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Heddiw: Biosffer Dyfi, Byd Gwaith a Sgiliau Cyfathrebu Today: Dyfi Biosphere, the World of Work and Communication Skills. Rydym yn dysgu:. We are learning to:. Identify people who work within the Dyfi Biosphere Develop learners’ understanding of the world of work
Heddiw: Biosffer Dyfi, Byd Gwaith a Sgiliau CyfathrebuToday: Dyfi Biosphere, the World of Work and Communication Skills Rydym yn dysgu: We are learning to: Identify people who work within the Dyfi Biosphere Develop learners’ understanding of the world of work Develop activities which improve learners’ communication skills. • Adnabod pobl sy’n gweithio ym Miosffer Dyfi • Datblygu dealltwriaeth dysgwyr o Fyd Gwaith • Datblygu sgiliau cyfathrebu dysgwyr
Datblygu sgiliau cyfathrebu dysgwyrDevelop learners’ communication skills
Datblygu sgiliau cyfathrebu dysgwyrDevelop learners’ communication skills
Sesiwn 1: Beth sy’n gwneud cyfweliad radio da?Session 1: What makes a good radio interview? Rwy’n chwilio am: I’m looking for: Careful listening A group discussion A list of success criteria • Wrandawiad astud • Drafodaeth grwp • Restr o feini prawf llwyddiant Cyfathrebu: Siarad a Gwrando Communication: Speaking and listening Meddwl: Pennu meini prawf llwyddiant Thinking: Determining success criteria
mwyaf pwysig most important List your success criteria You might want to consider using this diamond ranking grid Try to justify why you have place your success criteria in this order . Gosodwch eich meini prawf llwyddiant mewn trefn restrol. Byddech chi’n gallu defnyddio’r grid trefn ddiemwnt hwn. Ceisiwch gyfiawnhau’r drefn rydych chi wedi gosod eich meini prawf llwyddiant. lleiaf pwysig least important
Ewch ati i pennu meini prawf llwyddiant ar gyfer eich eitem newyddion eich hunan. Decide on success criteria for your own radio item.
Sesiwn 2: Sut gallwn lunio dilyniant o gwestiynau da?Session 2: How can we prepare a sequence of good questions? Rwy’n chwilio am: I’m looking for: A variety of questions A group discussion A sequence of questions • Amrywiaeth o gwestiynau • Drafodaeth grwp • Dilyniant o gwestiynau Meddwl: Gofyn Cwestiynau Thinking: Asking questions
Sesiwn 3: Sut gallwn ddatblygu’r geirfa angenrheidiol?Session 3: How can we develop the necessary vocabulary? Cyfathrebu: Siarad a Gwrando Communication: Speaking and listening Cyfathrebu: Darllen Communication: Reading
Sesiwn 4: Ymarfer a recordioSession 4: Practise and record Cyfathrebu: Siarad a Gwrando Communication: Speaking and listening Meddwl: Monitro cynnydd Thinking: Monitoring progress
Sesiwn 4: Ymarfer a recordioSession 4: Practise and record • Golau oren > yn barod • Botwm coch a golau coch > Recordio • Botwm coch > Stopio • Botwm gwyrdd > Gwrando • Orange light > Ready • Red button and red light > Record • Red button > Stop • Green button > Listen
Byddech chi’n gallu defnyddio’r diagram PMD hwn i gofnodi pethau llwyddiannus (+), pethau oedd ddim mor llwyddiannus (-), a’r pethau diddorol (i). Consider using this PMI diagram to record what was successful (+) and unsuccessful (-). Your might want to consider making a note of what you thought was interesting. + - d