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OBEZITE NEDIR?. Obezite; vucut agirliginin beklenen vucut agirligindan % 20 fazla olmasi veyaVKI'nin 30'un zerinde olmasidir.Yksek morbiditesi ve mortalitesi olan ciddi bir hastaliktir.Birok kronik hastalik iin major risk faktrdr (Colditz, Am J Clin Nutr, 1992) Obezite gnmzde kronik b
1. MORBID OBEZITECerrahi Tedavisi Prof. Dr. Mustafa SAHIN
S.Ü. Selçuklu Tip Fakültesi
Genel cerrahi AD
2. OBEZITE NEDIR? Obezite; vucut agirliginin beklenen vucut agirligindan % 20 fazla olmasi veya
VKI’nin 30’un üzerinde olmasidir.
Yüksek morbiditesi ve mortalitesi olan ciddi bir hastaliktir.
Birçok kronik hastalik için major risk faktörüdür (Colditz, Am J Clin Nutr, 1992)
Obezite günümüzde kronik bir hastalik olarak kabul edilmektedir (Greenstein et al, Obesity Surgery, 1994)
Vücut Kitle Indeksi (VKI) =
4. TANIM Normal Aralik: VKI: 20 ? 25
Kilolu: VKI: > 25 ? 30
Obez: VKI: > 30
Morbid Obez: VKI: > 40
Süper Obez: VKI: > 50
5. Etiyoloji Ailesel
Çevre ve Ortam
Cinsiyet (K>E)
6. PREVELANS (40-60 yas, VKI ?30)
7. PREVELANS Avrupa’da orta yas grubunda her bes kisiden biri obez
Fransa, Ingiltere ve Almanya gibi ülkelerin herbirinde yaklasik 5-10 milyon tedaviye ihtiyaç duyan obez var
8. PREVALENS ABD’de obezite bir ulusal saglik sorunu olarak kabul edilmektedir
1992 yili rakamlari ile ABD’de 97 milyon obez bulunmaktadir
Bu populasyon içerisinde 4 milyon agir obez ve 1,5 milyon morbid obez hasta bulunmaktadir
ABD’de insidens 1960 yilindan 1990 yilina kadar geçen sürede, %13’den %35’e kadar yükselmistir.
Obezite ve beraberindeki hastaliklarin tedavisine bagli giderler
B- Indirekt Maliyet
Obez kisilerin daha az üretken olmalarina bagli toplumun yüklendigi giderler
(Colditz, Am J Clin Nutr, 1992)
10. OBEZITEYE BAGLI MALIYET Obezite nedeni ile yapilan harcamalar gelismis ülkelerin toplam saglik harcamalari için ayirdigi bütçenin %3-8’ini olusturmaktadir
(The Lancet, August 1997)
Pulmoner Yetersizlik
Ani Ölüm
Koroner Kalp Hastaligi
Diabetes Mellitus
Kanser (Endometrium, Kolon, Meme, vb.)
Hipertrofik Kardiomiyopati
Böbrek Hastaliklari
Dermatolojik Problemler(Mantar vb.)
Ödem ve Hipostasis
Infeksiyonlara Yatkinlik
Uyku Bozukluklari
Ameliyat Riskinde Artma
12. OBEZITENIN GENEL SAGLIK ÜZERINDEKI ETKILERI Safra kesesi hastaliklari gelisimi 6 kat
Hipertansiyon gelisimi 5.6 kat
Tip-2 diyabet gelisimi 5.4 kat
Hiperkolesterolemi gelisimi 2.1 kat
Osteoartrit gelisimi 2 kat daha sik görülmektedir
Endometrium, safra kesesi, over, meme, prostat ve kolorektal karsinoma bagli ölümler artmaktadir
Obezlerde venöz staz ve solunum problemleri de siklikla görülmektedir.
13. TEDAVI Obezitenin tedavisi neden gereklidir ?
Bilinçli kilo verilmesi obeziteye bagli mortalite oranini azaltmaktadir
Cerrahi Tedavi
Davranis Düzenlemeleri
Düzenli Fizik Egzersiz
Ilaçlar, Hormonlar
16. MEDIKAL TEDAVI SONUÇLARI Medikal tedavi ile ancak %10 oraninda kilo kaybi olusurken, hastalarin %95’i diyet öncesindeki kilolarina geri dönmektedirler.
