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2. Agenda. EUL Program OverviewEUL InitiativesEUL EnergyEULs by MAJCOMSuccessThe Future. 3. EUL Overview. Air Force is authorized to execute Enhanced Use Leasing transactions under 10 USC 2667Fiscally constrained AF environment, increasingly important to mine, unlock and return the value to the Air Force Community and Bases.
1. 12 October 2011 1 Air Force EULEnhanced Use Lease Program Charleston Industry Forum
15 October 2008
2. 2
3. 3 EUL Overview
4. 4 AFRPA is a Field Operating Agency reporting directly to SAF/IEI.
Dotted lines indicate that while not in the direct chain of command, AFRPA works closely with both General Counsel and SAF/IEE.
SAF/GCN attorneys are located in AFRPA Kelly and McClellan officesAFRPA is a Field Operating Agency reporting directly to SAF/IEI.
Dotted lines indicate that while not in the direct chain of command, AFRPA works closely with both General Counsel and SAF/IEE.
SAF/GCN attorneys are located in AFRPA Kelly and McClellan offices
5. 5
6. 6 Transformation: AFRPA can assist you across the entire infrastructure lifecycle
EUL is a powerful tool, but not the only tool in your toolbox
Corporate PfM enhances visibility on your assets (i.e., low value leases)
Provide options to help optimize asset utilization
Conduct complex Business Case Analysis to identify options
Identify alternate ways of conducting business
Holistic Real Property support --- embedded legal expertise
Provide market perspective for AMP initiative
Leverage our expertise for complex market and value based transactions
Deal lifecycle support - broker, negotiate, and close transactions
Navigate Secretariat processes and assist with policy
Comprehensive post closing support
Strong partnerships building w/ stakeholders to ensure deal closure
Assist with resolution to encroachment issues
Apply our portfolio management expertise and best practices techniques at your base, MAJCOM, and enterprise level
Asset Management:
Gaining value, while managing encroachment
Proceeds supplement unfunded MILCON and O&M requirements
Increase community support, boost local development and economic growth
Encourage innovation through commercial, market-based projects that meet installation mission needs
Reduce dependence on MILCON
Transformation: AFRPA can assist you across the entire infrastructure lifecycle
EUL is a powerful tool, but not the only tool in your toolbox
Corporate PfM enhances visibility on your assets (i.e., low value leases)
Provide options to help optimize asset utilization
Conduct complex Business Case Analysis to identify options
Identify alternate ways of conducting business
Holistic Real Property support --- embedded legal expertise
Provide market perspective for AMP initiative
Leverage our expertise for complex market and value based transactions
Deal lifecycle support - broker, negotiate, and close transactions
Navigate Secretariat processes and assist with policy
Comprehensive post closing support
Strong partnerships building w/ stakeholders to ensure deal closure
Assist with resolution to encroachment issues
Apply our portfolio management expertise and best practices techniques at your base, MAJCOM, and enterprise level
Asset Management:
Gaining value, while managing encroachment
Proceeds supplement unfunded MILCON and O&M requirements
Increase community support, boost local development and economic growth
Encourage innovation through commercial, market-based projects that meet installation mission needs
Reduce dependence on MILCON
7. 7 EUL Initiatives Increased Congressional interest
Provide quarterly HASC/SASC briefings, ad hoc when requested
Additional internal AF coordination, outreach and education to ensure sustainment with future mission requirements
Increased involvement with community and state
Grants/economic development/incentives
Tax revenue and provision of services
Role and involvement of AAFES and Services
Charter and Department of Defense policy forthcoming
Continuing to strengthen and refine the EUL process
3 Rapid Improvement Events with Air Force Civil Engineering (A7C), AFCESA, MAJCOMS
Enhanced Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Process
Policy Change
Davis Bacon Labor Rates
Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection (AT/FP) The first five bullets are the overarching thrusts to partner with stakeholders.
The last bullet outlines the programmatic initiatives
Davis Bacon is done and does not apply to commercial development of EULs outside the fence.
AT/FP DoDI and UFC currently being revised and anticipate it will not apply to commercial development of EULs outside the fence.The first five bullets are the overarching thrusts to partner with stakeholders.
The last bullet outlines the programmatic initiatives
Davis Bacon is done and does not apply to commercial development of EULs outside the fence.
AT/FP DoDI and UFC currently being revised and anticipate it will not apply to commercial development of EULs outside the fence.
8. 8 EUL Energy Initiatives Continued emphasis on renewable energy opportunities
Development of EUL Energy Strategic Plan
Partnering with AFCESA and AFCEE
Aligned to support EO 13423 and AF Energy Strategies
Collaborate with Federal, State and Industry stakeholders in RFQ/RFP/RFX development
Stakeholder outreach and playbook development
Establish Energy AF EUL team
Continue efforts at Edwards, Luke and Malmstrom AFB
California Planning Meeting for Solar Projects on Federal Land:
Discuss AF solar energy initiatives in SW, specifically the Edwards Project (deconstruction and viability), determine how to use BLM withdrawn land for energy EULs.
Received support of the California Resources Agency for the Edwards Energy EUL
Determined timeframe to reissue the Edwards solicitation
Energy Generation Projects (EGPs) Execution Cycle RIE
Goals: Generate energy project ideas and accelerate deal closure. Understand how to attract and develop our deal makers. Identify and address issues that impede project initialization and closure. Prepare message for GovEnergy Day and set date for next RIE.
Identified impediments to current process
Identified lessons learned from MHPI that can be applied to Energy EULs
Determined an ideal state
Brainstormed future concepts
Energy EUL Rapid Improvement Event (RIE)
Goals: “Map" the Energy-EUL process. Revise current playbook to include energy steps.
Determined when a energy project would be a EUL or not to include lead FOA
Mapped a preliminary review process to be accomplished by AFCESA
Discussed Pro’s and Con’s of Changing to a Two-step RFX Process
Mapped additional steps required for a “Two Step” solicitation process
California Planning Meeting for Solar Projects on Federal Land:
Discuss AF solar energy initiatives in SW, specifically the Edwards Project (deconstruction and viability), determine how to use BLM withdrawn land for energy EULs.
Received support of the California Resources Agency for the Edwards Energy EUL
Determined timeframe to reissue the Edwards solicitation
Energy Generation Projects (EGPs) Execution Cycle RIE
Goals: Generate energy project ideas and accelerate deal closure. Understand how to attract and develop our deal makers. Identify and address issues that impede project initialization and closure. Prepare message for GovEnergy Day and set date for next RIE.
Identified impediments to current process
Identified lessons learned from MHPI that can be applied to Energy EULs
Determined an ideal state
Brainstormed future concepts
Energy EUL Rapid Improvement Event (RIE)
Goals: “Map" the Energy-EUL process. Revise current playbook to include energy steps.
Determined when a energy project would be a EUL or not to include lead FOA
Mapped a preliminary review process to be accomplished by AFCESA
Discussed Pro’s and Con’s of Changing to a Two-step RFX Process
Mapped additional steps required for a “Two Step” solicitation process
9. Air Force EULs by MAJCOM
10. 10 The Future of AF EUL Endless opportunities exist
We have momentum and gaining speed… more to come
Partnership is key
11. 11 For More Information