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MSP 51. : PENGELOLAAN PENCEMARAN PERAIRAN 2(2-3). Pencemaran & Kualitas Air. Dr.Ir . Sigid Hariyadi , MSc. What is pollution ?.

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  1. MSP 51. : PENGELOLAAN PENCEMARAN PERAIRAN 2(2-3) Pencemaran & KualitasAir Dr.Ir. SigidHariyadi, MSc.

  2. What is pollution ? Pollution is the introduction by man, directly or indirectly, of substances or energy, to the marine environment resulting in such deleterious effects as harm to living resources; hazard to human health; hindrance of marine activities including fishing; impairment of the quality for use of seawater; and reduction of ammenities. Contamination is the presence of elevated concentrations of substances in the water, sediments or organisms, i.e. concentrations that are above the natural background level for the area and for the organism. (United Nations Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Polution – GESAMP)

  3. Point Source:discharge of pollutants from single point. (i.e. from: factories, power plants, sewage treatment plants, oil wells). Non-point Source:sources of water pollution that are scattered or diffuse, not having a specific location. (i.e. from: farm fields, golf courses, cities, residentials, roads, clearcut forests, plantations, mines, etc.).

  4. Watershed Map

  5. KUALITAS AIR ? Kualitas air adalah karakter (sifat) air yang digambarkan oleh nilai-nilai dari berbagai macam faktor / karakteristik / komponen kualitas air (yang sering disebut sebagai parameter kualitas air)

  6. Parameter Fisik: Warna Kecerahan (kedalaman Secchi) Kekeruhan Padatan tersuspensi (TSS) Padatan terlarut (TDS) Daya Hantar Listrik (conductivity) Temperatur Bau Rasa

  7. Parameter Kimia: Salinitas Alkalinitas Kesadahan pH Oksigen terlarut (DO) BOD COD N (Amonia, Nitrat, Nitrit) P (total, Orthophosphate) Si Deterjen (surfactant) Minyak & lemak, hidrokarbon CN (sianida) H2S (sulfida) Phenols Fe (besi) Pestisida (organochlorine, organophosphate) Logam/logam berat: • Hg • Pb • Cu • Cd • Cr+6 • Zn • As • Ni • Se • dll.

  8. Parameter Mikrobiologi: Coliform Fecal coliform (E. coli) Bakteri pathogen: • Salmonella • Shigella dysenteriae • Vibrio cholerae

  9. sesuai jenis industri/ kegiatan • Baku mutu air limbah • sungai, danau, waduk • Baku mutu perairan • laut PARAMETER KUNCI • fungsi perairan • potensi pencemaran (jenis kegiatan, limbah)

  10. Sebagai acuan penentuan Parameter kunci : • KEP-51/MENLH/10/1995 – Baku Mutu Limbah Cair Kegiatan Industri • KEP-52/MENLH/10/1995 – Baku Mutu Limbah Cair Kegiatan Perhotelan • KEP-58/MENLH/12/1995 – Baku Mutu Limbah Cair Kegiatan Rumah Sakit. • minuman ringan • sabun, deterjen & prod. • minyak nabati • industri bir • baterai kering • industri cat • industri farmasi • industri pestisida • Industri soda kostik • pelapisan logam • penyamakan kulit • minyak sawit • pulp dan kertas • karet • gula • tapioka • tekstil • pupuk urea • ethanol • MSG • kayu lapis • susu & mds

  11. ·KEP-51/MENLH/10/1995 – Baku MutuLimbahCairKegiatan Industri, ·KEP-52/MENLH/10/1995 – Baku MutuLimbahCairKegiatan Perhotelan, ·KEP-58/MENLH/12/1995 – Baku MutuLimbahCairKegiatan RumahSakit, ·KEP-42/MENLH/10/1996 - Baku MutuLimbahCairkegiatan minyakdan gas sertapanasbumi, ·Kep. MENLH No. 112 Tahun 2003 - Baku Mutu Air LimbahDomestik, ·Kep. MENLH No. 113 Tahun 2003 - Baku mutu air limbah kegiatanpertambanganbatubara.

