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Taxonomy & CLASSIFICATION . Scientific Names. Taxonomy is the science of classifying organisms and assigning each an official name Early methods described physical characteristics in great detail

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  1. Taxonomy & CLASSIFICATION

  2. Scientific Names • Taxonomy is the science of classifying organisms and assigning each an official name • Early methods described physical characteristics in great detail • Post Oak Tree - “Oak with deeply divided leaves that have no hairs on the undersides and no teeth around their leaf edges”

  3. Current classification system is based on the work of Carl Linneaus grouping organisms together based on common structural characteristics. • (Called taxon/taxa) • Binomial Nomenclature- a two word naming system using the genus and species names • (Post Oak - Quercus stellata)

  4. LINNAEUS’S SYSTEM (7 LEVELS) • Kingdom • Phylum • Class • Order • Family • Genus • species Big Small

  5. Common name: Blob Fish Scientific Name: Psychrolutesmarcidus When written the genus is always capitalized and the species is not.

  6. Grizzly bear Black bear Giant panda Red fox Abert squirrel Coral snake Sea star KINGDOM Animalia PHYLUM Chordata CLASS Mammalia ORDER Carnivora FAMILY Ursidae GENUS Ursus SPECIES arctos

  7. How to remember the order of taxa? KingdomPhylumClassOrderFamilyGenusSpecies • King Phillip Came Over For Good Soup • Kids Prefer Candy Over Fresh Green Salad • Killer Piranhas Can Often Find Good Sushi

  8. LINNAEUS’S SYSTEM (7 LEVELS) • Kingdom • Phylum • Class • Order • Family • Genus • species • DOMAIN Big Small

  9. Why does it help? AS - Classification CC - Taxonomy

  10. Ch.17-1 “The Linnaean System of Classification” • Read pp. 504-507 • Vocabulary terms in box on p. 504 • Questions p. 507 #1-5

  11. Cladograms • Used derived characteristics to show evolutionary relationships among a group of organisms Conical Shells Appendages Crustaceans Gastropod Crab Barnacle Limpet Crab Barnacle Limpet Molted exoskeleton Segmentation Tiny free-swimming larva CLASSIFICATION BASED ON VISIBLE SIMILARITIES CLADOGRAM

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