(Adkinson et al., Am J Clin Nutr, 1994)
17 yillik süre içinde yapilan 3 büyük konsensus toplantisi sonucu; ”morbid obez hastalara uygulanan cerrahi disi tedavilerin basari sansi çok düsük”
(Am J Clin Nutr, 1992)
17. MEDIKAL TEDAVI SONUÇLARI Hastalarin çogunda cerrahi disi yaklasimlarla kabul edilebilir derecede kilo kaybi saglansa da, en büyük handikap azaltilmis vücut agirliginin sürdürülmesindeki basarisizliktir
18. CERRAHI TEDAVI / TARIHÇE Ilk kez Kremen 1954 yilinda uç-uca yaptigi jejunoileostomi ile kilo kaybi varligini gözlemistir
Mason ve Ito 1960’li yillarda gastrik by-pass yöntemini gelistirmislerdir
Printen ve Mason 1971 yilinda gastroplasti teknigini tariflemislerdir
Chelala ve Belachew 1992 yilinda laparoskopik ayarlanabilir gastrik band yöntemini tarif etmislerdir
19. Bariatrik cerrahi / tarihçe ‘‘ Bariatric’’ Yunanca bir kelime
Baros = agirlik
Iatrike = tedavi
20. BARIATRIK CERRAHININ HEDEFLERI Minimum komplikasyon ile en etkin tedavinin saglanmasi
Kilo kaybi
Yasam kalitesi
Komplikasyon orani
Maliyet Etkinligi
Düsük Mortalite
Mide üzerine en az invaziv ?
Gereginde geri dönüstürülebilir ?
Hastanin kilo verip vermemesine göre yeni bir ameliyat yapmadan ayarlanabilir ?
Morbidite ve Mortalitesi sifira yakin olmalidir
22. Yeterli kilo kaybi ne olmalidir? Uzun süreli takip sonuçlarinda kilo kaybinin mortalite artisi ile yakin iliskisi ortaya konmustur:
Hafif kilo kayiplari obezlerdeki mortaliteyi azaltmaktadir,
Kilo kayiplari arttikça mortalite oranlari da artmaktadir,
Orta düzeydeki kilo kayiplarinin tercih edilebilecegi bildirilmektedir!
23. Yeterli kilo kaybi ne olmalidir? Kilo kaybini degerlendirmede “uygun”, “yeterli”, “saglikli” ve “ideal” ifadeleri kullanilmaktadir,
Operasyon öncesi VKI>35-40 kg/m2 olan bir hasta için VKI<30 kg/m2 olmasi kabul edilebilir bir sonuç olmalidir.
Cerrahi disi yöntemlerle kilo verilememesi (>2 yil süreyle)
Obeziteye bagli yandas hastaliklar nedeniyle yüksek risk olusmasi
Gebe olmamasi ve kilo verme sürecinde gebelik planlanmamasi
Hastaya her konuda yeterli bilginin verilmis olmasi
25. CERRAHI TEDAVININ KESIN KONTRENDIKASYONLARI Gastrointestinal sistemin enflamatuar hastaliklari
Yüksek operatif risk
Üst gastrointestinal sistem kanamasi olusturabilecek nedenler (varisler, telanjiektaziler)
Alkol veya ilaç bagimliligi
Gastrointestinal sistem anomalileri (atrezi / stenoz)
Aktif enfeksiyon varligi
Uyum saglanamayacak hastalar
Kullanilan materyallere reaksiyon gelisebilecek hastalar
Kronik aspirin veya NSAID kullanan hastalar
Alt özofagus sfinkterinin disfonksiyonuna bagli olarak agir derecede gastroözofageal reflü hastaligi varligi
27. AMELIYAT HAZIRLIGI Rutin biyokimya incelemeleri
Akciger grafisi
Solunum fonksiyon testleri
Batin USG (safra kesesinde tas?)