  12. Kep. MENLH No. 112 Tahun 2003: Baku Mutu Air Limbah Domestik

  13. Industri/ Pen. Miny. Pulp Ka - Gu - Tapi Te k Pu - Eta - MS Kayu Susu Soft Bir Kegiatan: kulit sawit krtas ret la oka stil puk nol G lapis &mds drink BOD l l l l l l l l l l l l l COD l l l l l l l l l l l l l pH l l l l l l l l l l l l l l TSS l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Minyak l l l l l l - lemak Amonia l l l l Ph enol l l Sulfida l l l l N total l l l l Cyanida l Cr l l Parameter dalam baku mutu air limbah berbagai industri atau kegiatan sesuai SK MENLH (1995, 1996, 2003)

  14. Parameter dalam baku mutu air limbah berbagai industri atau kegiatan sesuai SK MENLH (1995, 1996, 2003) Sigid Hariyadi’08

  15. PERATURAN PEMERINTAH (PP) RI No. 82 Th. 2001 TENTANG PENGELOLAAN KUALITAS AIR DAN PENGENDALIAN PENCEMARAN KLASIFIKASI MUTU AIR (PASAL 8 ayat 1): • KELAS I : air peruntukan air baku air minum • KELAS II: air peruntukan prasarana/sarana rekreasi air, • budidaya ikan air tawar, peternakan, • pengairan tanaman (pertanian) • KELAS III: air peruntukan budidaya ikan air tawar, • peternakan, pengairan tanaman (pertanian) • KELAS IV: air untuk pengairan tanaman (pertanian)

  16. Keputusan MENLH No. 51 Tahun 2004ttgBAKU MUTU AIR LAUT • Baku Mutu Air Laut untuk PERAIRAN PELABUHAN • Baku Mutu Air Laut untuk WISATA BAHARI • Baku Mutu Air Laut untuk BIOTA LAUT

  17. KADAR / KONSENTRASI (mg/L) BAKU MUTU AIR : BEBAN (kg/ton produk ; g/m3) Bebanpencemaran = kadarx debit/ton produk Beban BOD = 100 mg/L x 20 m3/ton = 100 mg/L x 20.000 L/ton = 2000.000 mg/ton = 2 kg/ton produk BOD = 100 mg/L Vol limbah maks= 20 m3/ton Beban BOD = 20 mg/L x 10 L/dt = 200 mg/dt = 200 x 60 x 60 x 24 = 17.280.000 mg/hari = 17,28 kg/hari BOD = 20 mg/L Debit aliran = 10 L/dt

  18. assimilative capacity: • the ability of a body of water to cleanse itself; • its capacity to receive waste waters or toxic materials without deleterious effects and without damage to aquatic life or humans who consume the water.

  19. Klasifikasi limbah(Clark, 1986): • Limbah mudah urai (degradable wastes) • 2. Limbah mudah luruh (dissipating wastes) • Partikel (particulate) • Limbah konservatif/awet (conservative wastes)

  20. 1 . Limbah mudah urai (degradable wastes)  limbah organik – dekomposisi (CO2, NH3) • ·limbah domestik, perkotaan • · limbah pertanian, pabrik gula, kertas (pulp) • · limbah pengolahan makanan, minuman • · minyak, dll.

  21. 2. Limbah mudah luruh (dissipating wastes) • dgn cepat kehilangan daya rusak/racun begitu masuk ke perairan ·panas: faktor debit, arus ·asam-basa: laut punya kapasitas buffer yang besar ·Cyanide: terdissosiasi dgn cepat di air laut, dampak kecil

  22. 3. Partikel (particulate) ·debu/partikel lumpur/tanah, penambangan pasir ·abu sisa pembakaran (batubara) ·plastik

  23. 4. Limbah konservatif/awet (conservative wastes)  tidak dapat terdekomposisi & tidak hilang/luruh ·logam berat ·halogenated hydrocarbons (pestisida, PCB, POPS) ·radioaktifitas

  24. OXYGEN-DEMANDING WASTES • Examples: Organic waste such as animal manure and plant debris that can be decomposed by aerobic (oxygen-requiring) bacteria • Major Human Sources: Sewage, animal feedlots, paper mills, and food processing facilities • Harmful Effects: Large populations of bacteria decomposing these wastes can degrade water quality by depleting water of dissolved oxygen. This causes fish and other forms of oxygen-consuming aquatic life to die.

  25. Pollution of Streams • Oxygen sag curve • Factors influencing recovery: flow rates and amount of pollutants

  26. Ocean Pollution: Sources Fig. 22-11 p. 504

  27. Case Study: Chesapeake Bay • Largest US estuary • Relativelyshallow • Slow “flushing” action to Atlantic (1% of waste is flushed into Atlantic • Major problems with dissolved O2 due to eutrophication (NO3 and P04) • Fallen oyster, crabs and fish harvest due to pollution, overfishing and diseases

  28. Terimakasih

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