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Status of NA62

NA62- 3 rd FRC CERN, November 29, 2013. Status of NA62. Augusto Ceccucci / CERN for the NA62 Collaboration. NA62 Physics Goal. NA62 aims to measure precisely BR(K + → p + n n ) exploiting a novel in-flight technique based on: calorimetry to veto extra particles

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Status of NA62

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  1. NA62- 3rd FRC CERN, November 29, 2013 Status of NA62 Augusto Ceccucci / CERN for the NA62 Collaboration

  2. NA62 Physics Goal • NA62 aims to measure precisely BR(K+→p+n n) exploiting a novel in-flight technique based on: • calorimetry to veto extra particles • very light trackers to reconstruct the K+ and the p+momenta • full particle identification • State of the art: • [1] J.Brod, M.Gorbahn, PRD78, arXiv:0805.4119 • [2] AGS-E787/E949 PRL101, arXiv:0808.2459  • [3] M. Gorbahn, arXiv:0909.2221 • [4] KEK-E391a, arXiv:0911.4789v1 • [5] A.J. Buras et al., EPJ C72, arXiv:1208.0934 • [6] CMS PAS BPH-13-007; LHCb-CONF-2013-012

  3. Example: Rare K decay sensitivity to flavor violating Z’ Buras, De Fazio, Girrbach arXiv: Grossman-Nir limit ← → Allowed by AGS E949/E787 Left Handed Z’ large Vub Constrained MFV • Left Handed Z’ large Vub NA62 is timely and important

  4. NA62 Layout: 2012 TR vs. 2014

  5. NA62 2012 Technical Run A lot of progress was made on the infrastructure, services, beam and detector installation for the 2012 Technical Run (TR) NA62 Experimental Area in late 2012

  6. Analysis of the TR Data • Selection of K+→p+p0 events to: • Assess the performance of beam and detectors • Study of the timing correlation between detectors • Analysis selection: • Identification of at least two electromagnetic clusters in LKr • Reconstruction of the p0 four-momentum imposing the p0 mass constraint • Reconstruct the p+using the p0information and the K+ four-momentum as defined by the beam constraint • As a result, K+→p+p0events exhibit a peak in the missing mass:

  7. NA62 Timing in TR s(CEDAR-LKr)~0.36 ns • s(CHOD-CEDAR)~0.41 ns • s(MUV3-CEDAR)~0.46 ns • s(MUV2-CEDAR)~3.5 ns

  8. Missing mass after all cuts Final selection: • Kaon candidate in KTAG (CEDAR) • No in-time muon

  9. KTAG Performance in TR RMS 280 ps/hit CEDAR tuned to see Kaons Green selection: p0 in LKr Blue selection:K+→p+p0 A few % of non-kaon contamination in the Green selection could be due, for instance, to p0 originating from p+ interactions in the dummy GTK;

  10. Straw rate vs. beam offset • Comparison of three conditions: • “Standard”: ~1.7 bar N2 in CEDAR • “Dummy GTK”: “Standard” + 380 mm thick Si • plate crossing the beam at GTK3 position • “Dummy GTK, CEDAR empty”: • as above with evacuated CEDAR (to mimic H2) Straws Innermost straw Y Beam offset X • Observations: • Si in the beam: overall increase of counting rate • Emptying the CEDAR: Reduction of beam RMS

  11. NA62 Run in 2014 NA62 Beam Request

  12. 2014 Physics Goal • Assumptions: • 60 days of data taking • 10% of the nominal Intensity x data taking efficiency • Aiming to reach the SM sensitivity: • May provide a BR measurement competitive with the existing one... • ...or find out what is still missing to do so...

  13. Overall Status • GTK: The TDCPix ASIC has been received and testing is about to start. Flip-chip bonding has been adjudicated to IZM Berlin and dummy assemblies are in preparation. Prototypes of Si-Si micro-channel cooling are in hands. Tender for the cooling plant in preparation • Straw Tracker: Five out of eight modules are glued and wired. The first complete JINR module has arrived at CERN successfully. All needed straws have been produced in Dubna. All the Front–End electronics will be delivered by the end of 2013. Design of the final SRB has started (critical element) • RICH: Minor delays in the procurement of the RICH vessel (delivery now scheduled for January 2014). The fabrication of the mirror support panel as well as the design work for the mirror mounts are on the critical path • Photon Veto: A1-A9 are installed, A10-A11 are ready to be installed, A12 (which is not in the vacuum tank) is completely designed • LKr / CREAM readout: The preproduction is being validated. Production modules (14 k channels) expected by mid 2014. the delivery schedule is on the critical path. • MUV: The delay of the delivery of MUV1 has implications on the installation

  14. Gigatracker ASIC (TDCPix) The wafers with TDCPix ASICs were delivered in October 2013 IBM CMOS, 130 nm technology

  15. GTK TDCPix ASIC • Pixel matrix • (one chip) Note the End of Column logic on the RHS 1800 pixels / chip 10 chips / station 3 stations • ~20 mm ~12 mm Photo Credits: A. Kluge/M. Morel Detail

  16. GTK: micro channel cooling • Baseline design: 150 parallel cooling channels (200 mm × 70 mm, C6F14) • Prototypes have been produced and tested under realistic conditions • Preproduction runs of Si-Si bonded devices with IceMOS and CEA-LETI • Tender for cooling plant underway Not to scale! Courtesy of A. Mapelli

  17. Status of Straws Construction (13/11/2014) Wiring of Module 6 By Hans Danielsson

  18. Straws Module 3: from Dubna to CERN! Module 3 built in JINR Dubna… …and now at CERN!

  19. Straw Front-End One view of Module 1 fully equipped

  20. LAV: Completion of A10 Last -sectorinstalled on 19 September, congratulations to INFN!

  21. LAV: A12 Design completed

  22. MUV1 Construction in Mainz

  23. MUV2 and MUV3 in TR MUV2 MUV3

  24. NA62 TDAQ • Successful deployment of NA62 TDAQ equipment in ECN3 • TDCB finalized: 15 boards used in dry/ technical run • TEL62: DDR2 dynamic memory for data storage validated • 15 TEL62 deployed • Issues with crates being fixed TEL62 and TDCB TEL62 crate ready for data taking

  25. LKR CREAM preproduction Delivery by CAEN of 440 production modules by mid 2014 Contract No. F599/PH

  26. Expected Level 0 Trigger Rate G. Ruggiero Signal efficiency ~85% Nominal Intensity, no pile-up

  27. NA62 Schedule Schedule by F. Hahn

  28. NA62 Schedule Schedule by F. Hahn

  29. Summary • We have learned a lot from the experience of the Technical Run in 2012 • We have ten very busy months in front of us to be ready for the 2014 run • We are grateful for the proactive commitment of the Funding Agencies • The NA62 Collaboration wishes to acknowledge the invaluable support provided by the Support, Technical and Administrative teams of CERN and the Collaborating Institutes

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