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Explore semantic differences in verb constructions with infinitives, gerunds, and present participles using rhetorical questions. Suitable for social-linguistic students in English as a foreign language. Technology required: computer, printed/fotocopied worksheets, or computer with video projection. Engage students in active participation and individual/group work to increase grammar comprehension. Utilize a combination of worksheets and visual aids for effective learning. Foster collaboration and problem-solving in a student-centered environment.
Sledeċi slajd Zavod za unapređivanje vaspitanja i obrazovanja Prebacite na Slide Show View (bez prikaza u Word formatu) Željko Buljovčić Gimnazija “Svetozar Marković” Subotica Engleski kao prvi strani jezik to do, doing, either or neither:Semantičke razlike u katenativnim glagolskim konstrukcijama sa infinitivom, gerundom i sadašnjim participom obrađene pomoću retoričkih pitanja IV razred društveno-jezičkog smera (B2) (1) kompjuter za pripremu (2) odštampani ili fotokopirani nastavni listovi, ili kompjuter sa video-bimom za čas Autor rada: Nastavni predmet: Теmа: Uzrast: Potrebna tehnologija: Kliknite ovde za prikaz časa u Word formatu
Sledeċi slajd Rezime: Veština postavljanja “glupih” pitanja • Ova prezentacija predstavlja metod obrade gramatike po ugledu na britanske udžbenike CAE Masterclass i FCE Nelson(Longman) - pomoću retoričkih pitanja, gde je naglasak na neprestanom aktivnom učešću učenika u procesu učenja, kroz individualni rad, ili rad u parovima – gde je tzv. teacher talking timesveden na minimum, a ipak su sve aktivnosti učenika stalno usmerene, i nema “praznog hoda”. • Jedinica se može obraditi na dva načina: (a) nastavnim listom od dve stranice (slajd 5) ili (b) kao Power Point prezentacija video-bimom - u zavisnosti od trenutne situacije, rasporeda, ili opremljenosti škole. Najbolja je kombinacija, tj. da se učenicima podele nastavni listovi koje mogu da ponesu sa časa, a da se koristi i video-bim zbog grafičkih prikaza i raznovrsnosti. • Učenici rade individualno ili u parovima, napredujući kroz nastavni list koji je kombinacija pitanja, problema i manjih drilova, a odgovori ili rešenja se stalno zajednički proveravaju; tempo rada može da varira u izvesnoj meri od učenika do učenika i podstiče se saradnja. • Predavač ne objašnjava mnogo; u idealnom slučaju, njegova uloga se svodi na odgovore “da” i “ne”, ili pak na intervenciju ukoliko vidi ili čuje da ima problema. • U radu stalno učestvuju svi učenici, a načelo učenja od opšteg ka posebnom je donekle modifikovano; retoričkim pitanjima se učenici vode od poznatog ka novom, tako da se u ovom slučaju uči po principu “slagalice” koja se na kraju pretvara u “satni mehanizam” koji funkcioniše prvo sporo, a zatim sve lakše i brže kako čas odmiče. • Za svaki slučaj postoji i rezervni nastavni list sa drilovima (poslednji slajd), ukoliko pojedinim učenicima zatreba dopunsko vežbanje, koje može da se zada i kao domaći zadatak po izboru.
Sledeċi slajd • Nastavna jedinica: • PROMENE ZNAČENJA U REČENICAMA • SA GERUNDOM, INFINITIVOM I SADAŠNJIM PARTICIPOM • (udžbenik, str. 132) • Tip časa: Utvrđivanje gramatike • Trajanje: 2 časa • Nastavna sredstva: • kompjuter za pripremu • fotokopirani nastavni listoviili • kompjuter sa video-bimom za čas Očekivani ishod: Na kraju ovog časa, učenici treba da prepoznaju odnos između morfoloških, sintaktičkih i semantičkih komponenti u rečenicama sa katenativnim glagolima, odnosno gerundom, infinitivom i sadašnjim participom, i samostalno primenjuju sistem pravila u formiranju novih iskaza Potrebno predznanje: Učenici treba da znaju razliku između ličnih i bezličnih glagolskih oblika, odnosno između glagolskih vremena s jedne i infinitiva, gerunda i participa s druge strane. Napomena: Da bi se učenici postakli na aktivnost, tačni odgovori nisu dati ni na slajdovima ni na nastavnom listu – inače bi oni pasivniji samo pročitali odgovor, bez učešća u radu.