Fotograf çekimi (4 cepheden)
Arteriyel kan gazi ölçümü
Boy - kilo ölçümü
28. AMELIYAT HAZIRLIGI Kardiyoloji Konsültasyonu
Dahiliye Konsültasyonu (Diabet ve Endokrin Inceleme)
Psikiyatri Konsültasyonu
Anestezi Konsültasyonu
Gögüs Hastaliklari Konsültasyonu
29. Cerrahi yöntemler Emilim bozucu girisimler,
Hacim küçültücü girisimler,
Kombine (restriktif / malabsorptif) islemler,
30. EMILIM BOZUCU GIRISIMLER Jejuno-kolik bypass
Jejuno-ileal bypass
Bilio-intestinal bypass
Duodeno-ileal bypass
31. Jejunoileal Bypass First series in 1969 of 80 patients; now a series of 153 JI bypasses reported 1973
Jejunum to ileum [note that this is end-to-side]
80 patients, with 5 deaths - one was from liver failure, 2 had PE, 2 had MI
“14-4”; this was to replace the IC bypass; 16 year follow up; 153 JI bypasses done;
9% total mortality[6% blamed on bypass]
noted that there was significant fatty change of the liver at the initial operation - this worsened w/ rapid weight loss. . .
This was modified by Scott et al. in 1974; Note that the anastomosis is now end to end and the defunctionalized limb of distal ileum is drained into the transverse colon; note that the proximal jejunum sutured to the mesentery
First series in 1969 of 80 patients; now a series of 153 JI bypasses reported 1973
Jejunum to ileum [note that this is end-to-side]
80 patients, with 5 deaths - one was from liver failure, 2 had PE, 2 had MI
“14-4”; this was to replace the IC bypass; 16 year follow up; 153 JI bypasses done;
9% total mortality[6% blamed on bypass]
noted that there was significant fatty change of the liver at the initial operation - this worsened w/ rapid weight loss. . .
This was modified by Scott et al. in 1974; Note that the anastomosis is now end to end and the defunctionalized limb of distal ileum is drained into the transverse colon; note that the proximal jejunum sutured to the mesentery
32. Emilim bozucu girisimlerin komplikasyonlari Diare
Yara enfeksiyonu
Anal sorunlar
Bypass enteriti
Protein malnütrisyonu
Vitamin A D E yetersizligi
Safra tasi
Böbrek tasi
Karaciger yetmezligi
Horizontal (yatay) gastroplasti (HGB)
Anterior gastroplasti
Vertikal band gastroplasti (VBG)
Mide bandi
Tüp (Sleeve) gastrektomi
34. Vertikal Band Gastroplasti
35. Horizontal Gastroplasty question was “why did it need to drain into the jejunum”
-First used in 1971 by Mason; the first operation was the upper pouch was separated but in contnuity with the lower pouch; the pouches were separated by a un-reinforced stoma;the fundus was then more distensible and the operation failed
This was re-popularized by Gomez in 1977 by reinforcing stoma on the greater curvature of the stomach. The pouch was 50cc, and the stoma was 12mm
Good weight loss early on --> Gomez reported on his success in 1981 with 200 pts, but the follow up was only 18-24 months,-->there was 19% incidence of complications - including leaks, stenoses[2%], disruptions[7%], splenectomy, etc; 12% of these patients had to be revised;
--->reported %EBWL was 63% at one year and then stayed at 64% for the next two years-----> everyone started doing it, then long termdata showed it did not work
No safer – same amount of wound infections, etc
Remember that the fundus is the most distensible portion of the stomachquestion was “why did it need to drain into the jejunum”
-First used in 1971 by Mason; the first operation was the upper pouch was separated but in contnuity with the lower pouch; the pouches were separated by a un-reinforced stoma;the fundus was then more distensible and the operation failed
This was re-popularized by Gomez in 1977 by reinforcing stoma on the greater curvature of the stomach. The pouch was 50cc, and the stoma was 12mm
Good weight loss early on --> Gomez reported on his success in 1981 with 200 pts, but the follow up was only 18-24 months,-->there was 19% incidence of complications - including leaks, stenoses[2%], disruptions[7%], splenectomy, etc; 12% of these patients had to be revised;
--->reported %EBWL was 63% at one year and then stayed at 64% for the next two years-----> everyone started doing it, then long termdata showed it did not work
No safer – same amount of wound infections, etc
Remember that the fundus is the most distensible portion of the stomach
