukung Content Mana- Gement System FTP PC server Institusi Pendukung E-mail server Web Server PORTAL
  16. Pengembangan & Penerapan E-Gov Perubahan paradigma pemerintahan Identifikasi kebutuhan prioritas masyarakat Formulasi layanan publik Pengembangan infrastruktur Implementasi & regulasi Internalisasi
  17. Mehdi Sagheb-Tehrani (2011). A model of successful factors towards e-government implementation. Electronic Government, An International Journal, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2010
  18. E-Gov : MenghubungkanPemerintahdenganMasyarakat via Portal Internet Global Sites E-Gov Portal Array of Portals Portal of Services Info/Database Portal Portal Portal Info/Database Portal Database Portal Info/Database
  19. Mehdi Sagheb-Tehrani (2011). A model of successful factors towards e-government implementation. Electronic Government, An International Journal, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2010 E-gov serves as a portal E-government serves as a portal focused mainly on access to the public sector; these portals are aimed at citizens (G2C), businesses (G2B), other governments (G2G) and anyone else who are interested in the government and its services.
  20. Mehdi Sagheb-Tehrani (2011). A model of successful factors towards e-government implementation. Electronic Government, An International Journal, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2010 Government to Citizens (G2C): 1 Free online tax filing 2 Job search 3 Social security 4 Personal documents (birth and marriage certificates, passport applications, driver license) 5 Immigration services 6 Health and related services 7 Government benefits 8 Student loans 9 Disaster help 10 Other useful information (for sales, weather forecast, recreation)
  21. Mehdi Sagheb-Tehrani (2011). A model of successful factors towards e-government implementation. Electronic Government, An International Journal, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2010 Government to Business (G2B): 1 Comment on federal regulation 2 Corporation tax 3 Business opportunities 4 Registration of a new company 5 Business laws and regulations 6 Central contractor registration 7 Government auctions and sales 8 Employer ID number 9 Wage reporting 10 Subcontracting opportunities 11 Patents and trademarks filing 12 Export portal
  22. Government to Government (G2G): 1 Federal Pay Tables 2 Grants 3 Background Investigation Application 4 E-Training Initiative for Federal Workers 5 For Sale to Government Buyers 6 FirstGov Search for Federal Agencies 7 Per Diem Rates 8 Employee Directory 9 Federal Personnel-Payroll Changes
  23. Mehdi Sagheb-Tehrani (2011). A model of successful factors towards e-government implementation. Electronic Government, An International Journal, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2010 SOURCE: Cap Gemini and Ernst & Young (2001)
  24. Mehdi Sagheb-Tehrani (2011). A model of successful factors towards e-government implementation. Electronic Government, An International Journal, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2010 Comparative view of various e-govwebsites based upon some KEY CONCEPTS
  25. Impact of E-Gov Implementation A fully implemented e-government can break down bureaucratic barriers and move toa better service level, connection and protection that a government may want and needin every aspect of government’s activity. This provides an opportunity not merely tomanage business but also to get wide access to whatgovernment is doing or intending todo, and how, and why. Citizens will have the chance to become stable players in theprocess of determining and making government task (McGinnis, 2003).
  26. Kesimpulan Perencanaan, pembangunan dan pengembagan TI dan SI harus memiliki tujuan yang jelas dan indikator keberhasilan yang terukur bagi individu maupun organisasi (enterprise), sehingga tidak boros, kontraproduktif, dan salah sasaran. Pelayanan masyarakat (kustomer) yang prima dengan berbagai dinamika kultur, budaya, perkembangan teknologi, dan tuntutan global menjadi peluang, tantangan, dan sekaligus target pendayagunaan TI dan SI di masamendatang
  27. Kontemplasi Teknologi Informasi yang hadir didepan kita haruslah kita syukuri dengan lebih banyak mau berfikir kreatif untuk mendayagunakan TI dalam mewujudkan kinerja individu dan organisasi serta kemanfaatan universalsekaligus memusnahkan kemungkaran dan kebodohan.
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