Sledeċi slajd Sledeċi slajd Nastavni list, strana (a) i (b):
Sledeċi slajd Tok časa (žuta podloga označava ono što učenici vide na ekranu, tj. nastavnom listu) Uvod(10 minuta): Ponoviti: (1) šta su lični (non-finite) glagolski oblici: gerund, infinitiv(samo bare i to-infinitive), (samo)sadašnji particip; (2) kako razlikovatiličneglagolske oblike, tj. glagolska vremena, odbezličnih Example (a) Study these two cases: (1) Mr Fellows is so old he can remembermeeting King George VI when he was a child. In this sentence, the meeting with the King happens first and Mr Fellows remembers it afterwards. (2) John rememberedto meet the client though he hadn’t made a note in his diary. In this sentence, John remembered first and met the client afterwards. Učenici zatim treba da prepoznajufinite i non-finite glagolske oblikena datim primerima (ponavljanje zbog “slabijih”učenika; “jači” učenici uglavnom na samom početku prepoznaju odnos između značenja dveju rečenica i glagolskih oblika, ili ga znaju iz drugih izvora i kurseva). Mogući problemi: Glagolsko vreme prvog glagola u konstrukciji može da navede na pogrešan zaključak.
Sledeċi slajd Read cases 3-6 and answer the questions: • Case 3 • (a) We saw the young ballerina rehearse for the opening night. • (b) We saw the young ballerina rehearsing for the opening night. • Which of the statements means that you saw: • the whole rehearsal? • only part of what was actually happening?. (Analiza primera radi se frontalno, a dril individualno ili u paru, uz zajedničku proveru) Complete these sentences: (c) We saw him _______________ (cross) the street, and then he entered the shop. (d) We saw him _______________ (cross) the street when he was hit by a car. (e) A charmed audience heard Andrea Bocelli_______________ (sing) at the Arena in Verona. (f) The teacher noticed some of his students _______________ (dance and sing) in the street. (g) Through the open window, tehy saw the group _______________ (practice) for the show. (e) The Simpsons heard the neighbours _______________ (fight) as they passed their front door. (h) The examiner noticed the candidate _______________ (stare) hopelessly out of the room (i) The drama students watched the famous theatre company _______________ (give) their famous version of Romeo and Juliet. Napomena: Power Point prezentacija rezentacija može da se napravi tako da se na ekranu pojavi tačan odgovor, npr. crossing (d) We saw him _______________ (cross) the street when he was hit by a car.
...that he had done it he remembers... (will remember) NOW / LATER he remembered... THEN Sledeċi slajd Read cases 3-6 and answer the questions: • Case 4 • (k) Stuart remembered setting the alarm clock for seven o’clock. • (l) Stuart remembered to set the alarm clock for seven o’clock. • Which statement refers to: • something that happened after Stuart remembered? • something taht happened before Stuart remembered?. Complete these sentences: (n) I don’t remember _______________ (sign) this letter. I think someone forged my signature.. (o) Make sure you remember _______________ (sign) the cheque before posting it. (p) The artist didn’t remember _______________ (sign) this painting – or perhaps it isn’t genuine and that’s why there is no signature. Frontalno, na tabli, ili uz pomoć Power Point animacije:SLAGANJE VREMENA u zavisnoj rečenici kome ova konstrukcijene podleže, jer infinitiv i gerund nisu glagolska vremena: ...that he did it …that he has done it ...and/so he will do it …that he should do it ...that he should do it ...to do it ...doing it ...to do it ...doing it
Sledeċi slajd Read cases 3-6 and answer the questions: • Case 5 • (n) I tried to talk to my boss to explain what I thought about the job. • (o) I tried talkingto my boss to explain what I thought about the job. • Which statement means that: • the speaker talked to his boss? • the speaker didn’t talk to his boss? Complete these sentences: (p) He tried _______________ (turn) the handle but it was jammed and he couldn’t move it. (q) He tried _______________ (turn) the handle but the machine still couldn’t start. (r) ‘Try _______________ (turn) your satellite dish a bit to the left. It might work better,’ Bill advised me. (s) I tried writing to them but I received… (t) I tried to write to them but I couldn’t… (u) I tried locking the door, but… (v) I tried to lock the door, but… Mogući odgovori: (s) … no reply. (t) … find their address. (u) … the burglars came in through the window. (v) … the key broke.