36. Vertical Band Gastroplasti First used in 1980
Relatively easy, fast
Physiologic; the duodenum is intact so the absorption of calcium and iron is maintained;
Outlet reinforced with polypropylene mesh
Avoid anastomosis
No ulcers
Access to stomach
First used in 1980
Relatively easy, fast
Physiologic; the duodenum is intact so the absorption of calcium and iron is maintained;
Outlet reinforced with polypropylene mesh
Avoid anastomosis
No ulcers
Access to stomach
37. Ayarlanabilir Stomali Mide Bandi
39. Sleeve Gastrektomi
40. Kombine yöntemler Biliopankreatik diversiyon (BPD) (Scopinaro; Kombine, restriktif + malabsorbtif)
Duodenal switch (Hess, DeMeester; PKVST Gastrektomi + BPD = BPD+DS)
Gastrik bypass
42. Gastrik Bypass
43. Gastric Bypass + Roux-en-Y University of Kentucky,
First reported Randomized, prospective study of RYGB vs JI Bypass
32 pts in the GBP, 27 in the JI Bypass
GBP associated with more EARLY complications, indicating that it is more technically demanding, yet there were more late complications with the JI bypass
56% had diarrhea and most of these pts needed anti-diarrheal meds . . . All patients had fatty livers to begin with by biopsy; Liver biopsies were done at 1 year in half of each group; the GBP group all showed no change or improvement, while 12/15 pts in the JI group got worse
Also note that 10/27 required rehospitalization, 10/27 required reoperations in the JI group; the gastric bypass group had 4/32 rehospitalizations and no re-operations
It was in this study(after the 7th GBP patient that the GBP evolved from the loop --> to the Roux configuration; stimulated by the bilious vomiting .. .
The JI Bypass was done in the way advocated by Scott et al, the jejunum was transected 30cm distal to the ligament of Treitz and anastomosed to 25cm proximal to the cecum
University of Kentucky,
First reported Randomized, prospective study of RYGB vs JI Bypass
32 pts in the GBP, 27 in the JI Bypass
GBP associated with more EARLY complications, indicating that it is more technically demanding, yet there were more late complications with the JI bypass
56% had diarrhea and most of these pts needed anti-diarrheal meds . . . All patients had fatty livers to begin with by biopsy; Liver biopsies were done at 1 year in half of each group; the GBP group all showed no change or improvement, while 12/15 pts in the JI group got worse
Also note that 10/27 required rehospitalization, 10/27 required reoperations in the JI group; the gastric bypass group had 4/32 rehospitalizations and no re-operations
It was in this study(after the 7th GBP patient that the GBP evolved from the loop --> to the Roux configuration; stimulated by the bilious vomiting .. .
The JI Bypass was done in the way advocated by Scott et al, the jejunum was transected 30cm distal to the ligament of Treitz and anastomosed to 25cm proximal to the cecum
44. Laparoskopik Roux en-Y Gastrik ByPass (RYGBP)
47. Diger yöntemler Gastrik balon
Distelleri (dental fiksasyon)
Kusak (waist cord)
Mide sarmalanmasi (gastric wrapping)
Mide klibi ile gastroplasti
Fobi-pos ameliyati
Lateral hipotalamusun elektrokoagülasyonu
Trunkal vagotomi
48. Bariatrik cerrahinin uygulanma sikligi Operasyon tipi Siklik % ABD Dünya
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass 85 65
BPD/DS 12 4
Vertical banded gastroplasty 7 5
Adjustable gastric banding - 24
Gastric banding 5
Silastic ring gastroplasty 4
Laparoscopic bariatric surgery 3
49. Bariatrik cerrahinin uygulanma sikligi Dünyada bariatrik operasyonlardan;
Gastric bypass’in % 55’i,
Adjustable gastric banding’in % 100’ü,
Duodenal switch’in % 30’u ve
Vertical banded gastroplasty’nin %30’u,
laparoskopik yöntemlerle yapilmaktadir.
50. Obezite cerrahisinin komplikasyonlari Mortalite hizi % 0.6
Morbidite hizi % 20
Majör komp. % 6.6
Gastroint. leaks % 0.8
Splenic yaralanma % 3
Pulmoner % 4.9
Tromboembolizm % 1 MOY % 0.8
Yara ayrilmasi % 0.4
Kanama % 0.9
Gastrik dilatasyon %0.3
Line sepsis % 0.9
Paralitik ileus %0.9
Myonecrosis % 0.1
51. Obezite cerrahisinin gastrointestinal komplikasyonlari Dumping
Vitamin/mineral yetersizlikleri
Staple line failure
Stenosis/bowel obstruction
Splenic injury
Ölüm (perioperatively)
Artroz %
Hipertansiyon %
Uyku apnesi %