Sledeċi slajd Read cases 3-6 and answer the questions: • Case 6 • (w) I regret to inform you that you’ve failed. • (x) I regret informing her, now she’ll be sad. • Does the regret come before or after the information? • (y) George ______________ (regret, tell) the boss about his health problems – • he didn’t get promotion.. • (z) I regret _______________ (regret, inform) you that your application has been unsuccessful. Rephrase these sentences using regret. More than one answer may be correct. (i) Pete’s sorry he didn’t put more energy into the work. (ii) Unfortunately, we have to inform you that we are not able to deal with your request. (iii) Becky feels awful about the mistake she made. (iv) I know I should have told him. (v) I’m sorry I didn’t show more interest in your idea. (vi) I don’t want to say this but we are unable to do much regarding the situation. Mogući odgovori: (i) Pete regrets not putting more energy into the work. (ii) We regret to inform you that we are not able to deal with your request. (We regret that we are not able to deal with your request.) (iii) Becky regrets making the mistake (iv) I regret not telling him. (v) I regret not showing more interest in your idea. (vi) I regret to say this but we are unable to do much regarding the situation
Sledeċi slajd Read cases 7-10 and answer the questions: • Case 7 • (a) They have forgotten visiting the old castle. • (b) They forgot to visit the old castle. • In which case did they: • not visit the castle because they forgot? • visit the castle, but remembered nothing? Complete these sentences: (c) I’ll never forget _______________ (see) his magnificent victory in the Pacific Games. (d) Don’t forget _______________ (see) Mr Wong before you leave work. (e) You didn’t really forget ______________ (see) the dentist, you just didn’t want to go, did you?
Sledeċi slajd Read cases 7-10 and answer the questions: • Case 8 • (f) Let’s stop thinking about it! • (g) Let’s stop to think about it! • In which of the cases is the question: • important? • unimportant? Complete these sentences: (h) After failing his driving test for the sixth time, Mr Pitt decided to stop _______________ (take) it. (i) The views from the mountain road were magnificent, so we stopped _______________ (take) some photographs. (j) Don’t stop _______________ (take) the pills until you have completely recovered. (k) Mary was so hungry that she couldn’t _______________ (eat) until the bowl was empty. (l) Peter was very hungry, but he couldn’t _______________ (eat) because he was running behind schedule.
Sledeċi slajd Read cases 7-10 and answer the questions: • Case 9 • (m) After The Beauty and the Brute, she went on writing paperback romances • (g) After The Implications of Contemplation, she went on to write paperback romances. • In which of the cases is she: • a failed philosopher who changed to pulp fiction? • a successful writer of cheap books for housewives? Complete these sentences: (o) After describing his adventures in Zimbabwe, Captain Bumbleby went on _______________ (talk) about his voyages in the Atlantic. (p) Although his lecture was supposed to last one hour, Professor Piddlebury went on ________________ (talk) until half of the audience were asleep. (q) If you let him, Josh will go on _______________ (talk) for hours. (r) The women stopped _______________ (talk) for a few moments. They had a lot to tell each other.
Sledeċi slajd Read cases 7-10 and answer the questions: • Case 10 • (s) You need to clean your processor. • (t) Your processor needs cleaning. • (u) Your processor needs to be cleaned. • Who should do it? • Anybody • Somebody else, but not you • You Complete these sentences using need: (v) )You _______________ (not buy) any special equipment for this type of presentation. (w) My hands _______________ (wash), they’re dirty. (x) We _______________ (earn) more money. (y) Your room _______________ (clean). You haven’t cleaned it for days. (z) Bill: ‘You _______________ (not explain) the situation to me because I understand it perfectly.’ Tom: ‘Yes, the situation _______________ any explanation – it’s perfectly clear.’